this frightens the Sup Forums
This frightens the Sup Forums
Why do leftists love to compare everything to fiction?
>this frightens Sup Forums
Please god bring it. Her suffering brings me joy
Because their ideals are based in fantasy
I'm unfamiliar with game of thrones. What sort of revenge is being implied?
wtf, I'm literally shaking
didn't that dude cry on live television when she lost? pathetic.
Shillposting with a Sup Forums pass.
Damn, did David give you guys a raise?
Isn't that the show which feminists complain about how all the women get totally assraped and destroyed? Can't wait if true
you realise that that disclaimer would easily be struck down by a court, right?
Fuck off, Eichenwald.
The better question is why these people put so much faith in these obviously flawed and corrupt public figures and prop them up as proxies through which they channel their virtues? It's fucking mind-boggling.
Hillary Clinton is a massive pile of shit by any fucking measure, regardless of your political bias. Stop worshipping people.
I hear congress is investing Soros over Macedonia. What's that about? I heard the words Albania and Clinton come up a few times.
>Because their ideals are based in fantasy
That's really it though isn't it?
So far removed from anything rooted in reality and common sense, that using fictional works as a comparative placeholder is the only way they can rationalize their views. How odd, that of all things, they use fantasy as the glue to hold their ideology together, and as the years pass, that glue fails to maintain cohesion.
not to mention its the leftists themselves who are writing that fantasy and creating those evil characters they compare their enemies to
She lost because she was incompetent, and nothing has changed.
In GOT revenge schemes are these needlessly complicated plots with tons of "AHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DO X BUT INSTEAD I DID Y" which are all fucking retarded since apparently in the GOT universe you could just walk up and stab people and they would not care.
Liberalism is based around idealism. Conservatism is based around pragmatism.
This is why old people are more conservative than young folk. Once exposed to decades of reality the 'amazing ideas' of youth are proved to be bullshit and therefore cast aside.
And not even good fiction. He could say I Claudius at least.
replace arya starks training with a montage of hillary having seizures repeatedly
They don't know any history to reference, so they have to compare it to what they do know: fiction.
I'm still bummed she didn't have one in the middle of a debate or something. That's just about the only thing that could have made the elections somehow even better.
So Hillary and friends will be at the Red Wedding?
>deadly weapon
>The conservatives are like Death Eaters and all of us are Gryffindors! Take that fascists!
Liberals seem to only be able to think about real life events in terms of fantasy and fiction. I wonder why that is?
>Jethro Nededog
Seriously? Thats an actual name?
You're right. It frightens me that grown adults get most of their news from late night comedians.
the greatest thing was the fact hillary patted herself on the back at her rallys for the fact she stood up for 3 debates and deemed her to have enough stamina to be president
GOT style revenge usually includes tons of brutal violence, no? Is this what the liberal really wants?
Compared with just waiting 4 years and just trying to win an election?
Also, doesn't "GoT-style revenge" imply she's going to murder someone?
seth meyers looks like a fucking weasel
Apparently in Australia
wouldn't be the first time
She sat at the second one.
That was one of my favorite little bits of Trump body language when he started out playing along neatly perched on his stool, but then got up and stood the whole time when the sparks started to fly, even making a point of standing behind the chair when he wasn't talking so as to not be too overtly threatening.
>Once exposed to decades of reality the 'amazing ideas' of youth are proved to be bullshit and therefore cast aside.
Agreed, but there's an apparent delay within the younger (really our own) generation, in that we're psychologically stunted, at least collectively.
The boomers sure did a number on the millennial generations with their rhetoric, to the degree that I'm unsure if we'll ever truly mature. Emotionalism has more or less taken over the cultural narrative.
She's (Hillary) going to fuck her brother, have the (incest) baby and raise it to take down Trump's kingdom, while she slowly goes mad and kills her family.
It frightens me that they openly cheer horrific violence to dissenters who just want to live a good life
That's what they're really saying here-"Bow before us or die"
wouldnt be the first time
I love Mike Pence
Thats the thing, it couldn't be.
Thats like saying theres names like Mehmet in Germany, oh wait...
So she's going to try murder him?
Isn't that a threat to the president?
liberals crave instant gratification
How? Does she plan on kissing up to all the Whites she shat all over last year?
I guess she'll be the first woman to lose three times. Just roll over and die you cunt.
She's going to jump out of a window?
Neat! wtf I like liberals now
Every day for her is going to be red-wedding tier from now on
Why don't epilectics just lower the refresh rate of their monitors?
Hillary is going to fuck one of her brothers and then sit around drinking while everything she does fails miserably.
So if Mitt Romney or McCain did something horrible to Obama after he beat them, leftists would be ok with this?
What the FUCK has our politics became? This is civil war type shit people. Non-peaceful elections, Non-peaceful transitions of power.
The latter, Obama has shown that he has, as much as some people think he hasn't.
Nah she's going to fuck a male relative.
I have never watched game of thrones. Quick rundown pls
Leftists are so mentally ill and brainwashed they can only comprehend real world events when compared with fiction.
Everyone dies.
So she's gonna let Trump bang her? Sorry, no thanks.
Sorry dude but this doesn't rile me up. Im not Deutch
Wait, she is going to dig up Seth Rich, and murder him again?
just shitty drama with lots of sex
She only enjoyed Sup Forums at 40%, if she tries something she could get Sup Forums at 60%. No human being has ever survived to that level of exposure to shitposting .
Fucking kek
18 USC 2381
i wish her all the luck in the world
can't wait to see her executed
Those that are sensitive to light do, but anti-seizure medication practically eliminates sensitivity to it. Kikenwald admitted that he disabled gifs by default on Twitter, so he willingly played this gif. He also claimed to be sleep deprived for two days and drunk when he did it, both of which increase sensitivity dramatically.
K, keep me posted.
If the last few months have taught me anything its that America doesn't actually give a shit about enforcing it's laws.
So then how'd that user get arrested? It's clearly his own fault.
Kike Kikenwald is a kike.
Because Kikenwald likely used some political influence with the police
So she's going to murder more people?
Always with the conspiracy theories
Dude, she lost. Get over it.
No one cares about Clinton anymore.
Triple nailed it. Anglosphere anons bringing faith back in Sup Forums
He got caught because he was a jackass and didn't cover his ass. He bragged about trying to cause Kikenwald to seize on a twitter account he signed up for under his own number on his home computer.
In a civil case he would be innocent because Kikenwald was negligent, but in criminal law, he may be guilty because he intended to cause bodily harm.
His name is k.eichenwald
His name is kikenwald
How much money was wasted on CTR creating these awful images
Drumpkins supporters everyone
The most (((experienced))) politician (20+ years) loses to the guy who picked up politics as a hobby. Ok sure whatever makes you happy.
> Conspiracy theories
Keep sleeping user. Gotta protect that brain from upsetting changes.
You think they don't know history? HOW ABOUT LITERALLY HITLER AND THE SIX MILLIONS? Also colonialism and nigger slavery in US South.
One doesn't have to know more than that.
I mean they didn't even try to make it look like they originated from Sup Forums
Given the Parkinson's she probably is too.
> Number #1
So she's number number 1? kek
>Seth Meyers
Just like Ayn Rand did.
Might of came from some art school dropout.
she will commit acts of terrorism? again?
That's going in my pepe collection