What did she mean by this?
>This will be the end of the Trump's presidency says increasingly nervous woman for the 7777th time this term.
>chronic delusion
In the midst of a national financial catastrophe, Rep. Maxine Waters used her position as a senior member of Congress and member of the House Financial Services Committee to prevail upon Treasury officials to meet with OneUnited Bank. She never disclosed that her husband held stock in the bank.
Blumpf BTFO.
Still haven't provided any evidence of wrong doing, but get ready for your god emperor to be impeached, Plumpkins.
>keep me relevant!!!!
She's just a negress using big words to sound important. I doubt she even knows what she's saying.
why do leftist memes suck
why *K*lan rather than clan?
oh shit Trump's in the KKK!!
drumpft btfo
Nigger saying dumb "woke" shit in order get a bunch of retweets from other niggers.
All niggers must fucking hang.
Day of the rope soon!
How this behavior is even allowed by a elected official i have no ideal
is this Rachel Maddow 2.0
Where's she going?
Rep. Waters has assisted her family in making commercial deals from which they have reaped personal financial gain. By allowing the use of her name and authority associated with her position as a member of the House in this manner, Rep. Waters has run afoul of 5 CFR §2635.702(a). In addition, this conduct does not reflect creditably on the House of Representatives. Therefore, the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct should investigate Rep. Waters' connections with L.A. Vote, the AFrican American Committee 2000 & Beyond, the firm of Siebert, Brandford and Shank, and the Chester Washington Golf Course.
I am actually starting to feel embarassed for these people, they are making their old members on their way out shill the most ridiculous shit, Nancy Pelosi is seriously sick
Deep state is in high panic mode
This liberal fuckface needs some white dicks in her ass. I'm not volunteering thouhg.
Hildawg 2016!
If the democrats actually try something like this they will be destroyed. They are just going to go "WE ARE IMPEACHING NOW, WE SWEAR IT" for 4-8 years straight.
das rite
Drumpfkins, you will be mad as hell.... ur drumpf will be impeached
Canada also helped influence American election
do you know how hard I shitposted for Trump?
I've seen my leaf brothers die because they were living off of only syrup and spamming hard eh
>liberals think this is a person
Rep. Waters did not disclose her financial ties to OneUnited to Treasury officials when she requested meetings between regulators and bank officials. A former Bush administration official who helped set up the initial meeting stated, “[Learning of the connection] was upsetting to me. This is something that was potentially politically explosive and embarrassing to the administration. They should have at least let us know.” Treasury officials claimed that although OneUnited also requested a meeting with regulators regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac losses, it was not until the congresswoman intervened that the Treasury Department approved the initial meeting.
Further, sometime in early September 2008, around the same time Rep. Waters asked the Treasury Department to hold the initial meeting, Rep. Waters spoke to Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) about OneUnited and the fact that Mr. Williams previously had served on the board.
Rep.Frank advised her to stay out of matters related to OneUnited because of her husband’s ties to the bank.
Nevertheless, despite Rep. Frank’s advice, Mr. Moore continued to actively assist OneUnited representatives in their quest to receive bailout funds, and worked to craft legislation authorizing Treasury to grant OneUnited’s request.
Rep. Waters defended her actions, claiming the NBA had asked her to request the initial meeting with Treasury, and she released a letter from Mr. Cooper.
Neither the former chairman nor the president of the NBA, however, had been aware of Mr. Cooper’s letter, and the organization began an internal investigation.
Michael A. Grant, the NBA’s president at the time, said it was “absolutely inappropriate” for the letter to go out without the knowledge of the president and the current chairman.
pls don't ever post that again
>"If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion." - Maxine Waters
>"Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal will be about socializing...uh, um...Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies." - Rep. Maxine Waters
she herself doesn't know what she meant, she was flying high on crack cocaine when she wrote it.
How the fuck are these people getting elected?
99% of voters only see a few tv ads before an election. Anons need to start buying ad space for the 2018 elections
Isn't that the dumb jigaboo that said Russia invaded Korea? Not even specifying North or South?
In August 2009, having conducted an investigation following news reports about Rep.Waters’ apparent conflict of interest, the Office of Congressional Ethics referred the allegations against Rep. Waters to the House Ethics Committee for further review.
The ethics committee then established an investigatory subcommittee, eventually charging Rep. Waters with three counts of violating House rules and federal ethics regulations.
The House Ethics Committee scheduled Rep. Waters’ ethics trial for November 29, 2010,but on November 19, 2010, the committee announced it would postpone proceedings indefinitely following the discovery of new evidence.
On the same day, the committee placed two attorneys, who had worked on Rep. Waters’ case on indefinite administrative leave.
One of the attorneys had served as deputy chief counsel and lead attorney on the case.
News reports painted a picture of a committee in near chaos, with staff arguing over which documents should be subpoenaed, intimations that then-chairwoman Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) had undermined staff efforts to prepare a fair and thorough case, and allegations the committee had failed to obtain and review clearly relevant documents from Rep. Frank and the staff of the House Financial Services Committee.
In March 2011, the new House Ethics Committee chairman, Rep. Jo Bonner (R-AL),denounced what he called a “unilateral” decision by Rep. Lofgrento suspend the attorneys and reinstated both, though neither chose to return to the committee. No new trial date has been announced.
She the Congressman for the Inglewood/Compton part of Los Angeles, the type of neighborhood that you hear about in gangsta rap from NWA, Dr. Dre, and Snoop Dogg or from the "Friday" movies (i.e. niggers).
it is way to fucking easy to get into american government these days.
>really makes you think
Digits and Maxine Waters gets involved in a scandal this year or next year.
Maxine Waters wrote a letter to SOS Hillary Clinton asking aid to Haiti be held until additional parties that were excluded from the election process be included so that the election is “fair.” What she clearly means and states elsewhere is that she wants Fanmi Lavalas, Aristide’s party, to be included and this is especially problematic given her relationship with Aristide. Maxine is clearly acting on behalf of something or someone she has close ties to and not on behalf of her district or her country.
The fact is, Haiti is a mess and the only role available to Maxine Waters as Congresswomen is protecting the investment of US Dollars in Haiti which she has never once discussed. Lobbying for Lavalas is an unacceptable conflict of interest for her and given the history of corruption, drug smuggling and money laundering, Maxine is in fact associating herself with the very center of the corruption in Haiti. List of Maxine’s friends in Lavalas, Aristide’s party: wehaitians.com/haitian%20drug%20traffickers.html
“TransAfrica Forum is the oldest and largest African American human rights and social justice advocacy organization promoting diversity and equity in the foreign policy arena and justice for the African World.”
Known Communist Danny Glover is Chairman of the Board of TransAfrica Forum. Glover says the primary goal of the organization “is to promote progressive U.S. policy towards Africa and Diaspora, including the 150 million Afro-descendants who are citizens of countries throughout this hemisphere.”
Robinson’s relationship with Maxine Waters began during the period when she was in the California State Assembly when she was a board member of TransAfrica. She authored legislation divesting California state pension funds from companies doing business with South Africa.
Robinson is also a close personal friend of ousted Haitian dictator Jean-Bertrand Aristide . When Aristide was ousted in 2004, Maxine Waters and Randall Robinson were both in the helicopter with him and on the tarmac when his plane arrived in South Africa.
Sidney Williams, husband of Rep. Maxine Waters, was the U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas from 1994-1998 appointed by Bill Clinton. Many believe the only reason he got the job was because he is Waters husband. Prior to it he was a Mercedes-Benz dealer in Hollywood and an NFL football player.
What do you think they meant by this?
How do these people get into politics when blacks are only 13% of the population. Is gerrymandering real? I thought it was a meme being spread by Arnold Schwarzenegger