What's the best and most accurate translation of this book in English ?
What's the best and most accurate translation of this book in English ?
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Bump. I'm actually curious about this. I read somewhere that most of the modern translations are propaganda pieces. Maybe there is a pre-War edition that was translated into English.
The talmud
You will never be on my level plebs
This is the version I bought in the 1970s, just to see what the guy had to say. I couldn't get 30 pages into it. He rambles like a fucking kook, honestly.
Source: trove.nla.gov.au
There's an audiobook on youtube. I've been listening recently and wondered how accurate it was.
Semite-Publishing Inc.
Some eldar user can tell me if this is a good one. There a note from the translator here
God you are so fucking pathetic. Are you really such a shell of a human you cannot pay attention for several chapters of a truly profound book? Pathetic. The first few chapters are background of Germany pre, during, and post WW1.
>God you are so fucking pathetic. Are you really such a shell of a human you cannot pay attention for several chapters of a truly profound book? Pathetic. The first few chapters are background of Germany pre, during, and post WW1.
>I was in my teens.
>I have no desire to read this nut's diatribes.
but you clearly have an interest in dissuading others from reading it. Otherwise you wouldn't be in this thread. Fuck you faggot.
Here you go user, PDF format.
Scan it as you wish.
>but you clearly have an interest in dissuading others from reading it. Otherwise you wouldn't be in this thread. Fuck you faggot.
I could care less if you read it. What do I care? And, I'm not a faggot. I just blew my load on my gf's face two days ago.
it deletes after an hour btw.
but it's a good PDF of the stalag edition.
I never finished it but it's an easy read.
This is beautiful, where did you get it?
"Many German sentences become nonsense when directly translated to English. This was a serious problem in past translations. Critics often characterize Hitler as 'rambling' based on these poor translations... This complexity is a result of Hitler dictating his work and not writing it."
This is from the introduction to the ford translation.
i agree. he's rather transparent in his disdain for the views presented in the book and explains why some sentences couldn't be fully fleshed out in english, due to the differences between german and english grammar. that is not to say sentences are completely omitted, but they've been presented in a more tangible fashion for the english reader as the german sentences could lead to nonsensical resolutions at times
Whatever you say nigger. maybe you should go back
thanks mate
None of his books are safe from censorship and Jewish propaganda. Just watch his speeches, user.
your best bet is to learn german and purchase a german language version. english won't do it justice i think
Someone posted on here the other day there is only one English translated version that is approved by some modern German natsoc group. I can't remember what the version was or the name of the approving group. Posting in hopes that user will remind us
Approved by the Gestapo.
The Ford edition is legitimately the best one. After 6-7 chapters in, it does not feel like any sort of rambling on at all.
Honestly don't bother reading it.
It's the 50 shades of grey of nationalisms.
Tacky, cheap and cringy
Read it in German(not all of it thoug)
You should try to get a white gf or something, this "book" is fucking boring. boooooring sooooo booooooring.
I wish, it is actually a collection of condescending and boring rants.
Found the post I was thinking of:
Seems Stalag is the approved version
Thanks. Have a (You)