ITT: Post secretly redpilled books. Pic related.
ITT: Post secretly redpilled books. Pic related
>doesn't give an explanation for claim
>thinking your thread will go anywhere
low effort
You think King is redpilled? Go back to lit you faggot
He made hundreds of millions of dollars selling inked paper.
And your mom makes hundreds sucking cock, so what?
It's pretty self-explanatory, if you've read it.
>adults useless against predator in their midst, even complicit in it
>one of the leads is a writer who mocks those who think all stories have to be political or achieve social justice
>Beverly saving the boys through sex
>dependence on authority presented as bad, whereas supporting friends is presented as good
>villains are all degenerates, in one way or another
My mom makes $230k+ as a hospital admin.
You seem to forget the part about Bev having sex with a black kid and the entire social justice theme in the Black Spot story line, among other things.
>thinks hating books makes him a rebel
Why should that bother anyone secure in themselves? Most of King's books are anti-collectivist, they're not about joining the horde or dissolving individuals into a pool of sameness. It's not a coincidence that collectivism and bluepilling so often go together.
I don't hold it against him, one has to expect the first few replies of a thread to be shit.
Name a few mainstream authors who write about people joining hordes or dissolving individuals into a pool of sameness.
Also, Stephen King is clearly very left-wing. Anyone who has read his books would know this about him. He does not like the south, Republicans, guns, etc.
Pennywise was originally Sheckelwise but King's New York City editor thought "Penny" was more commercial.
double-digit IQ BTFO
King literally is redpilling people against the interdimensional psychic vampires.
>underage gangbang
user, i...
>doesn't like guns
>literally writes book about gunslinger knights
So what if he's left-wing? He has plenty ire directed at liberals all the time. Many of Randall Flagg's traits, for example, were taken from left-wing authoritarian Donald DeFreeze (among many others). And plenty of his heroes have a Southern background, not that this should matter.
I hadn't even considered that, but you're right.
Obviously I'm talking about modern gun rights in America, not a fictional gunslinger in another universe. There are many quotes from him supporting gun regulations and banning ARs. He wrote an essay on it.
11/22/63 lets you know what he thinks of the south and most southerners. The Dead Zone is about Republican demagogues (e.g. Trump) and their retarded voters. Insomnia is pro-abortion and paints pro-lifers and Republicans as monsters or puppets serving the Red King. It goes on and on.
>babby's first horror novel
So hardcore wow.
>modern guns
Moving the goalposts.
Also, the Dead Zone came about because King wanted to find a way to make a presidential assassin be in the right--it had more to do with the Kennedy assassination than anything else. And for every villain with "Republican" traits, you can find just as many examples of statements against over reliance of technology, social planners, misguided environmentalists, and moral relativism. Do you think it was a coincidence that Flagg's seat of power was in Las Vegas, a spiritually dead place of materialism of all kinds?
I understand that you want to talk about King, but you're not really giving me anything I don't already know, so what's the point?
But enough tedious Stephen King talk, more redpilled book talk.
ayn rand is so fucking boring
and how can you have a redpilled book written by a woman?
she's a man
>It panders to my degenerate fetishes, like gangbang!
If anything it promotes slutiness and degeneracy, you fucking pedo.
cant wait for the new film though, lets be real here. all memes aside
>Stephen King
Watch Ivanka's RNC speech user. If you know Fountainhead well, you'll notice something.
When that woman has an IQ several standard deviations higher than most men.
>Loved her father
>Disliked her mother
>Father mentally broken by communism.
Listen to it on Audiobook so you can appreciate the entire thing. Her books fit together like a beuatiful jigsaw puzzle, but if you can't get through the entire thing, you'll never appreciate it.
Takes some work, user.
Admittedly, this one is a bit of a cheat. People know the book is redpilled, but they think it's redpilled for the wrong reasons, so I think it counts.
This is the worst Sup Forums recommendations thread ever.
Do tell, user.
>>literally writes book about gunslinger knights
And really doesn't know dick all about guns, and didn't care to learn for his books.
While I do hope it's good, I'm very skeptical. One of the things I like about the book is how even the characters who are assholes have credible reasons as to why they're that way, which a movie couldn't really get into--maybe a TV series could, but I think the era of the film being the place where complex emotions are analyzed and discussed might be over.
>book containing an eight page-long scene where a ten year old girl has all her childhood friends run a train on her in a shit-encrusted sewer pipe
Your taste in women is just as bad as literature, user. Sorry. Stephen King is mentally ill, and likely murdered many animals in his youth.
It's not red pilled to delve into the mind of a sociopath.
>complains about recommendations
>recommends nothing
Why proclaim your unproductiveness to the world?
>Do you think it was a coincidence that Flagg's seat of power was in Las Vegas, a spiritually dead place of materialism of all kinds?
I don't think this was lost on anyone. The juxtaposition between Mother Abigail and Flagg is so obvious that not much insight can be milked out of it after the first read.
Dead Zone was about an assassination being in the right, so King made the innocent, naive, affable protagonist and the evil, psychopathic antagonist or victim. Again, there isn't much deeper here.
I don't know what you're arguing against. King clearly is against corporate capitalism, pro-lifers, gun nuts, etc. There is no argument here.
Yes, you can find positive characters in his books that share these qualities, but these exceptions prove the rule. His writing has become more overtly left-wing in the last 15-20 years, with the odd right-wing good guy tossed in to prevent the book from being too much of a diatribe or caricature painting.
have you read narcissus and goldmund? it's a lot better imo
Holy Hell, Marry me user. Watchmen is my favorite comic.
To save their lives. You can't honestly be this dense.
His inconsistent and misuse of shell, cartridge, bullet, clip, magazine, etc. are annoying.
Recommending something good would just keep this shit thread going. I started one the best most recent ficton Sup Forums recommendation threads last year anyway
Haven't really red the book, but why exactly does sodomy with a minor become a plot device to save their lives?
Seems dumb, though there might be a good reason given context. is "IT" a sexual predator that makes them fuck?
I always found it interesting that people were disturbed by this but didn't bat an eye at the mutilation and murder of kids throughout the book.
If you haven't "red" the book, why are you discussing it?
Yeah, no one else has ever heard of that old ass shit.
Again, this may go against my "secretly" redpilled statement. But like SST it has many people who miss the point by focusing entirely on the surface.
check king's twitterfeed. he's cucked as fuck
That wasn't a problem to be solved, faggot.
Supposedly "red-pilled" psychotic Stephen-King contrived the entire thing.
I honestly wonder how many animals he has killed. Or humans. He's probably rich enough to get away with that now.
>Mass orgies involving ten year olds save lives!
It's good you guys don't read, you don't sound ready to be immersed in ideas that may not necessarily conform to your rudimentary biases.
I am asking a question about a book that I have never read so I can decide if it is worth my time. Do you really think that I don't know how to spell such a basic word? Do you think you intelligent for pointing out an auto-correct typo?
You must be really fucking slow. I would expect nothing less from a fucking leaf.
Some may go for the obvious "American Psycho," but in terms of being subtle I'd go with "Less Than Zero" and "The Rules of Attraction."
>Assumes don't read
I've read Atlas Shrugged twice, faggot.
>People objecting to murdered & gang-raped children in a book written by some libtard sociopath
>Claims our problem is "rudimentary biases"
Someone put bane in there and change the title to "the fire also rises".
Why should that matter? Text means different things to readers, regardless of what the author intended or how they've changed. King himself has one of his characters say, in "It," that "politics change, but stories stay the same." Hell, King has characters he created give him shit about being long-winded and taking forever to get to the point.
A redpilled story should make you question not just your own beliefs, but those of people around you as well. It's not a way to pander to any group or justify your existing beliefs.
There's an entire scene during the childhood flashbacks where, just after the kids band together to kill Pennywise, they get lost in the sewers and everybody loses their minds. Beverly suddenly and out of nowhere comes up with the idea for them to have an orgy because it'll calm the boys down and bond them all together.
It's an unnecessarily degenerate scene in an unnecessarily shitty book.
Hotel New Hampshire and East of Eden come to mind.
Why do you assume that scene was meant to be anything other than disturbing? Do you seriously think Stephen King put it in as some kind of fetish fuel? The more obvious interpretation is that it fits in with the theme of kids having their innocence shattered and having to do and say things that they're nowhere ready for, due to the apathy of adults around them.
Never read them. Will check them out.
less than zero was boring i couldn't get into it.
No, I'm afraid she doesn't.
Hospital Administration?
That's one step above rubbing the feet of the doctors.
reminder that King has blood on his hands.
If you are looking for an absolutely insane book that is also a detailed parody of society in sweden you should check this out.
I don't think anyone in this thread has ever read a book. Jesus Christ.
Many hours of childhood reading.
>I don't think anyone in this thread has ever read a book.
>posts in thread
What did he mean by this?