And they keep on comin.
How do we stop em?
And they keep on comin.
How do we stop em?
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't
sink the boats
piss off jew slave
literally sink every single one of them right on their shore
it's important that they make it back, because if they all drown then the other ghouls back in their shitholes think they made it and will also try.
What happened to Sup Forums's navy?
Clearly we need some sort of underwater base in charge of destroying an identified immigrant boat
> Not wanting the major crisis to trigger the biggest war of world history
It has been foretold
Turn those fuckers around like we do, alternatively stick them in a shithole island until they ask to go back where they came from.
Resurrect Muamar Gaddafi.
this. put them all on some greek island, so they can get killed my golden dawn, or just leave.
Reverse terrorism?
With a cannon ball.
Kill the EU
Shoot the males. Not even a feminist/shill. Or just shoot 'em all, idc.
Stop giving them free shit. They'd disappear overnight.
Maybe Sicily, to tie up the mafia.
>Oy Vey!!!
>will also try
good, kill them too.
Better to kill every one that has a tendency to make the trip
Attack helicopter proved effective
Stop saving the boats
If the boats make it to shore, force the passengers back on to sail the other way.
Migrants (not refugees, migrants) are going to Europe in waves because they know they'll get in. Even if they're denied asylum, they'll stick around to rob and rape. If Europe makes it very clear that they won't accept refugees, then they'll stop trying to get in. Not worth making the journey if it's well known you'll be turned around immediately
Pretend to be a coast guard boat.
When they get close enough they will sink their boat, thinking you will rescue them.
Sit back and watch them drown.
Drone strikes
You don't. Nothing short of a full-blown race war in Europe is going to stop the flow of fugees, and we all fucking know that's never going to happen.
Best hope for Europeans right now is to get out while they can.
>That ID
>Man the U-Boats!
Sink them!
I'll say it again, you can buy attack helicopters in the middle east.
>Sup Forums pools money
>Sup Forums buys like 5 old hueys
>Sup Forums gets /k/ommandos to maintain flock of communist transportation devices
>Sup Forums destroys any and all boats trying to cross the med
WOW! Would you look at all those poor women and children?
Just open the floodgates, racist scum. Have a heart.
>Welfare restricted to citizens whose grandparents were born in the country.
Pretty fucking simple, ends global migration.
I'd love to get in one of these and strafe the shit out of those ape rafts.
implying the government doesn't have these
this is so scary
who the fuck is this
Not so sure you would want to be spending a lot of time over water in a FW 190.
Their engines were not super reliable.
I heard the US and Russia are just itching to play tag with these dinghies
It's all about $, economists have determined that economically it would be better if Europe had more population. Why immigration? bc it's faster than politics which promote an increase of the native birth rate. Why African and Muslim immigration? bc it's cheaper
People in the upper part of the pyramid don't give a shit about anything but money
Europeans are all fucking cucks. Your ancestors would have shot the invaders dead before they reached the land. You are literally falling for a see-thru trojan horse. How fucking stupid are you people?
Makes no sense. Millions of migrants are a net drain on the economy. A huge drain.
You don't see Japan importing millions of illiterate and uncivilized unskilled welfare recipients. You don't see Switzerland bending over backwards to accomodate criminals and destitute people.
Europe is suicidal.