Jew here

Hey guys Jew here. Im bored so AMA

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Why haven't you accepted Jesus Christ as your Messiah?

how do you say masturbate in yiddish?

It is extremely difficult for a me to be converted, for how can I bring himself to believe in the divinity of - another Jew?

Is it true that you catch on fire when touching ham or shellfish?

with your law degree.


wasting my time on /pol. Not sure why they'd want to find out about something so mundane.

If i did, Hitler wouldnt have had to do jack shit.

Is there rampant unreported molestation in your community and how much has you family benefited from nepotism?

Why don't you move to Isreal? I'm not trying to be rude here, I'm just wondering why. Why do most Jews move to Israel? Wouldn't it be better for them there?

if its unreported how did you "Find out" it was going on. My family, my family lost their money in Warsaw in the late 30's. How do i cash in on nepotism, teach me.

Well, its not economically feasable for me to even move their right now. If it was then maybe i would but that being said id be right at the epicenter of the religion of piss, and that doesnt sit well either. Well, its less a matter of what geological place i reside in verse who i end up meeting and living around within that place. if i lived in Minnesota or Kentucky, yea... id move to Israel in heartbeat, but a place like Maryland or various northern heartland states then we'll see.

Have you ever listened to the testimonies of Messianic Jews or converts from Orthodox Judaism? If you do some diving into the Tanakh you can see connections between Jesus and Prophecy.

To put the trinity in a very blunt but easy to understand context view life as a videogame. Jesus is YHWH's avatar, as YHWH exists outside this universe in a higher dimension and needs ways to "exist" within his creation. There is a duality in Judaism of the Second Temple period but it's forgotten over time for obvious reasons.

bumping the thread so i have time to answer

I assume there would be connections, granted im not all that religious. The bible is more or less an addendum to the old testament with slight changes and different protagonists so it wouldn't surprise me if their was reference to a jesus-like figure.

Wait, so god took a magical sperm, impregnated someone's virgin wife, had a son who's also god. This son then grew up to be a righteous, bastard, bachelor, rape child, carpenter, magician, rabbi, and prophet? that's rather convoluted.

>that's rather convoluted.
If it wasn't convoluted you can bet that the enemies of God would be able to stop it. There are entities much older and intelligent than men, and what better way for God to fulfill his will than through the most ass-backwards and off the hilt way. God has a wonderful sense of humor.

Will you sue me if I send you a gif?

Why not just use his omnipotence to forgive everyone? you can claim superintelligence but either gods impotent, or he isnt real.

No? ill get a rich jew to do it.

im just playing around post it bruh.

Tell me about this. Why do you think it is acceptable?


i dont? is this a trick question?

I am 2% polish Jew.

Can I become a Jew? Or am I already Jew?

>Why not just use his omnipotence to forgive everyone?
He wants us to have free will but also to defer to his judgement. This goes back to the current counsel of Heaven, he actually has a group of beings he let's decide on how his will is done on the Earth. It's just how he rolls, he wants decisions to be made by others.

At percentages like that, it comes down to whether or not you follow the faith. if you dont, you arent, if you do, well you are.

So he isnt omniscient then?

Her Drool is Our Bond

>is this a trick question?

You're a low level Jew.

How do we utilize our victimhood status for status & wealth? Teach me master plz.

Id rather be low level then a fucking liberal art degree idiot.

post kippah as proof

Im generally just called white and then followed up with "STOP APPROPRIATING MY ZIMBABWEAN CULTURE". if i could utilize that i dont know how.

Nah, he exists outside time so looking at this universe is impossible to explain from his point of view. He's omniscient because he sees all time at once, but time isn't a property for his being. Eternity isn't an endless amount of time, it's the absence of time. We can't think like that, because we exist in time. The best way I can put it is that outside of time our universe exists in a single instant.

yea, then use the exif data to find where i live, sounds like fun.

So, if that's the case. Why has god only ever appeared to such a small selective group of people, and why hasn't he appeared again since; especially considering the dwindling of faith across the globe that we are currently experiencing? If he can come along every couple hundred years until and after christ, why hasnt he revealed himself since. especially at a more religiously dire time?

so that's how it's done now? tracking your location through a fucking picture? WTF

Where you work?

Do STEM, medicine, law and investment Jews look down on SJW/journalism/feminism Jews?

If we let your people loose in the middle east, will it take longer than 90 days for you to conquer the whole thing and bring peace?

Wouldnt know, only became aware of this heirarchy through pol, id ask someone else.

Its how its been done for a while, Btards do that shit a lot.

In other words no

under someone like ariel sharon it would be in a week, yea but 90 days sounds fair.

to my knowledge id say no i guess.