What do you think pol. Will this happen?
What do you think pol. Will this happen?
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kek can only hope
Poor blacks vs rich blacks
Dark blacks vs light blacks
African blacks vs American blacks
Naturalized Hispanics vs Illegal Hispanics
Spanish Hispanics vs Mestizo Hispanic
Anyone who is not in a gated community knows this to be true
Yes, the violence is already happening in the inner cities. Black on black and Mexican on black. Throw in some muslims and it will get worse. Once whites become minorities the power structure switches to the dominant minority and law breaks down. That's when the fun begins.
I suspect part of the reason that blacks are so angry recently with #BLM-style stuff is because they want white people to pay more attention to them, and because they are worried about "hispanics" replacing them as America's main "minority."
But they lack the political/ideological vocabulary to express this sentiment, and instead lash out at whites using the old, tired language of "racism," which is serving to alienate whites and turn them hostile.
This is the reverse of the 1960's, when that sort of language appealed to whites and made them feel sorry for blacks.
Happens every day in most cities - Latinos vs. Blacks while the Asians sit back and sell both sides guns and drugs.
its already fucking happening.
Mexicans and blacks HATE each other
Can we meme this into existence? Minority vs Minority?
Maybe start a tag from latino accts something like #BlacksTalkingShit
The race war will happen but it won't be whites on the battlefield.
>will it happen?
Oh yes, of course it will. It is inevitable. Hopefully they take out lots of each other and whites don't intervene.
Mexican and black gangs fight each other all the time. Chinese and black gangs fight each other all the time. Bloods fight Crips, hermanos gut hermanos, it's all just one big race war going on that the middle-class whites think only happens on television dramas. Even now the liberal left is eating itself for not being "minority" enough, just as Stormfront niggers out on whites not "pure" enough.
yes hispanics hate niggers more than anything
It has already begun. Trump won a large share of the black vote by turning on hispanics, and you see increased awareness of it
niggers are already keep under control by free abortions and hispanic gangs.
it's why they only grow 1% compared to hispanics
there will be no war. it will be a one-sided massacre.
Their entire strategy revolves around keeping unified against whitey
And the traitor whites will keep them together and the majority of white dumb and naive
>Trump won a large share of the black vote
He won 8%. Romney won 7% in 2012. Woo hoo, big increase.
He actually did better among spics than he did blacks. Not defending spics but I've found them to be somewhat more reasonable than the North American Pavement Ape.
Well that, and they've been around long enough for their women to turn into uppity feminist cunts that no man wants to be around
Just wait until your women have been here another 30 years, Jorge. They'll be the same SJW cunts you see everywhere else in the west and hispanic birth rates will be in the toilet.
Interesting theory.
Further made interesting by the fact that it all began where Zimmerman was objectively Hispanic and that made white people not feel guilty for the XxNo_Limit_NiggaxX beyond "muh guns muh hoodies".
I think that may come down to the male/female divide. IIRC, about 30% of black men voted for Trump while only 4% of black women did
Hispanic birth rates are already plummeting in the US. One generation in and they are pozzed like the rest of us.
To all the guys who bitch about white women being cunts, just know that every other race will eventually become like that. It's a cultural problem.
They wish
Has anyone else read the book Civil War 2?
Very instructive book about the coming race war, by a Vietnam vet and subsequent mercenary.
Here's the PDF
You shouldn't trashtalk niggers. Peruvians are the niggers of south america.
Exit polling is showing 13% of black men going Trump. Romney got 11% of black men in 2012. GOP never does well with negro women and probably never will due to the entitlements.
Men in general are a bit more conservative. Still a 2% increase is statistical noise. A lot of that probably had to do with Obama not being on the ballot.
I thought Bolivians were the niggers of South America
Do we have turnout numbers for those percentages? It'd be interesting to see exactly how many more or less people he managed to convince.
mexicANOS believes that everybody below them is a nigger
Black turnout was actually down this cycle. I'd say overall the total number of black votes for Trump this cycle vs. Romney in 2012 were probably about the same.
Don't forget that Dubya got 13% of the black vote in 2004, probably higher among men. So every now and then it can fluctuate depending on the Democrat running at the time. John Kerry for instance didn't draw the same crowd of blacks as Obama did.
the right elects some pretty pathetic ppl.
Why is Steve King leaking the plan?
Fuck off you leftist faggot
He's absolutely right
There is going to be a race war between spics and blacks WAY BEFORE it ever becomes a race war between whites and everyone else
well he's right, but he's also citing the splc so I'm not sure he's got the best data
>blacks on blacks
>mexicans on blacks
>muslims on blacks (and then the rest of kifar)
>white on blacks (when cornered and not cucked)
damn! everyone certainly hates niggers
>t. pigeon eater nigger
It's possible. The left is pushing to make oppression a valued commodity. We already see infighting, maybe one day we will see all out war to see who is the most oppressed people in the country.
>the niggers among latin americans
nah, they are nice, the real niggers are centracas, all of them... one might say venezuelans are, but they have fallen victim to the fucking communist and it is clear that cancerous ideology always bring about nothing but misery and death.
no, they will take over via the democrat party and demographics
*fallen prey
Seriously one of my first red pills was watching hotel rawanda. One of the main things I got out of that movie was that a whole genocide was build on niggers systematically killing slightly lighter niggers. The dude is 100% right
the new definitive /ourguy/
maybe if whites acted with any serious sense of solidarity...
My god, I love this guy.
Can we just arrange it in stadiums and sell tickets? I'd love to bring back American gladiator, but with nigs and spics killing each other.
Problem is that they can't take over because none of them agree on their own leaders within the Democrat party. Apparently that's already how it's playing out in California. They're running Democrats who support Asian interests against those who support Mexican interests
Niggers are the one race that is so universally hated that I think the entire world would breathe a sigh of relief if they were eliminated. It's just that no one has the balls to kick off the purge.
you fight you enemies to conquer and gain what they have, their lands, their wealth, their women.
what would shitskins stand to gain from attacking anyone who isnt white?
Don't niggers absolutely hate latinos and vice-versa?
Dumb fuck he is, happening already black on black crime, spics attacking chimps where they minflew mix is through the roof, king proves he's an ignorant hick once again.
dunno but they still do it, is the point
yes, and arabs loathe nigs too
WHy do they slaughter each other now? Street cred, dope, beefs, disses? sheeeeit, it's almost as if you think they have logic or reason or are human or something.
This would send america straight to hell forever
Well it's already happening in Europe, so chances are that yes they will
since i am a taco it might sound weird, but what do you mean by "mexican interest" i have only been to burgerland once and it was a long time ago (9 years old and was on a trip, the most stereotype bullshit you can imagine: Disneyland, hanging around Cuba 2.0 cough cough i mean Florida and then Yellowstone national park, the bisons were cool desu). I sort of imagine what they would want, but can you elaborate a bit further on it? what chicanos and tacos who here and have a relatively comfy life (even ""wagecucks"" here can be included).want isn't the same
thanks in advance
They already are.
There's a reason there's been an uptick in woke blacks, they're starting to realize that there are far worse masters than whites.
Whites are not typically hostile by default, therefore it is more useful for the groups to try and attack each other instead of trying to attack whites and having to fight two groups at once.
You see this going on already with how the Saudis ally with Israel despite the implicit mutual hatred. I think Israel is just playing right into Saudi hands. The minute Iran goes down is the minute that the Saudis turn on them
Yep. Check the chicago shooting locals vs a demographic map, almost all are on the niggermex borderlines.
because they want to impose shitty sharia law upon kifar or ill'em for not believing in their pedo prophet
because they are niggers
Basically more gibs and more tacos.
If your an illegal taco the state will protect you from the feds.
Good, Anakin, good. You're learning.
Based George Zimmerman fired the first shots in a war waged in the shadows
Regular nigs vs Taco nigs
Asians will sit back and defend their beauty salons with lots of guns.
>more tacos
fucked up, but nothing surprising
>more gibs
seriously though, what the hell do they have on mind, anyway? From what i made out of all the autist on here, it sounds like they already have a bunch of benefits: welfare money, food stamps, the right to get into a school and all that shit, i mean, what more could they possible want? This has gone too fucking far that it is not funny anymore...
That's been happening for decades
>something like #BlacksTalkingShit
>can't flim flam the zim zam
It can be influenced. Sup Forums is strong with kek
More welfare money, preferential employment, all that shit
Granted, I'm not entirely clear how these things differ from other ethnicities. I guess black Democrats might show a preference for rebuilding inner cities while Asian Democrats focus on granting refugee status and expanding H1-B privileges and such
Mexicans already attempted some ethnic cleansing in LA somewhat recently. So yeah.
I think it was 30% of black men aged 18 to 29 that voted Trump. Older black people are solidly Democrats
More and better gibs basically, and things like more affirmative action and diversity quotas for tacos.
Im generalizing he but most differences basically boil down to everyone wanting the same thing with minor differences, only for their race.
Steve King is fucking amazing. He lives to piss all over leftists, and I'm proud he's my representative.
houstonfag here
latinos vs blacks is definitely guaranteed. ive seen the heat up close. but light skin blacks vs dark skin blacks is only a tribal african thing, wont happen in the west. i highly doubt illegals will actually last, theyll soon get btfo by legal mexicans and the white man. there are not enough spaniards to fight mestizos, nor do they have bad blood between them. also not enough rich blacks exist for the white man to spare them, blacks as a whole must die
doing god's work voting for him, user
sounds like wishful thinking.
more likely they will unite against us only to cannibalize soon after.
>like more affirmative actions
is that the thing where you are hired just because of the race you are and not taking into account whether you're good at it or not, right? oooooohhhh that remind sme of something really really fucking annoying i have to cope with here
now it makes sense
jesus h christ, i simply can not believe this horseshit, that ""custom" is what has fucked up many things here, the cousin/boy(girl)friend/brother/fella gets hired just because he is a relative/friend...
>What do you guys think?