What does Sup Forums say about its autism level?
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the fuck is this?
Why does that graph look like a jew
why is the new sesame street autist a girl when autism occurs five times more often in boys? who is this character even for?
desu i have no idea how they're going to pull that character off without being brutally condescending.
Girls are considered vastly under-diagnosed and therefore under-represented when it comes to studies and literature regarding autism.
I guess the aim was dispel any conception that girls can't be autistic.
Now, why girls are not diagnosed as often as boys remains up to debate.
guys, i-i'm both..?
gnome child/10
>Girls are considered vastly under-diagnosed and therefore under-represented when it comes to studies and literature regarding autism
citation needed
the character also perpetuates the autistic-savant meme, which is just outright bullshit
Not exactly /aut/
Holy fuck can I seriously only choose male or female?
Jesus Christ, this cant be real
not in the least
A .org but with links to research. One theory is males are more susceptible to genetic damage on the Y chromosome but I could say it is also because boys might be more visible in their more overtly aggressive behaviours than girls so they get picked up more often for diagnosis in the educational system.
Forgot numbers
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 136 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 93 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
what does this mean for me?
Fucking normies.
They act like normal boys.
Basically with girls with ASD, it's extremee: they are either really smart, awkward, think like males (logic>emotion) OR they're cases for eugenics (headbangers, shriekers, the horror stories you see on TV).
108 was mine
I scored 34 on the abbreviated one
>Am actually diagnosed
>Took me 13+years to understand how to make a friend
How did I do?
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 147 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 79 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
How'd I do Sup Forums ?
Also WTF, should've seen this coming.
Post numbers faggot
My autimism has feminine benis :DDDDddddd
I saved the pic and closed the window so I don't have those
How's your love life?
control-shift-T you fuck
Sum ting wong
nice to be normal
Jeebus I scored 174 and I'm currently undiagnosed.
To be fair, sometimes I like to interact with others using various squeaks and noises.
Holding a verbal conversation is the hardest part, while I seem to excel at written language.
I have a couple people in my life who put up with me.
Practically non-existent. I never really bought into the relationship meme for some reason.
Meant for
This test told me I'm probably a pretty cool guy and a normal Joe
Pretty accurate desu. Especially with the spikes for talent and relationships. Hell, the solid understanding of relationships is what lets me pass for normal
Some of these questions are fucking retarded. Some questions were in the wrong format or were specifically asked with a situation in mind but didn't take into account other real life, and more important, situations. Funny how it labels me "normal" but the test doesn't reflect that I all but act normal. If you are capable of empathy and understanding why people act the way they do you'll end up as a normie from the test despite how you act in person.
mine is a little odd.
Nobody got higher than my autism score of 174?
Fuck if Sup Forums can't do it then I'm really scared. Th-this test isn't scientifically legitimate right?
Right down the middle. I'm diagnosed autistic, which is odd, considering that I'm a girl, and female diagnosises are typically worse.
>How fucked am I?
No friend, you are just beyond autistic, I'm sorry..
Aspie score of 175
Normie score of 47
Hey hey, check my digits!
>Finally, I can use this image.
...duh! The 8081.
>tfw aspie strikes again
Bretty normal, but I guess I get pretty autistic about my passions.
Quiz was kind of shit, but fuck it.
Oh, right, numbers for the aspies here.
(((Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 65 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 152 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical)))
"neurodiverse" is such a dumb term
even "neurodivergent" would make more sense as an opposite of "neurotypical"
>Not seeing the intricate pattern she has created
fucking normies
Do not question diversity you fucking nigger.
Spoke too soon! The shape of this graph is my favorite too!
Welcome to the inner sanctum. We will require your autistic arts on the front lines.
...Anonymous (ID: LAlFJ0pq)
03/22/17(Wed)00:49:02 No.117727102
I chuckled, the pic got me
>My son just introduced me to the term 'weaponized autism'. My son is autistic. I am now afraid.
neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 94 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 128 of 200
You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits
Great, I'm retarded and normal. I don't fit in anywhere... Except Sup Forums
I'm a fucking normie
dun dudun dun dudun dun dudun dun dudun!
Popop pshhhhh!
What if I told you I've been here for almost 12 years, am almost 30, virgin, NEET yet basically I'm a failed normie?
I want to die.
>looks at rest of threadposters and threadspectators
This is what happens to normies.
Hey, how accurate are these things?
It's not telling me good stuff.
I'm only half Aspie so it seems.
138 Aspie
76 Neurotypical
Well looks like I'm a little half and half.
Social skills are pretty fucking bad but I can handle myself. I just honestly can't form relationships, not because I don't know how I just don't really want to and I do want to at the same time.
Its like I know I could make relationships work I just have a lot of damage that makes me not want to.
Spiraling towards our demise
>We used to laugh, we used to cry,
>Now the only thing we do is die!
>Dying slowly in the winter light,
>No one survives tonight...
is this good or what
Just noticed mine is pepe
It is telling you that you are making splendid progress, yes yes.
All that is needed now is a sacrifice!
You need to sacrifice what little social life you have left, and devote all your energies to expanding your mind.
As you do so, you will slowly begin to notice unique abilities, but they vary from person to person.
At this point a mentor is needed to focus and guide you.
As you undergo training, you will find that your power has increased.
Your control over it also becomes more reliable.
Soon you have mastered said power, and have become so formidable, even your mentor becomes secretly concerned.
When your training ends, you will be unleashed on the world, wiser, stronger, stranger...
This is the nature of weaponized autism.
>No option for neither
Fuck off with your shitty poll.
Okay, how do I get a mentor? I have thrown away almost all of my life in pursuit of the Truth, I spend every waking moment thinking about it.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 71 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 130 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical
Looks like I'm not an autist
I do have ADD and OCD though, but only mild cases of both.
You do not 'get' a mentor, you must find one on your own.
Yeah like rape is highly under reported in first-world countries so first-world countries have more rape culture than saudia arabia. It's just more of the same victim narrative.
Fuck off retard.
I have people I admire, but at this rate my life will fall apart before I get to meet anyone heavily influential on my life
>Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 86 of 200
>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 114 of 200
>You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits
I'm pretty happy with my result, it says I am normal. Gone are the awkward days of hanging out on WrongPlanet for this guy.
Then let it fall apart. Chaos is sometimes necessary for people to find their true selves.
> the act of relieving oneself onto another
how come even though i'm probably an aspie all the other aspies I've known of have been a lot more retarded than me socially?
I don't relate to them but I certainly don't relate to normies either
Seems good to me guys.
I have both but just a slight edge on normality
hybrid masterrace
Right on. We have a specialized place in society as the observers of this world, the witnessers and judgers of what normies take for granted.
Normies are like goldfish, while we can reside both inside and outside the fishbowl. This comes at great social cost.
A mentor would help you seek out knowledge as opposed to social approval. Your power as an outsider comes from your ability to find esoteric subjects fascinating and connect the dots.
I don't know what the fuck this means
>tfw you had to put don't know for if you like tongue kissing