Are trans women an acceptable alternative to biological women?
Are trans women an acceptable alternative to biological women?
This is now a Mike"Electro"Pence thread
Even if they were acceptable, there'd be no point simply because they're twice as unstable as a normal woman
Just get a dog
I'd absolutely fuck the shit out of that. I don't care if it has a dick, I'd give it a good ol reach around while I'm fucking its shithole.
I want a trans girlfriend sooo bad. To bad she already has a guy..
Only if they have boywombs
>Is poopdick sex with men a great idea moving forward?
Dogs can't reproduce.
No, you can't procreate with them, so what's the point? All you're doing is dating a mentally ill dude who thinks he's a women.
Hate to tell you this, but trans "women" are men.
Then where do puppies come from, dingus
>are mentally ill degenerates with a dick acceptable
Neither can trannies. What is your point?
thats what makes it so hot
Hide in the darkness or burn in the light
I'm a brown mtf
How do I get a red pilled Sup Forumsfriend to dress like an ss officer and slap me around while calling me a mentally ill degenerate?
Come to Australia.
>she, her
>dat man hands
come to ganadia
Name one wrong thing about
Is OP an acceptable alternative to biological humans?
Hilarious. Go fuck a vagina.
note the total lack of mention of a father.
The father is government and social media.
I would m8.
I would..
You're missing out. Digits say boipucci is superior.
>Are trans women an acceptable alternative to biological women?
Depends on their political values.
you can fuck whatever you put your dick into.
that doesn't change what they are, or make you any less of a faggot. if you're okay with all this, then there's no problem. if you have a problem with yourself, you need to sort that out or risk being miserable.
>you will never get to tongue her butthole while giving her a reach-around
Why even live?
That poor boy,being used by mom as virtue signalling.He was trained to believe he was a girl.No 3 year old is serious about gender or suicide
>You will never drink milk from Blaire's tits.
Why even live?
No, sexuality is base. Trans are even worse. Complete degeneracy. I can't begin to imagine how this sort of things happens to someone.
Actually, burger, it depends on them having the ability to reproduce, which they can't.
You fuggin madman
I call foul. That was her like 5 years ago, she's much further along in her transition now
Still cute.
I don't even care. I'd want every drop of that girly cum to explode down my throat. I'd suck and fuck Blaire White until (s)he begs for more.
Calm down and go to sleep before your aneurysm blows
They have a higher rate of HIV than gay guys do.
Only if we returned to the days of red light districts, and had them closely regulated so as to keep the workers clean and the degeneracy localized and contained.
Then I'd smash the shit out of Blair's boipucci while "she" espouses the virtues of individual liberty and anti-sjw sentiment.
do you still have your dick? if not fuck off
Can't we just get shy, virgin traps from Sup Forums?
>Ugly "woman" with a penis
trans can be hot. I used to watch the porn too, then I met one in plenty of fish who was hotter than blaire. I fucked , and kind of realized its more of a visual fetish than a sexual one. Assholes don't feel as good as vaginas, they're dirty, and dicks require a lot of stroking to make them cum. It's all more work for no reason.
Since I smashed I literally haven't even gotten hard from one, they're useless.
You don't get it faggot, I want Blaire White's feminine semen in my body.
>girly cum
nigga u confused
Varg can't talk his daughter (male) is trans.
>Those fucking hands
To quote DMX "I don't fuck with niggaz that think they broads".
>Are trans women an acceptable
No more and no less acceptable than kike, gook or nigger women. You can't reproduce with any of them, but it's awright to fuck'em.
Traps are only good for getting your dick sucked and even that doesn't feel as good as a vagina
Theyre acceptable alternatives to dying alone
That's okay, I accept that she'll only ever be my right-wing YouTube waifu.
but you probably won't get hiv from fucking those women compared to trans "women"
come to BRAZIL!!!
what pol members think trannys are, bottom image, what most trannys actually are...
t. a nigger
Post op, yes because they had the balls to get them chopped off. Preop are terrible people who just are attention who're.
They are probably more mentally stable than bio women. But I can't get kids with trannies so... NO!
Nigger looks like someone just offered him a job.
No,penises are God tier. Getting rid of them is degenerate.
>This is replacing women
I'm okay with this
Post op is a man who had his balls cut off and his penis surgically inverted and shoved into a hole...fucking disgusting
Herpes is a lot better than HIV
>and his penis surgically inverted and shoved into a hole
But that's not true
What actually happens is worse
If you replace
it makes it sound better.
Come again, nigger?
Remember when rap was anti trans and anti gay? I miss those days. :(
Remember when rap was good? Me neither.
>fantasy austraya posting
They're an acceptable alternative to fertiliser
this desu. i fap a lot to traps and one day i decided that i wanted the real thing, a qt trap to destroy.
went to the gay bar scene on a thursday night which is trans night out and it was fucked. 99% were completely non-passable, voices that turn u off immediately and either an aggressive attitude or an attitude that gave off suicidal vibes.
if you are bi, there are some opportunities as some you would fuck if you don't mind fucking a man, but if you are like me and have some weird attraction to super qt looking girls who must look like girls but also happen to have a benis, then there is nothing out there for you.
No. It is degeneracy.
Is that anzu?
I'd pick a black woman over some tranny, trannies have way more HIV than black women do.
The benis is the best part! Most of them have their testicles removed even if they still have their ladypenor
not if they look lie that, that is a guy.
How do you pick up trans women? Do you have to talk to them and get their number and all that stupid shit, or can you just ask them to fuck? I'm pretty sure if you're regular gay and you meet another gay guy, it's perfectly acceptable to just ask him to fuck. I think you're even allowed to ask if you can take him into the bathroom right now and shit in his mouth. I've always kind of envied that about gays. If that is unacceptable with trannies, then what is the proper protocol?