What is your opinion of this man?
Rand Paul
Council for National Policy = COINTELPRO
Case closed.
Another sellout politician riding the coat tails of his dads reputation, who was a great man.
I hate that this may be true.
Tru patriot. Not his father, but pretty great otherwise. Was my candidate till he dropped, then went Trump. Glad hes there talking sense with the healthcare thing. If Trump does Ryans deal, it will not only fuck his voters, but it will be on him and ge wont be elected. Whatever Trump helps pass will be called Trumpcare, regardless of who actually created it.
Hope someone like Rand could be Pres someday, we need some common sense, and non left right party solutions to the same old problems.
My favorite member of Congress at the moment.
I wanted him to be President.
Not a complete lolbertarian nutty like his dad, one of few good politicians
I hate how he isn't behind Trump 100% and opposes even a FEW of his policies
A true patriot oughta stand behind God-Emperor Trump or else you are a piece of shit 100%
Rand is no Ron.
He should've been 45
I liked him. My first choice to be president before I hopped on the Trump train. I hope he succeeds in blocking Ryan's Obamacare 2.0.
Wtf, I love ryancare now.
Nobody in today's congress is Ron Paul's equal. That said Rand is probably the best, or at the very least in the top 5.
a shining example to remind us that Sup Forums could have memed someone of character and ideology that mirrored closely with our own to save the west, but chose to go the reddit le_donald route.
he had to watch Trump and his sons take turns banging his wife several times throughout the night. all in all they dumped 16 loads on and in her. she is now pregnant.
I'd like him to violate my non-aggression principle if you catch my drift
Was he named after Ayn Rand? Knowing Ron Paul I think that it's very likely he was.
No, monkey. His name is Randal.
based. better than trump
He's no Ron Paul.
R/le_donald detected
he is a cuck half-man now forced to raise Trump's seed.
Secret Trump operative
Rand will save healthcare
I like him. He's actively fighting Trump on the few parts of Trump's agenda I don't agree with while letting Trump do his thing on the parts I do agree with. He may oppose tariffs, though, and I can't agree with that.
Rand didn't stand up to the establishment. They brought in Rubio to do to Paul what Carson was trying to do to Trump (til he endorsed him, lel)
Its unfortunate that he's a politician first, but one of the good ones. He should really learn from Trump.
The best senator America currently has.
He's the only man in government right now who I support and endorse without any reservations.
Disavow manletism right now
He'll be Senate Majority Leader when?
A lot of neocons will have to lose their seat for that
the fuck you even on about
get that Trump Cock out of your ass.
Rand can hold his own on any topic. Its just that he's tiny and got his mom's shitty looks.
He's easily the greatest friend to liberty in the Senate. Not that the competition is worth a turd.
Ron paul is a good guy im pretty sure. If he gets his way and fixes the health care bill we can see him probably become president after trump reelection.
Mostly a good guy but never caught fire. I wish he had been the VP.
He's a retard. Libertarians are the absolute worst. They love the poz and they want grandma to die in the street. You have to be fucked up to go for that.
Libertarians don't want grandma to die
seems like extremely hated by neocons, meaning good for Sup Forums interests.
But if you let grandma die in the street, granny wins, you fucking leaf
The closest to Ron politically in Congress today is probably Justin Amash, but nu/pol/ would never accept him since he was a never-Trumper.
Rand could never win since he is so much more anti-Israel than Trump could ever be
Weak bait
He was my guy in the primaries. I think he tends to kiss the establishment's ass more than he should though.
he's not his father
Only Trump could go to China.
Meaning, Rand wouldn't have stood a chance. no one besides Trump would have stood a chance. It had to be Trump
Patriot. Doctor. Good Person. American. Future President.