Who do you think the dems will pull out of their ass for 2020 election? I bet they'll use Hillary again. Or maybe someone that is trans black gay muslim refugee
Who do you think the dems will pull out of their ass for 2020 election? I bet they'll use Hillary again...
Fauxcahontas is already running and she will win
Berncucks love her because she says anything they like
Corparatists love her because she's easily bought and controlled
She will unite the dems in defeat
Hillary won't live long enough thats fosho
Trump runs as a democrat just to fuck with everyone and wins by gaining the republican voter base along with moderates who liked his first term.
National-Socialism when?
if they were smart, Gabbard or even Castro (can play identity politics and young)
But they are not, so Booker, Warren or Franken
Elizabeth Warren
Starbucks CEO
Michelle Obama.
What a shitty lineup
Al Franken
Probably Warren. Who would lose bigly.
>The Rock
>Hillary's Corpse
>Unfunny Albino Land Whale
>A Random Joo
>Won Dum Phuc
Maybe Ellen or Merryl Streep? Bernie will def run, if he manages to live that long. Fuckin cuck
This probably. Zuckerberg would be hilarious though.
Michelle Obama
Dems are fucked
Hillary runs the entire party
If she wants to run again you better believe they'll make way for her
If not they'll put a Clinton shill in who claims to be a progressive outsider but is just an establishment shill kinda like Obama
Katy Perry perhaps
Clinton. Either 2020 or 2024. She's egotistical enough to spend her entire life on becoming president, there's no way she'll bow out for the better interests of the party.
#DemExit has been picking up steam lately especially after the the recent DNC scandal with Perez email dump.
A lot of pissed of Berniebots and huge infighting between establishment democrats and grassroot progressives.
Pic related
Clinton in 2020... .Ivanka vs Michelle 2024
So, Sanders?
Trump has turned out to be such a fucking idiot that he will be lucky to win the Republican nomination in 2020. Bozo the clown could run against him and win.
Loretta Sanchez.
>they need a minority (ideally hispanic) OR
>another woman
A woman hispanic is the perfect victim to stand up to pussy grabbing wall building man.
Little girl / big bull statue
>They're trying to pre-seed memes
Plus she dabbed, so the niggs will love her
Briana Wu will have two years in the Senate.
Her idea to build a giant moon base to drop rocks on our enemies is wildly successful. U.S. now holds the world stage again as our enemies cost in terror after we wiped out Iraq with a simple moon stone.
Dems see this as the future for the party, a transgender wuman who is married to an Asian. Put her Senate seat up for grabs, and run her for the POTUS.
You have fantasies about sucking Trump's cock.
you have fantasies about having a cock period
If you only knew how many cuck wives call on me.