I'm enrolled in a creative writing class full of faggots and sjws. Have a poetry session coming up and I want to try to legit redpill some into at the very least understand some of the concerns the right has with the current affairs.
Any suggestions? Again subtlety is key since these fags are skiddish to different opinions.
>pic unrelated
Ideas Sup Forums?
Do a variant of "When the Saxon began to hate"
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Jews enslaved us all and are secretly trying to turn us against each other and I plan to revolt and possibly kill them
You should too
Thank you for the suggestion! Read it just now, and while I did think it thought provoking, i perhaps should have made my request more clear. I thought more about making the poem on the left's hypocrisy. Such as parading those that are mentally in for their differences while in the same breath claiming equality for all, for example.
Hahaha 12 inch cock makes white bitch boy jealous. Revel in knowing that everyday while you pathetic white pussys go to work a real nigga is fucking your gf in your house and on your bed, fulfilling her needs in ways you never could. You can't compete your time is over hahaha
I love your creativity, but perhaps a little too readpilled lol
No u
Found a micropenis LARPer
On a serious note of contribution I would (considering I was going to do something similar but just for keks) compare it to Plato's cave, good read if you can get past the annoying form of talking, I'm using it to show how idiotic it is to talk about durr der privledges n sheeeeit considering we're all kinda slaves, perhaps use it as a form of opening their mind, the puppets in the cave being to constant stream of propaganda and the like( you'll understand if you read it)
Perhaps I should post this again when happenings aren't occurring lol
Huh. Perhaps that would be a good idea. Ill reread The cave and see what i can come up with. Thanks a mil friendo!
Noooo Senpai not jet, Plato, it gets the people going
Good, smash their brains with the redcockpill
Don't do anything autistic.
The best way to redpill a mass amount of people is to have them join your side because you are a good and strong person with confident morals not edgy poems about da joos
Something about Paris, that always evokes the hearts of the left
Allude how the changing demographics is destroying the city
Any chance you get, just report and write on Muslims raping in europe. It forces them to listen because of the rape.
Lol I thought the same. That's why I came for advice from you all :^)
I agree I'm not trying to spurge out my power level but at least of an understanding to agree to disagree is made, I think its a job well done.
A very good idea. Though again subtly must be made because there's an a hijab wearing Arabian in there and I'm not trying to burn a bridge ibefore I get anyone to walk across
No one chooses their skin color
No one chooses their heretage
No one chooses their family
The things we grew up on are what shapes our soul
To have these fundamentals forsaken and scorned by others--or to feel this sense by oneself is killing your self.
*mic drop*
Pull the reverse racism card in a "deep" way and maybe get some pussy out of it.
As I stroll through the garden
The city at dusk shines her brightest
The windows are barred
The flowers wilt in neglect
The decay has lost it’s elegance
No longer the Venice of France
As the day fades
The lamps envelope the park
The light cracks the dusks grip
I see no face like the moon
Only of the untamed sheboon
Yeah that's true, however the I'm worried about third part of
Write about why your people aren't allowed a homeland, which is Europe, not America. RecoRd it, I wanna hear what you create
That will definitely be considered, thanks!
Considered copying the whole thing then
Keked to hard at that last line
first person narration of the girl that was just raped on facebook live by illegal immigrants
I like this too
Ah, well friendo, I have no homeland myself considering I'm Irish, Spanish, and Mexican. Sorry if I disappointed you with my lack of Aryan blood.
Ooo! That's a real good one! Just know I'm screencapping all your ideas so none go to waste!
This is actually really good if you can replace that last line lmfao
Sounds like seeing western civilization decay
>Irish, Spanish, and Mexican
I wanna see the finished product. Preferably a video of you reading it in class with their reaction. Where can we see this?
I thought the same
Lol did you find me a civil Anglo without this revalation? I wish to have the same for those who hide as I did as well as to end this "false guise of justice" which is a catchy title!
Oh no friend, it won't be anything so dramatic. All I do is pass my poem out for a few people to read and watch their faces twist as they think I tricked them with my kindness rather than merely having a different opinion.
Fine how about this
When I leave my flat
I walk through the garden
I flee from the banlieue
Safron chokes out lavender
Their faces are gone
Enveloped in black
To look across the road
Is to look across the sea
Faraway lands
Are in my country
There is no we
Only of them and me
Damn friendo, been waiting to pull the pilled poetry for a while huh? Or maybe you you're just a natural?
All the same guys, thanks for all the suggestions! Wish me luck
kek sad that you aren't getting laid buddy
maybe more
I choke back a tear
as i walk with fear
the rain floods the streets
the Sahara's bounty is so far
yet her people so near
I pass through the local shops
for some warmth
the markets sell no brandy
only kebab and dates
no words uttered
for they speak no french
Nor I Arabic
forgive my parlance
for I have lost Provence
The best way to Redpill liberal cucks in college is to structure your writing assignments to pit one interest group against another by essentially concern trolling.
The "Easiest" one that gets ignored is pitting Muslims against LGBTQ - but the left tends to be able to filter that out.
In your poetry adopt the viewpoint of an oppressed class on the privilege ladder and "punch up". Maybe take the position of a Muslim immigrant that doesn't understand why their religious beliefs are persecuted against in law (sharia) in the west. Frame it like, it's not oppressing women, it's keeping the family unit safe because that's all you have in the hostile environment of shitstan. etc. etc.
Essentially ideological concern trolling. Toss in all of the myths that leftists think are true, like "white men are the real oppressors" "the patriarchy has a white male bias"
>The people of my land have always lead me by the hand through this blessed life that Allah has granted me. The challenges of the new world, pressing against my people's words, holding apart our culture and arts from the out of reach reality we were once told.
>Blessed be upon him, the name rick, terry, and tim, who invade out mosques, gyrate their politics, naked and nude, like the long talked about broods, of the infadels and apostates. of the citadels and nation states, that seek to eradicate the crescent of the moon.
etc. etc.
Notes saced friendos!
Need anything else? Is this one of those elective requirements like A mandatory Writing course?
You've done more than enough friend! And yes, it is part of my electives. I thought it would be fine since I think fiction and creative styles of writing is a good way to get across points of view. But specifically today the majority of the class proved to me that they arent even open to an alternate opinions or ideas. So I thought I might as well give em a run for their money! With your help, I might finally be able to!
If it's leftists just go for emotional sentimentality,
that dream of old Paris is what they want. Wake them to reality
For my writing I just went with geopolitics and art history seemed like less work.
> Take dactylic hexameter epic the Iliad
> Replace Odysseus with Trump
> Change all gods/ titans/ sirens with Russians.
> When Trump gets back home he finds that Syracuse has fallen to the false song of globalism.
> Make Poetry Great Again
Perhaps. At the moment I'm just weighing my options at what the best course of action would be. To get the most pills swallowed so to speak.
An interesting thought, though the problem maybe that the message may be a little vague
>Nice trip btw
There's also "The Islanders" if you wanted some more Kipling to think about.
I had some ideas earlier today
Write it like a children's book , make it so subtle that no one realizes that it's a story about a social isssue until you reveal it at the end
As another phone fag, why the fuck are you taking screen shots
stop namefagging, you attention whore