What exactly is the problem with taking in more immigrants? They're just human beings, afterall.
What exactly is the problem with taking in more immigrants? They're just human beings, afterall
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Black dick is superior to white micropenis.
Only benefits rich people who use them for cheap labour.
The layman doesn't benefit at all and usually loses out because the social services he relies on like the educational, transit and medical system get crowded and overused.
Hmm may I direct you to Political Science 101? Or maybe you'd rather just drink this bleach I found under the sink?
The immigrant benefits too, and he is a human.
You are just mad that your gibs will be reduced. How are you different than a lazy welfare addict?
Of course he does, and its at my expense.
Transit congestion, suburbs, exurbs are all a result of mass immigration and forced integration.
Niggers aren't people.
humans can be terrible people.
refugees are not innocent women and children. they are the males that stomped all over the women and children to get out of their part of the country. there is nothing good about them. if a human being was able to make it half-way around the world, they're almost guaranteed to be a piece of shit.
they either need to fight to make their country better, or saudi arabia or iran needs to take these immigrants and make use of them.
no one is forcing you to integrate, you can always kill yourself.
Suicide is illegal
ok actually i'm sorry i shouldn't be so rude. i hope i didn't ruin your evening
if you mix pure water with shit water you end up with shit water
yay I can't wait for more refugees!
>15 heartbreaking photos that will make you say "fuck laws n order n shit"
>a good leafpost
Also, Europe is for Europeans. The US was built by and for Europeans. The shitskins have their countries, and they should stay there. Faggots like you who want open borders make mercy and humanitarianism impossible--I can't help others in their own countries, because I will always have the spectre of them flooding into mine due to your idealist bullshit. Their existence in and of itself becomes a threat, because you think they should be able to shit all over mny culture and people at any time. So what do I find myself wanting?
Not more tolerance of """human""" beings; no, I want to exterminate every last nigger in Africa, so then I don't have to worry about immigrants once again.
Comment meant for faggot OP
Fuck United 56% States of America
>They're human beings
[citation needed]
its already hard enoughh to get a job seriously
stupidest argument ever. Hitler was a human, stalin was a human, mao was a human. Just because someone is a human doesnt mean theyre harmless
No problem, as long as they have advanced degrees, money, are not sick, not from the 3rd world countries and can never become citizens or vote in even county elections, I'm fine with it.
thats not how they look like
Fuck Leaf-land
>Canada's beloved leafder
If they were all women I literally wouldn't care.
It's the fact that they are almost all men which pisses me off.
Wow, now I'll bet thats exactly what the native Americans where thinking when they first encountered white people. Glad to see everything worked out so great for them.
Wow what happened in 94?
more people got raped by immigrants
Because nations are already full of their own citizens with their own rights and needs that the government has a duty to uphold before those of outsiders.
Black dick might be superior to white micropenis, but it is, by no means, superior to white macropenis
also note how the 94 bar is roughly the same height as 05,06, and 07
The problem is it kills the job market which is the backbone to a country.
>implying the backwater hicks of lousiana are pure, decent human beings
>implying most of these refugees didn't try and fight to make their country a better place but were killed in the process and overwhelmed by tyrannical power hungry governments that were supported by other countries due to oil revenue ties.
maybe for the first generation of immigrants. but the second generation will be educated in the same schools and integrated with everyone as long as the nation decides to welcome them. That and they will be pushed harder to succeed so they could rise above their parents position, something that I don't see too much from all you fine white folk.
hate breeds more hate. how do you ever expect to live in a peaceful world if you want to kill everything that isn't you? I figured the idea that you should treat others how you wanted to be treated would be a simple idea to grasp if we wanted to reach world peace... But the problem in this idea is that not everyone seems to believe that the world should work this way. You don't want to be harassed, so why harass them? You don't want your country to be invaded, so why invade their country? you don't want to be killed them? So why did you support killing them?
Fuck off shitskin. We don't need you and we owe you subhumans fucking nothing.
Maybe your country should care more about its people instead of the benefit of corporations.
Give no more residence permits any country's nationals than they give to yours. There is no reasonable basis to object to such a policy.
mo peepo
mo prahlemz
Your utopia of universal understanding will never exist. People are fundamentally different, and, for example, I hate niggers because of their savagery. "Understanding" is an impossible method of bringing about peace, because niggers are incapable of it, and I'm unwilling to give it to them.
However, we won't be fighting if the differences don't exist. No niggers in my country = no violence against niggers in my country.
Jesus christ with the cliche' non argument rhetoric
Go read "Basic Economics" you stupid canuck.
That's about as obscene as all the white neckbeards who fuck 3000$ body pillows.
what exactly does your country need? do you really believe that the american dream is achievable if you cut yourself off from all the cultures of the world? What do you see as the best situation for the future of this planet? Do you really anticipate the arians to be the only ones at the top of the ranks? How do you expect the rest of the world to react when you try and strong arm them all? And really, what good does that really do? You're no better than they are, and they are no better than you.
Humans are the greatest predatory known to the face of the earth. Taxonomy is not community.
It's only a problem if you take in immigrants that are unwilling to assimilate.
Most people have no problem with legal immigrants but do take exception to illegals, terrorists, and moochers. It's just the looney left that wants to accept all comers because they are too stupid to tell the difference between an illiterate street thug and a educated person.
Nothing that you said refutes the fact that we don't need them and that we owe them nothing. Quite frankly, it appears most of us don't want them here either.
some parts of the world are far more pleasurable to live in than others. That, and some countries have been ruined by a combination of features, IE lack of a sustainable economy, corrupt government, disease, war, poor educational standards due to all of the above. the priveledged are only priveledged because they had the opportunity to BE PRIVELEDGED. how do you expect to rise tgo be an upstanding citizen when the world is against you the avenues to reach a better life are constantly being swuashed by all sorts of bullshit that doesn't even equate to a reasonable response? Did the comnunists of cambodia commit genocide? If not, why were they murdered the hand of the americans because of a misaligned view of how the world should be run?
again, hate breeds hate. Imagine if your genealogy endured 200+ years of being shit kicked by everyone and everything.
Corporations run america, there's no denying that. and a large amount of those corporations will care far more about their profit margins as apposed to their job numbers. They don't need to hire the best and the brightest for the majority of the jobs that are being lost to immigrants, yet their profit margins go up because those immigrant employees are far more grateful and work harder and will stay longer than your typical white master race because they are far more grateful to be in a country not being shelled and raped for the natural resources. murrika is and has always been held up on the back of immigrants. The sad thing is that you only see color and you don't see character.
>Imagine if your genealogy endured 200+ years of being shit kicked by everyone and everything.
Maybe it has something to do with their behavior.
Even if it doesn't, their butthurt is not my problem.
brain drain. watch this.
it's short, informative and best of all it's not bigoted in any way.
>again, hate breeds hate. Imagine if your genealogy endured 200+ years of being shit kicked by everyone and everything.
No it doesn't. All we have to do to ensure alienation and hatred is force people to be in the same proximity as those they don't want to be with.
Even more unfortunate for the liberal/egalitarain worldview is that love, as mediated by the function of oxytocin also reinforces ethnocentrism. pnas.org
"Results show that oxytocin creates intergroup bias because oxytocin motivates in-group favoritism and, to a lesser extent, out-group derogation. These findings call into question the view of oxytocin as an indiscriminate “love drug” or “cuddle chemical” and suggest that oxytocin has a role in the emergence of intergroup conflict and violence."
We do not adequately understand the forces we are fucking with and are now throwing caution to the wind under the assumption of fungible notions of humans as interchangeable biomass.
A multiculti inevitably denies a greater range of our prosocial humanity. Diversity itself is a tool of corporations to alienate labor
What's wrong with you taking the homeless to your house and letting them sleep in your room?
Look up what "human capital" is. Paying for the welfare of some single mom with 4 kids from El Salvador and drug gangs in Mexico will not harm us economically, taking them will.
Again, why do you believe that you don't need diversity? when was the last time you had a taco, pizza, gyro, eaten chocolate or hell. had coffee. you can fully guarantee that all of that shit didn't originate in your country or by your race. I could go on about the benefits of integration into cultures. I simply don't hear a good enough argument against integration between cultures. Seems like most of you racist tools are afraid that whatever culture you have developed will be undermined by whatever else is brought in. Shit, half of the nfl is full of afro-americans and that seems to be the biggest sport in america. How could you hate on integration when your country has grown and developed on it? Shit, even the people who originally discovered this country were shit kicked by the white folk who came over here. If anyone should be complaining about how their land has been tainted it should be the natives. Yet, you don't see that as an issue because you feel you're superior for whatever reason. yet you fear a bunch of people who have risked life and limb and have crawled from the dirt to steal your job at wal mart.
maybe it has something to do with your behavior aswell. couldn't quite get over the fact that you couldn't hold another human underneath yourself anymore.
If I treat them with respect and honesty I tend to believe that they will do the same, as long as they aren't mentally ill. If you steal from someone who is gratuitous to you, then how do you expect gratuity to continue?
Urbanite middle class liberal arguments for access to a vast array of culinary market offerings. Meanwhile you don't seem to be eager to live in black ghettos and experience the negative things diversity has to offer projected by individuals.
As far as culinary arts are concerned this stuff doesn't need to be transported over by East Asians or Arabs unless your argument is white Americans have not capability to make sushi or produce Hummus
You're making a lot of assumptions pal. It's 1am and I'm about to go to bed, but I will address one of those issues. I very much sympathize with the plight of the native Americans and, if it were up to me, we would give a sizable chunk of the land back to them and help restore the buffalo population.
>couldn't quite get over the fact that you couldn't hold another human underneath yourself anymore.
But certain... demographics.. are below others and continue to be. This is a chicken and egg problem. Is their ineptitude so great and are they some imperiled by their biology that they were regarded as dangerous to begin with and for good reason or were whites forever born with original sin and our faulty assumptions didn't allow correct appraisal of their conditions?
If they are enfeebled by their biology respective to other demographics then that itself influences their environmen.t
> If you steal from someone who is gratuitous to you, then how do you expect gratuity to continue?
Where do you live, a small village community with less than 100 people. This sort of methodology of reciprocity cannot work at the extreme scales we are dealing with because there is not reputation index to directly evaluate each individual on a case by case basis, all we have are heuristics and they don't look too good.
The missing factor of this graph is the segregation of blacks and whites. Integrated neighborhoods do far better generation over generation than segregated neighborhoods. I'd live in a black ghetto if it were welcoming, but would a black family live in a white neighborhood if it's welcoming? Again, do you have any reason to continue to support this unmanageable anger against of a race of people based on the actions of the few? You can show me graphs all fuckin day, I'll never get beyond the belief that we should treat others how we want to be treated... It's common fuckin sense man. you want to be cut off? so why cut off other people?
^This nigger loves dicks in his asshole
Humans are the most dangerous animals on this planet. If a group of humans is hostile to you, bringing them to your home is a bad idea.
It's college level word! And humans are not that.
I'm sorry but you are tremendously wrong and i have no clue where you are getting your information from. The point of the data itself shows that areas that have the highest likelihood of interaction with blacks along with higher population of blacks per capita have MORE anti-black bias.
Perhaps you are operating under the harmonious image of diversity as something good which is often discharged out of the feculent orifices of Hollywood. It is actually the SOUTH that is MORE integrated : youtube.com
I'm more than happy to totally deny leftists like you freedom of association and force you to move into black neighborhoods and endure precisely what comes of that.
Segregation maintains harmony. journals.plos.org
“Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country. “
I'd rather Trudeau shake hands with Canadian muslims than Saudi Princes like that jackass you have sitting in the White House.
Everything is determined by genetics. By muddying ours, we are just ensuring our country fails in the long run.
>Again, do you have any reason
Yes i want ot live in a high-trust society which the multiculti cannot obtain.
“For every ten percentage point reduction in own-group density, the relative odds of reporting psychotic experiences increased 1.07 times (95% CI 1.01–1.14, P = 0.03 (trend)) for the total minority ethnic sample. In general, people living in areas of lower own-group density experienced greater social adversity that was in turn associated with reporting psychotic experiences.”
“His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups.”
“We show that ethnic diversity or fractionalization and values diversity are distinct and while the former has a negative effect on innovation, the latter contributes positively. However, countries are bound to have both types of diversity. We find that countries that are ethnically homogeneous but diverse in values orientation are the best innovators.”
Alienation, increased violence, isolation, destruction of community and loss of intermediate institutions, reduced civic participation and isolation from the aggregate social structure, psychosis, reduction of innovation. Humans are fundamentally a communal, not an individualist species and diversity destroys connection and solidarity. It's a communal pollutant.
I haven't even started with how congoids/capoids are the worst spectrum that humanity has to offer.
Are you implying that black people are inherently more dangerous because of genetics? What kind of bullshit education are you getting to feed into this nonsense?
I live in a city with a disparently large homeless population and aside from the mentally ill folk i don't fear them because of their situation. If I was able to, I'd give them the support they need to find their way, instead of believing that if they're on the streets than they should stay on the streets because they're so called "Dangerous" people. maybe they're in a situation that makes them more prone to be dangerous because the world works against them...
and to imply that certain demographics will always be under others is pathetically foolish. At one point the egyptians ruled most of the known world, same with the mongols, same with the romans, same with the brits.
Are you implying that two subsets of humans, geographically isolated for tens of thousands of years - little to no gene flow between them - have perfectly symmetrical cognitive and behavioral features integrated into them.
This just isn't how evolution works. Evolution does not have a political or ethical agenda. It's only taken a few thousand years of husbandry to cause dramatic distinctions between domestic canines.
Evolution has killed off over 99.99% of all its' creations. We are not special nor deserving of it's sudden beneficence.
Giving your trust or love blindly doesn't itself mean somebody else will in turn, in fact it means that the quality of YOUR love and trust are vacuous and provisioned for moral placebo making you pro-social ideation largely meaningless.
again, what is your solution? to continue to segregate and shit on other races while you try (and fail) to defend that your race is somehow superior because you were born with a different color of skin?
You can post a bunch of bullshit graphs, but that shit can change in a couple weeks if people change their perspective.
High trust society would treat everyone as if theyre an equal. how can you live in a high trust society if you don't hold trust to the rest of society? seems like a hypocritical point of view. i could understand if maybe the afroamericans were rolling through the neighborhoods, rounding up all the white folk and killing them... but that isn't, and will never be the case.
evolution of the human race only takes a generation of strong education to change for the better. The germans are a good example of such things.
And my beliefs aren't meant to be a placebo effect for myself, they're meant to assist the world in bettering itself because I want to live in a better world. I'll pick up trash in the hopes that others will also pick up trash. a clean world is a happy world.
Again, why the resistance? do you want to live in a world full of negativity and hate? What good is that?
Race isn't skin color, liberal memes suck.
If my graphs are bullshit your sugary diabetic inducing missives are anti-white bilge.
Things change eh, come live in a 60% black city in the USA like i have most of my life and tell me if you are able to sustain your flowery new-age humanist adulation bullshit.
>High trust society would treat everyone as if theyre an equal.
This is true and high-trust societies are more likely to be ETHNICALLY homogeneous.
1) there is greater support for wealth redistribution systems
2) more civic involvement
3) more political participation which mitigates issues like Rational Ignorance or political apathy that then result in collective action problems that enable special interests - like firms - to acquire rents from regulatory capture or obtaining market power
I have NO illusions like you do about the multiculit and how toxic it is but this is, as it seems to always become, an issue of devotion to the sacrosanct concept of diversity, a principle that is held above all other values in this post-modern sewer of social alienation that is growing in the west.
You keep arguing under the guise that we need these people or that we owe them something. You keep saying "how would they feel about this?", or "what do you think their reaction will be?", when in reality both of those questions are strictly irrelevant. We were just fine (actually, better off) without them in our societies, and THEY are the one's benefiting from living among us. I'll say it again because you seem to be a bit dense: we don't need them, we owe them nothing, and, after this last election it should be obvious, WE DON'T WANT THEM.
>evolution of the human race only takes a generation of strong education to change for the better. The germans are a good example of such things.
You obviously don't know shit about evolution.
and humans suck so whats your point?
I wan't to live in world full of my own kind.
Education doesn't cause mutation!!! Education is not intelligence or aggression. I'm supposing you are going to tell me that behavior is EXCLUSIVELY under the influence of environmental inputs and biology plays not role despite lifting a freshman psychology textbook you can find the story of Phineaus Gages prefrontal cortical amputate afflicting his behavior dramatically.
Shall we deny how hormonal mediation influences post-partum depression to.
If you are going to take an hard stance that human brains are somewhat ethereal and divorced from the material restrictions they are constructed upon then i'm not sure what to say.
>better world
Then go live in africa and pick up all their garbage, you said it yourself. We are born into privilege. Why don't you do 10 years there and give them a helping hand
>negativity and hate.
Because people like you have no idea of the hellscape you are creating. Prior to WWI much of Europe was dominated by large multi-ethnic, multicultural states, such as the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the soon to be rising Soviet Union.
Much of the non-Western world was directly or i guess indirectly colonized - imperialism - by these European powers. By the end of the so-called Cold War, all of these empires were dissolved and replaced by numerous nation-states composed along largely ETHNIC lines.
>People are seriously responding to Canadians
OP is either a cuck, kike, or shitskin himself and wants to bring the 3rd world here so that they can shit out 10 kids a piece and trash the country.
Well, Do we need people like you in our society to carry it to a better future? What good are you holding to society? Seems like all you want to do is hold the world back because of some fascist dream that the world was better(for you white folk) back in the times when you probably didn't even exist.
Maybe all that disparity among your city is because of ignorance on both sides of the argument. you call a nigger a nigger enough times than he's gonna act like one. you call a honky a honky enough times he's gonna act like one. If you believe that an ethnically homogeneous community is better than you're gonna have to kick out every single ethnic class that has combined to make it. send the spanish back to spain, send the brits back to britian, send the romans back to italy, send the new yorkers back to new york. Let all the people of dayton ohio live in dayton ohio for the rest of eternity because somehow that is the only way to live life peacefully because somehow it is impossible for other people from a different community with a different lifestyle to integrate because of... ionno... well... I haven't really heard a good reason from ya. Maybe fear?
>maybe for the first generation of immigrants. but the second generation will be educated in the same schools and integrated with everyone as long as the nation decides to welcome them. That and they will be pushed harder to succeed so they could rise above their parents position
>this is what liberals actually believe
Sorry, i'm going to be now... Fucking leafs
Because it's easy to preocupy peasent idiots with worrying about immigrants, so they don't revolt as you suck all the wealth from the land.
Humans are your own kind.
neither do you.
My interest isn't moving to help them. But if they move to my country and share my attitude about how to treat others, than I will treat you with the same respect. They can be privileged just like I am, as long as they treat me with the respect I treat them with. If they don't want to do that, than I can't help them. But to deny all of them this privilege because of some subconscious belief that they are lesser beings because they fall under a certain cultural standards is obscene and rather small minded.
This is what I enjoy about Sup Forums. I know at the end of the day that I won't be all that bent out of shape because this is online, but some of these folks are losing their damn mind that I have infiltrated their circle jerk with my rediculousness! ahhhh
>further representation that the africans have been through a lot of bullshit, only to get more bullshit because of racists like yo self.
oh yea, shit works pretty good up here in leaf land. Mayor of my city is punjabi and he's doing a damn fine job.
I'm a statistician. I have one child and plan on having one more. I have never received government assistance aside from the student loans that I'm currently paying off. People like me (predominantly white people) built this nation.
All of this is irrelevant though. Why don't you address what I have repeatedly said: we don't need you,we owe you nothing, and we don't want you here. You haven't properly addressed that because you simply can't. It's true.
You say I want to hold the world back? By what measure am I holding society back because I don't want endless waves of third world economic migrants flooding our country?
You really are fucking dense. Please, do us all a favor and just kys now. At the very least, please don't propagate your genetic material to future generations.
>i-it works so well
>muh anecdote
The first generation immigrants are, by far, the least garbage. They are still a net loss but at least they are willing to work and don't publicly shill for their third world shithole over the country that has given them everything they have.
I have studying evolution very thoroughly you fucking retard. How can you know if I do or not when you clearly demonstrated you know nothing about it, and I correctly called you out for misunderstanding it?
Holy Christ you are fucking retarded. I'm out.
it's not ok when it's part of a globalist plan for ethnic replacement and mixed raced agendas for the purpose of subverting nationalism. They plan on erasing borders and creating a mixed race that are more easily controlled, smart enough to work but not smart enough to question.
>be democrats
>hire terrorist linked Pakistanis for IT
>they are in debt to terrorists
>hack DWS and government
>earn $160,000 for 12 years in the process
>kidnap stepmom for ransom when fleeing back to Pakistan