I work at a high end car mechanic shop. Each floor worker here produces about $90 of revenue for the shop per hour. Yet...

I work at a high end car mechanic shop. Each floor worker here produces about $90 of revenue for the shop per hour. Yet, we only make $14 dollars an hour. Basically, 75% of revenue goes to non-productive managers or owners.

Do you think this is fair?

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>can't into economics
This is why you are a mechanic.

Yeah. Go fuck yourself subversive lefty/pol/ pinko

1. demand higher wages
2. find better job in semi free market
3. start your own business

Start your own business if you don't think it's fair.

please faggot, i fulfill million dollar work orders a month at my job and i only make 75k a year

Do you have an actual argument, Dr. Krugman?

You know id actually be willing to listen to you leftys on wage issues if you guys were pro white instead of anti white

What is so subversive about asking for workers to be compensated for their work?

I don't have the $2 million in starting capital you need to start a high end shop like this.

You guys should seize the means of production or something.

Did you factor cost of the building, tools, utilities, insurance, taxes, and other costs of doing business into consideration?

Your managers and owners are no doubt making more than you but probably not anywhere near as much as you're thinking.

Most revenue goes to expense unless you've managed to get yourself a particularly sweet deal.

So, you're bragging about being cucked more than me?

How is open borders socialism anti-white? seriously, everyone likes white people, why are you so paranoid.

Start your own business if your such a skilled individual.

Your labor is worth 14 an hour but your labor is only part of the job. What about the parts, rent, electricity, overhead etc etc not to mention taxes. But yea that is shitty,I hope for most people to get 20 an hour for any kind if truly skilled labor.

If you honestly believe that, then why haven't you opened your own business?

>Muh startup capital

Get a loan. Surely you can gain a profit higher than the interest rate, right? After all, it's such a HUGE gap.

Then quit bitching

Do you pay for the business licence? or the shipping? or the electric? Do you pay for HMO transfer and godawful "coverage absorption" which is just a fucking scam to bend the client to the guidelines of the policy. As someone who owned a 100 million plus asset business, you make 14 dollars an hour because you help keep the business open. graft and corruption is also a large factor. minimizing these allows you to increase wages and lower production costs.

Then I guess you should shut the fuck up and take what you're given by the people who had the money to start a business.

Don't you understand?

These rich bastards took a small amount of time out of their lives to set up your job which is essentially a pyramid scheme (much like the entirety of American business) so you should just shut the fuck up and thank your overlords peasant.

Seriously fuck.


> high end mechanic shop
> $14 dollars an hour

I hope this is b8 because any mechanic worth half a damn can make nearly double.

wat can you do? i need to report to my chinese masters everyday to recieve my fedshekels twice a month so i dont starve and freeze to death.

OP, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe even defend your initial argument, but after saying this, I must say:

Get the fuck outta here, commie shit.

Nah I worked in a shop and the machines are expensive and people are always stealing tools which are becoming more and more specialized (expensive), plus rent's too damn high and you have to pay car companies to get preferred treatment to be able to have access to tools and manuals.

i feel for you man, someday there will be a better world where workers are not so oppressed. i believe it

>Not being a marine diesel mechanic
Nigga get out of that shop and get below deck.


do mechanics really make just $14 hourly? What the hell


Stop focusing on what's """fair""" and start thinking about what actually makes economic activity happen. You'd be making $0 an hour instead of $14 if it weren't for the capitalist who employs you.

what did i say?

It's the same thing as the concept of "building a business all by yourself" it's bullshit... If you peel it back, taxpayers pay for the roads your employees drive to work on, they pay the police who come and stop robberies. you could never privatize certain things. the same way you could never do away with lower earners.

>How is open borders socialism anti white
Kill yourself. The funny thing is that you retards who post on here about socialism wouldn't even be the ones to benefit from socialism. You are the bourgeois. Tyrone living off of welfare and his crack addicted friends would be the only ones to actually benefit from socialism. Unless you are at the very bottom of the food chain, you will not be benefitting from socialism. Retard.

thats the difference between being a worker and a business owner.

also keep in mind its not a split like you think. you have a cost, the tools you use have a cost, the building you are in has a cost, advertising, marketing, insurance, payroll, upkeep, sales, the list goes on and on and on.

these are the costs that it takes to run a business.

you are looking at in the small picture of "we generate $90 an hour, i get $14 an hour so my boss clearly gets $76 for the work i do" without taking in the entire picture.

this is why you are a mechanic

so let me give you advice, be thankful you have a job, go in there and work extra hard, and maybe some day you can get promoted and learn some more responsibility and earn a few more dollars.

I was thinking the same. OP must either be a new hire or he works at a "high-end" oil change shop.

there are worse situations

>be you
>work in Canada at exact same job
>make only $9 an hour
>half that taken in taxes
>make $120 for the shop an hour
>85% of that goes to taxes the rest must be divided between you operating costs and the owner all of which are also taxed
>somehow figure out how to pay $1000 for rent a month and $100 a week for the most meager amount of food
>everyone grows poorer as foreign billionaires launder illicitly gotten money through the housing market ensuring you will never own a house

No wonder our suicide rate is almost as high as Russia and everyone here is drunk or high before 2pm

Do you supply your own tools, or does the company? I'm sure it has to pay for parts, electricity, etc. And there's probably a whole ton of extra costs that go into keeping the business going, like taxes and whatnot.

No, but you're right. I'm sure you boss is just hording it all like a greedy fucker.

So you admit they don't even get 75% of the revenue and they will have to have work for over 26,000 hours just to make back start up costs?

You'd start your own business or negotiate a better price if you want more than what people are willing to be paid for being a mechanic. But someone will take the job regardless, and that means the price is fair because people agree to work being paid that wage.

In essence, it is fair according to the capitalist system because the worker agrees to work for said wage, otherwise there'd be people not taking the job and the company would be pressured to raise the wage to get someone to be a mechanic. There's no way you're that dumb.

Start your own businesss or stop complaining.

90/hr, maybe 15 mechanics total

thats 1350/hr, thats fucking peanuts

Being responsible for more shit sucks ass.
If the pay isn't good no one's going to want to put in the effort to do the job.
Basically the manager has to take responsibility for all the little monkeys on the floor that may or may not be doing their jobs properly. For you all you have to worry about is doing your own job correctly. Responsibility is at a minimum.

Open borders defeats socialism

Mild Socialist policies like Europe had for years without problems come unraveled and start failing when you introduce open borders

yeah. is it fair that the managers and owners have to work to find high end clientele to keep work coming in? Is it fair that they spent years building relationships with clients, suppliers, vendors, etc., spent capital to start and build the business, pay taxes, while you just waltzed in and started making money?

Did any1 say unionize lol
Blame the tards that pay your shop

>can't into budget

You know the fucking operating costs eats most of that.

The issue of overhead like tools, building and electricity is an interesting one. First, these costs combined are not a big part of our expenses, believe it or not. Almost all of revenue goes to mid-level managers, high level managers, their secretaries, their blow-job secretaries, owners, taxes (to fund police that beat workers and enforce private property), etc. And besides, the machines themselves are made by workers who are not paid the value of their work. And the power plants are run by workers who are not paid the value of their work.

Go start your own shop then.

lol this is fake faggot. Nobody makes $9 an hour and loses half that in taxes. You'd be under the income bracket

Wow, it's almost like they have investors to compensate or something.

she's not fucking me with a strapon and that's a big problem

I generate $4-5M per year for my employer. I only make $120K per year.

Quit crying and do something about it.

if you produce $90 in revenue then quit and go produce $90 in revenue for yourself

oh wait, you can't? then maybe you don't actually produce $90 in revenue all by yourself you egotistical dipshit

so work for another high end car mechanic shop that pays more or start your own

Fuck no it aint fair. Start you own business, advertise on the internet. You'll make the same amount of money in half the time working for yourself. Cut out the middleman, and management parasites. You will enjoy being your own man, and getting paid.

Somehow open borders is not anti white

One thing you have very much to blame for your low wages is globalism

I handle like $15k worth of orders a day and only get $10.75 an hour

Go ask your boss how much of this "non-productive" revenue goes into making up that 2 million dollar startup costs.

OP, you should listen to Richard Wolff. He's an economist who advocates for worker cooperatives, in which all of the employees would have an equal vote in making decisions for the collective. I.e. all of you mechanics would probably vote to be paid more and have the non-productive managers paid a hell of a lot less.

Wolff cites the Mondragon corporation in Spain as a good example of this concept. They are one of the largest corporations in Spain, and have been doing very well since becoming a cooperative.

Here's Wolff's book- it's really good. Yeah, he's a socialist. Suck my ass, /nupol/ faggots.

>I don't have the $2 million in starting capital you need to start a high end shop like this
Basically, 75% of revenue goes to pay back the loan/capital used to start the business & overhead and expenses, you moron

>$76 is 75% of $90
that is why you only make $14/hr. If you knew it was 84%, you could make more maybe

>working at a shop for 14/h
u fukkin wot m8. Why are you still there?

Heavy equipment and diesel mechs get at least 30/h here. Probably starting at 18 if you're new. And those things you don't even have to be careful with.


so so so wrong

the entire company does not revolve around you

you are a small cog in a machine that can easily be replaced

you are getting paid for the work you are doing and the rest of the REVENUE GENERATED BY THE SERVICE THE BUSINESS PROVIDES is going towards the rest of the company and keeping things going.

>high end
>14 dollars an hour for labour

pick one, hyundai repairman

And i only work 5 hours

Why not open your own shop where the workers will keep all the revenue?

Welcome to the Machine.


Do you pay for any of those? Nope. Businesses incur tons of costs and headaches that their employees don't need to worry about. That's why you make what you make.

>$90 of rev per hour
>how much goes to insurance
>how much goes to material costs
>how much goes to taxes
>how much goes to the loans on the shop
>how much goes to etc... etc...

Then the rest is profit for the owner. You want to start a company where you get the profits? No one is stopping you.

>high end
>90 an hour

That's average. Every shop here charges that.

>Why not open your own shop where the workers will keep all the revenue?

This, OP. Go get a loan and open your own shop, then split the revenue equally amongst your employees. That's only fair, even if they've taken no risk, aren't liable for the loan and don't give two shits if it gets paid back or ruins your credit.

>Be paid $120K AUD a year + Bonuses
>Work in Gold mining
>Price of Gold soars whenever there is a war
>Prey for wars
>Get production/Gold bonus either way
>Prey for more wars
>Gold bonus of $8K AUD last financial quarter
>Have a house, house-wife, son and 80 Acre Vinyard
Such is my life "Working for the man".

You sound like a fucken sook to be honest OP. Google or Youtube Milton Friedman and Tom Sawyer. Its the future you choose.


Hey OP here's a video of Richard Wolff talking about worker cooperatives. I haven't watched this video, but I'm sure it's adequate.

>not marking up expenses by 15%

They are. You agree to the amount paid by taking the job. Don't like it find another. Can't? Starve in the street.

No administrators are the parasites ruining everything but its just another idiocy that everyone else in society is ok with
Fuck all the cuckservtives ITT those managers are all cucks who vote leftist desu

Should've became a diesel mechanic. $20 starting off. You have my sympathies

you are easily replaceable. your job could be done by a 16 year old negroid with minimal training. the job of managers could not be, thus they are harder to replace, thus they are more valuable.

The median hourly income for a mechanic in the US is $18.2. And that's just for a normal mechanic, not one who works for a "high end car mechanic shop". Stop lying on the internet. You're changing people's oil at a jiffy lube you fucking scrub.

If you are willing to work for that then yes it is fair. If you won't quit then why should I do anything about it.

Of that $74 you don't get, how much do you think has to be paid towards maintaining the property including rent, buying the product from the supplier, paying for advertising, corporate tax... etc? Do you honestly believe that's all profit?

Not exactly like that. what I'm trying to illustrate to him though is how on average Canadians make half of what Americans do for the exact same job yet everything is overtaxed you have a bunch of "hidden taxes" and housing is fucked so everything basically costs double which is why everyone who lives really close to the US buys as much food in the US as they can to hopefully save money

Basically I'm saying he should shut up and be glad he lives in a country that has a mostly functioning economy that isn't being assraped by foreign investor chinks

>googles aud to usd conversion
>140kaud (assuming bonuses) = 107usd

not bad matey

Do you know how I can tell that you have never actually worked for a living, and aren't a mechanic now, nor have you ever turned a wrench in your life?

Go back to your sociology degree, Sven.

do you get paid to fight against your own interests or do you, as they say, do it "for free"?

> it doesn't cost money to keep businesses going
> people start businesses to fullfill other peoples dreams, not their own

Go start your own business and fulfill your own life and dreams it's not someone else responsibility to make sure you do the right things in life to make money.

is OP the detailer?

Business is difficult. There's alot of risk, alot of expenditures, and alot of bullshit. Retards like you who think "it's easy, I'll just do it myself" are why 80% of new businesses fail in the first 5 years.

How much do you cost the business? What is the cost of insurance, rent, consumables, and wear on equipment?

That should put you up to a reasonable figure.

Nice try Commie

Pls reed

>Basically, 75% of revenue goes to non-productive managers or owners
>not materials
>not space
>not utilities
>not maintenance
>just the owners and managers


Get togeather with other workers. Pool your money. Start your own shop.

>Buildings, location, reputation, and various overhead items are free!!!

You're not counting taxes 35+% depending what state you live in. Do you receive benefits? Count that too. Insurance in case you fuck up.


Try managing a multi million dollar project with $60k a week in payroll and a contract deadline, nigger.

Lets play a thought experiment game. Lets say the CEO of a company with 1 million employees makes $1million/year. Lets say he wants to double his yearly salary. He can decrease the wages of all of his employees by $1/year and take all of it. Nobody is going to miss $1/year, and it is a huge improvement for him. By contrast, he could give all of his yearly salary to his employees and they wouldn't even notice. He wouldn't be able to eat anymore.

He's changing oil, and probably doing a bad job of it. If he's a mechanic at all and not some pinko millennial liberal arts faggot like the rest of his communist friends.

>no one is stopping you

Don't know about burgerland but here there are all kinds of requirements and stuff that must be met and cost money to meet before you can do anything. If you're a multimillion dollar chain than $2million to meet regulations and get official inspections and pay for licenses and insurance is a small amount but good luck pulling $2 million out of your ass when you're just one guy in a $14 an hour job