According to wikipedia, about 5% of people are LGBTIQ... blah blah blah. And in the faggiest cities e.g. LA it's about 15%. Why the fuck do we care so much about 5% of the population? Why does there have to be a national law on whether or not they get married when it doesn't affect the other 95% of us?
According to wikipedia, about 5% of people are LGBTIQ... blah blah blah. And in the faggiest cities e.g...
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Why do you care so much about not letting them marry?
Hahaha 12 inch cock makes white bitch boy jealous. Revel in knowing that everyday while you pathetic white pussys go to work a real nigga is fucking your gf in your house and on your bed, fulfilling her needs in ways you never could. You can't compete your time is over hahaha
thank you for the flag obongo
Why do you care so much about letting them marry? That's my question.
Uh.....the fuck? Where did this come from
same sex marriage for instance is not natural, look at all the species of animals that aren't homosexual. we shouldn't encourage gays
Because I don't see why they shouldn't and there not insignificant amount of population.
Similar to number of asians in US.
There's also more animalfuckers than there are legbutts
Why the fug don't I get to have the media obnoxiously pushing for my rights, huh?
> Implying faggots will ever get full rights.
Fags should only support the left since the left supports them.
The NatSoc, Fascist, White Nationalist, White Christian Society will never accept fags or their degenerate sodomy.
We want to create a Traditional White Christian State.
Fags have no room or any existance in any of this.
I'm not American but everyone consumes American media. This idea of gay people getting married gets pushed down our throats every single day through media. I just wonder why. And honestly I believe that marriage is about kids. Getting married for love is stupid. As we all know you fall in and out of love very easily. Marriage for love leads to divorces. But if you have a better reason such as continuing your gene pool then it makes sense to stick together through thick and thin. Gays can't procreate.
Isnt that the point of the whole LGBTQBBQSEX movement is to lump all the mentally ill degenerates into one larger demographic thats only bound to grow in time? Its something that has burgeoning social and political weight, shit damaging as that is.
My question is what do relitively more normal gays, reserved to some degree with their sexuality. Able to blend in as normal citizens, think of being lumped in with all this?
religious or repressed homosexual i am guessing. probably both
I'm aethist and straight as an arrow.
most normal LGBTABCDEFGs don't associate with the absolute retards. they accept that whatever their shit is, it's not their entire identity.
its like how civilized blacks don't associate with braindead niggers.
And a Darwinist... for the species to survive we need to fuck heterowise and make as many kids as possible. It just seems to me like your culture is more interested in people's feelings rather than the continuation of humanity.
I personally hate this,and don't tell people i am gay unless it benefits me in a political debate,or someone wants sex.
I don't want to be associated with those faggots
Yeah, ive known several gays who are not flamboyant or walking memes for their sexuality. And they may have found it hard to come out for more traditional cultural/religious reasons. I tend to think if i was gay id be more inclined to stay closeted because of all this political shit now. If youre gay but have sensibilities why would you want to get mixed up in all this.
Are you quite social? And do you resent SJWism for all this? I know i fucking would.
for some people its too late because they're already out. many people meet me and immediately think im leftist because im a tranny+bi. honestly coming out is a meme because youre constantly have to tell new people
Literally not possible, you would smell his nasty nigger stench the second you walked into the house. Fucking moron
>Why the fuck do we care so much about 5% of the population?
We don't care about them, but they are being used by various factions to assert power which they are not due. Trannys demand that we use different words for them, merely because they want it (identify that way). They demand their own space, full acknowledgment and everything else like they were the 55% instead of 5%.
Trying to assert power one is not due is tyranny and oppression.
Not every LGBTIQ does this, but the cause is used like by progressives to gain their power. They can shame and punish people who aren't in that 5% (and even some who are) by trying to wield this power they've unethically and unlawfully gained.
That is why we hate them. They are tyrants and oppressors and once you realize that, you will be redpilled too.
Aren't gays mass murdered in Africa?
who isn't mass murdered in africa?
It's got to be higher than 5%, pedos are 4%. I think it's 10% or more. In any case, our constitutional republic is framed to protect faggots, niggers and sundry others from tyranny of the majority.
Not really. That's propaganda. Most people just keep a low profile. I have some gay friends and as long as you don't go telling the whole world you're gay things will be fine. Most people know at least one gay person but culturally we just ignore the fact and pretend it doesn't exist.
This is according to wikipedia...
It's way fucking less than 5%, that's for goddamn sure. For years the faggots parroted that 10% figure based on some imaginary studies by that degenerate Kinsey, then they found out it was actually closer to 1 or 2 percent. Now they're trying to inch it back up? Ridiculous. Faggots and trannies are a tiny percentage of the population unless you include anyone who's ever had a fleeting gay thought.
It's a bot designed to disrupt conversation, ignore it.
This is a lie spread by Jews to destroy western civilization. The actual numbers of faggots are much lower.
there doesnt, thats the whole point I have never understood (as a conservative) why conservatives opposed gay marriage. Why do we have any say in what ever the fuck two adults want to do how is that the governments job if its not harming anyone else. The "laws" are because states had laws banning gay marriage, i personally dont think the government should give a shit about whose getting married
>This idea of gay people getting married gets pushed down our throats every single day through media. I just wonder why.
Gee I wonder too
>civilized blacks
Marriage should be between the church and its followers. Or any other organization that wants to marry people. The state should have nothing to do with it.
>because im a tranny+bi.
I hope you can become mentally stable soon. You don't have to be a weirdo all your life. Good luck to you.
>Most people know at least one gay person but culturally we just ignore the fact and pretend it doesn't exist.
This is how it's done in most traditional societies. You don't need to celebrate faggotry. I can tolerate it as long as it doesn't look like a pride parade.
>According to wikipedia, about 5% of people are LGBTIQ
That sounds extremelly inflated. 3% I may buy (if you include attack helicopters and genderfluids and other flavors of schizo shit they have under LGTBQI), but 5% is way too much.
>Why should we care whether or not they get married when it doesn't affect the other 95% of us?
Good to know that most people aren't on the leftist train. From this side of the world it looks like the West is going mad with trivial issues.