*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Negative and positive rights, faggot.
>universal healthcare
>freedom of choice
Pick one
No, that's what Ted Cruz was saying in the Cruz vs. Sanders debate.
You have the RIGHT to purchase healthcare.
But healthcare isn't a right.
Guess I'm free to steal your wallet too then. lol, sucker.
Different because my wallet is private property while healthcare and doctors are public resources
>healthcare and doctors are public resources
Since when?
You can't entice Republicans by using principles. They only understand primal instincts.
Buy your own health insurance, faggot. Just like your life, auto, home insurance.
No they aren't. They are private institutions.
I have the right to food, but I don't have the right to force you to cook for me.
I have the right to shelter, but I don't have the right to force you to build me a house.
I have the right to health care, but I don't have the right to force you to provide it to me.
>doctors are a public resource
>people are a public resource
>The freedom for everyone to pay for you
go fuck yourself if your not trolling
I want Froppy to get sloppy in my jalopey
You don't have a right to tell that doctor how much he can charge.
finally got a communist to admit universal healthcare is slavery nice
Since the moment they took the Hippocratic Oath
If they don't like that, then they shouldn't be doctors. They should become Republicans instead if they want to be greedy, self-serving anf hypocritical
I'm feeling hungry. My nutritional need are a matter of public healthcare. Buy me a sandwich. Then give your wallet so I can pay for these orthopedic shoes.
so democrats believe in loving all
bud don't believe in loving those who have different views?
i agree that some sort of healthcare system should be provided to everyone, but please use legitimate arguments to back up your opinion.
Free healthcare is not a form of freedom. It's a gibsmedat, a positive right.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
I really hate how libtards throw around words like "freedom" and "rights"; and I'm more left-leaning myself.
Private citizen =/= Provider
I don't expect someone as stupid as a Republican to understand such a basic concept but OK
>72 y/o
And who pays for it again? oh right, taxpayers. no wonder.
You have the freedom to pick a living and earn the money needed to afford health care.
I want to fuck the frog
So I have to the freedom to NOT pay for this shake down, right?
There is a not-so-fine line between freedom, and the government providing you with free stuff.
hahaha yh,they don't believe in the *freedom* to demand that other people pay for your healthcare. Even as a britbong I can see how stupid this is.
"*sips tea*"
Not only do most doctors not take the Hippocratic oath, but it is nothing more than traditional poem reading.
I dont think you realize how dumb yousound
>Do No Harm
turns into
>Become a lifeless slave who must toil 24/7 for everyone's benefit but their own
You commie shills get dumber every god damn day, I swear
Come on, let's just skip the middle man. Your taxes are paying for it anyways. I wouldn't expect a democrat to understand such a basic concept but okay. Give me your money, racist.
So instead of enslaving and stealing resources of a person you're going to enslave and steal the resources of another legal entity such as a hospital?
Yeah, okay.
Freedom =/= free shit
It's not being a slave, its volunteering your time and effort to do your job. There is such a huge difference between being a doctor and being some self-serving asshole like you.
Please, keep showing civilization how stupid you Republicans and your King Cheeto Dickhead are. I am laughing at you as we speak
The "freedom" to be given resources or services, as opposed to simply the freedom to pursue access to resources or services, is logically unsound and ultimately results in the forced limitation of actual freedom of some in the service of others.
Who's the girl?
so doctors and nurses are government property? how do you reconcile your assertion that people can be property with the thirteenth amendment?
>universal health care
>freedom to universal healthcare
That doesn't even make sense. Also lefties need to fuck off and leave frog girl alone, no child of kek would say shit like that.
>you have the right to purchase healthcare
>but everyone have the right not to sell it to you
Pick one, faggot. You are a cancer on the english language.
That's called charity your enormous faggot. Something republicans are far more likely to give.
That is a social democratic construct ALONE
>Forced to do work
>Not paid for it
I love this country but goddamn do we push out some retards.
manga/anime is My Hero Academia
The insurance man has power to deny you now. You are a car in your system. A car.
How is forcing doctors who went to 8 years of school and 4 years of intensive training to be your slave freedom?
Freedom is letting your broke ass die.
Look at Europe rn,
>66% of population is obese
>people have to wait 2-3 years for surgeries
>Insurance companies are going broke because there are too many fatties and not enough money
And America obesity epidemic is increasing fastly. I'm not gonna pay for other people poor choices.
why is this so hard to understand?
>you are free to pay for your own.
>you are forced to pay for everyone else
Slavery was not voluntary while being a doctor is your choice, honey
Nobody put them on a boat and into the hospitals (as immigrants, as your idiot "neurosurgeon" would say)
Freedom to SAGE
>I have the right to buy a dog
>this means that everyone has to offer me their dog
If i'm free to pick my doctor idc oh and not be on a waiting list for months then sure unviersal healthcare my shit up senpai
We cured ebola. Live longer. Lower infant mortality. Bigger penises. And it costs one third less per capita than you guys. If Wal Mart wants to use all this shit. And us. The roads. Immigrants. And the internet. But offshore and lie and refuse to pay fuck all? Then doctors can work for a state
Taxation is theft
and what if they don't want to volunteer their time? They don't currently volunteer enough of their time to meet demand (otherwise their wouldn't be a healthcare debate at all). what do you propose to change this situation?
You have universal health care...You just have to pay for it.
Ayn Rand took social security
Commies are so fucking funny.
Want to take over the means of production because they believe their labor is worth more than what they are being paid.
But they want everything to be free.
This meme needs to die.a
And when actually have free one. Who tells homeless here what to pay. Nothing. And nobody. And it's cheaper. And better outcomes. Bye bye
>forcing others to work to support you
That's not freedom, that's the other one
*we not when
The entire economy is a ponzi scheme. Fiat money has no value and is merely an interest payment. This is called usury. No Biblical resets. Oh well
Doctors are not currently volunteering their work, are they? What, in your mind, is the difference between your proposed non-consensual "volunteer" work and slavery?
Where's my freedom to ten trillion dollars? Stop oppressing me.
You need to be the rothschild central bankers you idiot
You don't go to almost a decade of schooling and training to operate on a fat fuck who needs his fourth quadruple bypass surgery for free.
You do that shit to make some money. Sure you can enjoy helping people and saving lives, and more power to them.
But at the end of the day, it's a job. An important and difficult job, don't get me wrong, but just as a man welds pipe, hauls concrete, or fixes a brain, they expect payment.
You're not volunteering your time, you're working and expecting some fucking money.
Then perhaps they should know what they are going into when they become doctors. Life sucks, it isn't served on a silver platter for them. If they wanna cry about it, then we should filter snowflakes and crybaby conservatives from the process of becoming a doctor. I think they'd be better bloggers don't you think???
you pay for it through taxes, just because it is hidden from you dosen't mean you aren't paying.
>beliving ebola was a problem
That shit doesn't affect 1st world countries. It was just a publicity stunt to glorify how well they are spending money , same thing for ALS.
I dont need to hear crying and then hypocrisy. All built on bullshit. She wrote books all life. No friends. Broke. Couldnt do like normal person and leave checks uncashed
Nobody studies to become a slave. People do study to become a doctor. And nobody forces you to become a doctor
Ameripoor logic
>pay more in taxation and health insurance than nations with "" free "" (via collective taxation) healthcare
>whinge about how universal healthcare would mean niggers and welfare scum would get free healthcare even though they get it already
>will literally suck the shit and semen off their corporate masters cocks for the right to ultimately spend more on healthcare and still get a bill at the end of their hospital visit
Universal ten trillion dollars is a right you faggot leaf.
Yeah well you all are Haiti in comparison
Ok rotty
Somebody got the message. I managed to reach out to at least one decent human being here with a soul
You're right. But it's female energies that do this. Not males'
>freedom to get free stuff at other peoples expense
hmmm really activates the almonds
>go through college
>go through med school
>go through all the years of procedure, training, and hiring to be able to make a shit ton of money doing what you want to do
>some shithead tells you that your work shouldn't be paid for and you should just be happy to be doing it for free you snowflake
That's a good way to get rid of every single doctor in America.
Start charging for air
Stop shitposting with Froppy, you liberal faggot
>shouldnt be paid for
Thats how it works now. It how we up here havent done it for 60 years. Live three years longer. Costs much less. Thank you come again. Your govt pays for hospitals with taxes. Then you pay premiums for drugs. Morons
This if anything, she's /ourgirl/ in that she's a redpill dropping frog
I never understood how people could want any form of communism or socialism. Why not have it where you have money to buy health care but you have a choice. Communism you don't have a choice and is slightly better than slavery
What the fuck am I reading
Won't be saying that soon when your streets are filled with infidels, who'll cheat your government out of millions.
>more power to the government and more reliance on the government = more freedom
>this is what liberals seriously believe
Fuck that. Why should I be your slave for pennies just because I hypothetically went to medical school? Get fucked.
>freedom to universal healthcare
what the fuck does that even mean?? it sounds like some asshat threw a bunch of buzzwords together to try to make it sound sensible
>freedom to have healthcare
yes you have that
>universal healthcare
no we dont have that because i shouldnt be paying for other people
>freedom to universal healthcare
thats just fucking grammatically incorrect, because freedom doesnt mean what they think it means in this context. what they mean to say is RIGHT and no you do not have a right to universal healthcare
Are you going insane or what?
some fag poster who un ironically calls people honey... dear christ what happened to Sup Forums ?
dont you fucking use tsuyu like that you motherfucking cuck shill