How do we stop him? He's raping every single one of us one-by-one, this isn't right!
It wasn't supposed to end like this..
How do we stop him? He's raping every single one of us one-by-one, this isn't right!
Summoning jutsu-Molymeme
the iron fist is unbeatable
It's over for us
Nothing to see here guys, just a coupla shills having a conversation.
get a nigger to rape him
*kills career* 2EZ
Don't cut yourself on that edge
who is this faggoty little manlet,
and what is he compensating for?
The alt-right is finished! We were supposed to be it's unstoppable meme HQ! How can we even compete with educated people and large penises?
get him banned from twitch, he'll fall apart
You can't get him banned. This guy could whip his dick out and start jacking off on stream and twitch won't ban him because he means too much to them.
no he wont, he has a subscriber system independent of twitch where most of his income comes from.
bogposting was funny, but this forced meme attempt is beyond cancerous
Who the fuck keeps posting these threads and why? Is this the next Bogpill? It's not even funny, the kid is just pathetic and sad. I feel bad for him
How is he beating us?
He raged quit out of a debate with naked ape after NA started pushing his shit in.
Sargon of Akkad smoked him
Molymeme would annihilate him
He's already been temp banned many times m80
>siding with naked ape
Akkad got raped
Molymeme is too coward
It's over, we're fucking finished.
temp, not perma.
Literally who? I'm not underage so I'm not sure who the new YouTube "ecelebs" are
Molymeme has gotten fat in the head and stupid. His ego is larger than his IQ.
Destiny will wipe the floor with Molymeme on molymeme's own show. It won't be a battle of wits, it'll be a slaughter.
Not gonna lie, this is fucking hilarious watching the alt-right crash and burn. But in all seriousness, I'm getting kinda sleepy now. You guys should get some sleep too. I'm sorry but I must sleep now...
why do we care? He's a faggy little youtube personality.
>1 post by OP
Its destiny himself trying to get people to stop paying attention to what a manlet he is
Is this guy even popular?
He only has 60k youtube subs and isn't in the top 500 of twitch followers.
CIA shill don't you have someone to spy on? I'm trying to get my fap on in my other window, and you're ruining the mood. Go tale your heart attack gun somewhere else
Who ?
I'm a fan of destiny, but sargon and martin raped his pretty little butthole
>Raping anyone
Why he keeps debating people? He's starting to get his ass kicked left and right now.
Didn't Metokur (Aristocrat) eat that guy for breakfast?
to talk to people with different views? I dont think he cares much about if he "wins" a debate because who "wins" is so subjective, especially these days, you won't satisfy everyone or anywhere close to everyone.