Redpilled Fiancee

Is there anything better?!

Been together a few years (both been burned a couple of times, both abhor the idea of divorce), and wedding is set for late April. She was liberal-leaning coming in, but not SJW brainwashed. I'm libertarian coming in, but not braindead open borders type.

Just introduced her to /pol tonight, and she digs it. She wanted to know why there was so much liberal bullshit threads on the catalog page I showed her. We even made a game of "spot the nude first!" as I scrolled the catalog.

Damn I love this woman!

Youngcons: don't give up hope. For every hyphenated-name wanting woman, there are more that want a real man. Don't give up hope, and above all else, don't settle for a hyphen! Find them, give them the man they really desire, inspite of their indocrination, and raise a family RIGHT!

lol she's going to cheat on you

Ask her if she has been BLACKED before if she says no congrats

Hahaha 12 inch cock makes white bitch boy jealous. Revel in knowing that everyday while you pathetic white pussys go to work a real nigga is fucking your gf in your house and on your bed, fulfilling her needs in ways you never could. You can't compete your time is over hahaha

this. any woman that would browse a man's forum and laugh at degeneracy is no woman that I'd want to be attached to.

shes faking... get used to it

That's a no, and yes, it would have been a deal breaker.

You are both ignorant. Congratulations! Everyone needs their intellectual double!

This real woman hates black degeneracy. Keep trying nigger!

Whoa now, didn't say anything about intellectual equivalency, but she's closer than most, and yes, I do feel lucky in that.

Enjoy your temporary whores

Good m8 now have alot of cute white kids. Show her all those cute white family threads

HEHE. Yeah, she probably didn't pick up on EVERYTHING. Still very encouraging!

As far as kids go, probably too late for alot, but we're gonna try for a few.

Any is better then none! Congrats and good luck bro

>Just introduced her to /pol tonight

[visible concern]

Thank you, user. Best wishes to you too!

this desu


Full disclosure, we've been cohabitating for a couple years. Redpilled her long ago, but /pol was just one more affirmation of the extent. Going into matrimony with a smile!

I'm in highschool and already have me a nice girl from a conservative family . We will get married when we both graduate. I think in any country and girls of any age can be redpilled. It's not that hard ethier I'm not the tallest or best looking or whatever too many guys fall for this cancer memes that you need to be 6'5 and a male model to get a decent girlfriend but it's just coping.

Thanks, best wishes to you and yours!

Thank you user. Best wishes to you and yours!

Congratulations! I wish I could have found a good woman at your age, but I didn't. I'm oldfag, not by Sup Forums standards, but by oldfag standards.

Not everyone is as lucky as you; some, such as myself, have to wait years, or decades to find what you have found. Cherish it, and never take it for granted!

Seriously, if you have a redpilled woman NOW, and you're not swimming in them, don't wait it out.

Thanks man I got lucky I found this site . I could mess around for a few years through college and stuff but I dont see the point . I'm gonna marry her and put all the energy and time id waste chasing girls and partying in college to use making a business and building up a family early . Everyone thinks I'm crazy but hey it's my life and choice lol