Nikolai Yezhov, one of the masterminds behind Stalin's terror of the 30s...

Nikolai Yezhov, one of the masterminds behind Stalin's terror of the 30s, is one of the most sadistic mass killers in history. Why isn't his name synonymous with evil like Hitler's is?

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Soviets were Jews

Those famines never happened. Western lies.

Yezhov was a Jew, and a few others. Still, the main leaders like Stalin, Beria, Molotov, Zhukov, etc, were not.

Stalin purged the Jews after they tried to install Trotsky

Early Soviet Union (Where most of the attrocities were committed) was extremely K I K E D

>why aren't Jews painted as monsters despite their record of evil?
Because Jews are the Global Deep State.

>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

Yezhov wasn't purged until the late 30's. Molotov'w wife was a Jewess. Heck, a Jew even fucked Stalin's daughter Svetlana during the war. He didn't quite purge them all. Not to mention that Kaganovich, an Old Bolshevik, survived the whole ordeal.

i fucking abashed with false shit you guys believe spread and and how you make new myths every day but i don't actually care.

>Lists Molotov and Zhukov along with Beria and Stalin
Cretin spotted. Please kill yourself
Military commanders don't even come near mass murdering and in the case of Beria even semipedophilic rapist and actual killer of women

Nobody likes him, but there is nothing particular about him, not even a scale. And he surely wasn't a mastermind.

Hey now, I thought Krushchev de-Stalinized the USSR after his death. Are you mad that we're talking bad about your precious Red Tsar Stalin?

In the Ukraine the Communist operatives were still all Jews. Lazar, Yagoda etc. The Kulak genocide was a proxy ethnic conflict between Jews and Ukrainians.

This. Lazar ran the Ukraine under Stalin during the genocide. In the Ukraine the local communist operatives were still overwhelming Jewish during the Stalin period (i.e. when Communist was at it's worst and most genocidal, because it masked a regional ethnic conflict between Jews and Ukrainians.)

its just that Soviet history is FAAAAR more complicated than you imagine it to be, and you need to spend years of learning it. But you guys - you think that if you just memorize one or two names + labels attached to them + few actions commited by them and then suddenly you feel like you are equipped to discusse the history and to make a conclusion.
Don't you see how stupid this is? Do you think i would start speaking about some 29th president of United states and his actions?

Stalin erased him quite literally from the history books. Used prewar shooping techniques to remove him from official photos and since he was blamed for the purge essentially as an enemy of the people, mentioning his name was strictly frowned upon. Historians i've read mostly think he was just Stalin's useful idiot which may explain why he's not focused on more.
A guy i'm fascinated by is Vasily Blokhin, Stalin's official executioner - during one of the purges he reportedly PERSONALLY shot 7000 commies in the back of the head in 28 days. 10 hours a night, apparently one every 3 minutes. Unsurprisingly he went insane and drank heavily.

Is there anything mentioned here that is false?

Did Yezhov not kill a lot of people?

Are the famines in the Ukraine just Western lies?

He has more in common with Dirlewanger or Himmler than with Hitler.

Well this. During 20th century russian state collapsed 2 (two) times. Recent russian history is overcomplicated matter, like it or not

did you read me? Yezhov is just one name you know and you can't even comprehend that there were 50 other people and other names who were more important in their decision making. But you just know this word "Yezhov", you feel like a smart boy who can use this word as a card that is proving your smartness and "knowledge". And the famine and the strawman about Western lies. I don't even want to continue. Is there a point? Every word you fucker shit up you are proving my point.


I've noticed this in real life as well, that Russians get so weirded out when others talk about their history.

You should be flattered that we care.

Is it true that stalin read 500 pages a day?

>should be flattered that we care.

Actually not, because you all really sound not very smart for any Russian who sees you.
Just imagine if some slavs would make a thread about Warren Harding and how his was a slav himself and how his action led to the fall of USA into jewish mastery and some other conspiratory bullshit. I would fucking preffer that you shut up and mind your own history, and we would mind our own.
And its also because of the sources you use, you don't learn about Russian history from historians, all you know is probably from conspiracy pushing Youtubers(who also didn't do their research and just repeat other's words and glanced at Wiki page for 2 seconds) and stormfront shitholes articles. Thats why the word JEW is more important for you than any other facts about their personal history.

>Vasily Blokhin
Nobody ever smoked more poles than him.

Quite a feat, really.

Commies are Jews. Commies were Jews. It's THE most effective red pill for normies. Trotsky. Lenin. The entire German revolution. All the NKVD motherfuckers. Point this out and you have a solid start.

Hitler was kind and gentle. I'll let you close the logical loop on your question with that in mind.

Because Jew communists control all forms of media.

Then why was Stalin considering genociding the Jews of the USSR after WWII?

>smoked more poles than him.
Actually took me a second.. Yeah, the Stalinist regime btfod Poland hard, Blokhin specifically for sure. I'd be curious to know if there are any unironic USSR apologists/IRL commies in Poland right now, must be some serious cognitive dissonance.