Are Whites Finally getting a Backbone?

Are Whites Finally getting a Backbone?

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>all those niglets

Whites in SA have always had a backbone given the shit they have to deal with on a day to day basis. Seems showing weakness there is just asking to be hacked by machetes later on.

With natural selection it had to happen eventually
You don't honestly thing those turbobeta male feminist types are passing their genes on, do you?

I cant understand a fucking word


Show ANY weakness in Africa, you die.

All this niggeress had to do was apologize and say she will take care of it.

Why is common sense lost on niggers? They always seem to want to fight.


translation please?

>Why is common sense lost on niggers
that should be self explanatory


The worst part is that these 80 IQ niggers who cant even speak properly then act so fuckin arrogant. They are honestly the 2nd biggest failures out of all the races and yet they have the fuckin audacity to act like this

>I will never have a god damn based Saffer accent


white guy: "FUCKING NIGGERS"

you'd think a brazilian would be able to translate niggerish, but i cant, i am a disgrace to my people

>Why is common sense lost on niggers? They always seem to want to fight.

because they have nothing to lose
no job to protect
no reputation worth preserving

from what I understood, the white guy is complaning that one of the little baboons hit his daughter in the head.
Baboon mom is saying nigger stuff like 'you can't come here', 'you can't tell me how to use my money'

>Why is common sense lost on niggers?
Because they have the mental capacity of an 11 year old.

pretos sao pretos em todo o mundo aparentemente


>she has like 10 kids
>he's there with 2
Doesn't matter.

yeh we race mix a lot in there u cant even speak good portuguese, we apologize for that.

nawww OP i just lett black people beat up other black people kid or not. Let them destroy themselves, really he could of called CPS on her and shit.

2 well educated and nourished white kids >>> 10 blacks that will never achieve anything more than stealing some shit, the 2 of the them that'll survive younghood, that is.

Why would a decendant of kangz and kweenz apologise?

In 3 weeks, it will be so her life will be spared.

How can you not understand that, you grow up speaking Spanish or something you fucking OompaLoompa

>Says the Uk retarded child

fuck, i did not see that coming

is this considered english where you come from?

Suidafrikaners are the most redpilled whites, think about what they have to live around?

Growing up around niggers I know that feel.
Brainless insects that only want to fuck, fight, or eat. They taunt you like the chimps they are and if you give in to the temptation to smash their monkey mouth shut congrats you go to jail, now have a criminal record, and have to explain to your boss why you missed work because you got into a fight with hood trash. Mean while the worthless niggers gets another meaningless entry on his criminal record and sees jail as a free room and board, and after getting released goes about his monkey life learning nothing.

You know goddamn well they're speaking with thick accents and slang, you abbo bush-baby fuck

i can't believe they walk around without AKs and RPGs on their backs at all times.

They don't unfortunately, but they have armed guards and barbed wire compounds to live in

Fucking Christ this is the most beautiful things I've ever read.

Yeah, look at all that backbone. Takes a real man to terrorize a table full of women & niglets.

Fuck off, slide thread.

Granted I know fuck all about South Africa but I know I've seen people from there come on here and say most of them are turbocucks still though.

They would have to be, otherwise they wouldn't be getting steamrolled like they are.


The white man is semi-understandable, but I can't understand what the fuck that niggeress is saying.

This is exactly what I always say or think and laugh when I hear niggers spout off about how whites never say this shit to there face. Because we don't want to ruin our life over some petty grievance, it means jackshit to you to pull out a gun or commit a felony over it.

Otherwise, in my free time I'd just drive into the hood and start bashing niggers skulls and having lynching parties for fun.

>didn't notice the circle of niggers slowly creeping around the guy

It's weird, the people who lived in apartheid times still have all the guilt associated, but are torn apart by actually seeing what niggers do when they get into power

The majority party in their govt is anti-white farmer, pro land reparations


Post YFW they even pull the race card in AFRICA lol


Good grief simao, use Google translate next time you're writing in English.

blk cunt

It's the niglet brood mother

>a black person and a white person are arguing
>the other blacks and whites at the tables watch without interfering
>nothing happens and they all walk away peacefully

holy shit race war confirmed


I would've had to check his ass. Your child gets bullied, the (Billie's mom) is being a twat about it, that doesn't mean you do 0:20 like you're about to punch her, in front of her kids and yours no less.

If this was two black people and the issue was the same, Sup Forums would be calling them niggers doing nigger shit. No special white guy exceptions faggotry.

The woman is being a cunt but I'm doubtful that the other man came over in good composure. He almost certainly came over pissed and hostile thus starting the fight. Not that he has no reason to be pissed but when you go over like that you have a chance at what happened here. On her end she could have good him to relax and that she'll handle it, but she's an ass and so is he.

And when she started being a twat all he had to do was say his final piece about her needing to handle her kids, and go back to wherever he was eating at and resume their lunch. Instead he contributed to a public shitshow and tried to get violent, like a dumb nigger.

And I thought Sup Forums endorsed bullying??? What happened faggots? Its the bullied kids fault, isn't it? The dad should be trying to fix his son, right????

>It's weird, the people who lived in apartheid times still have all the guilt associated, but are torn apart by actually seeing what niggers do when they get into power

One of my best friends is an Afrikaans kid whose dad fought during Rhodesia and lived through aperthaid, and he def isn't guilt ridden, tho they say that SA is filled with leftards, so maybe their views aren't that common, maybe they are more common with the Africaans population than the English Speaking ones?

>The majority party in their govt is anti-white farmer, pro land reparations

Like in Zimbawe...and most of subsaharian territories to be honest. You forgot socialist.

Guess how I know you've never had children, you complete faggot. You don't know the shit my family had to go through for 30 years against the aap like that bitch. Fuck you with all my heart and soul, I hate people like you unapologetically.

they're always in fucking defensive mode, who knows why

I think male feminists have problems unrelated to genetics. Men like that barely existed 100 years ago.

What I was about to say.
If anybody fucking lay a hand on my daughter I'd kill them. Fuck her for her for her indifference.

What a boring waste of time OP, I thought a nigger bitch was gonna get beat up...fuck off.

Yeah you give her too much credit m8, she needed decking

because they are incapable of any concept of future, or plan, or sacrifice, or "work toward" instead they think purely in terms of instant gratification and the "now"

Your a dumb faggot with a fake stupid backstory.

Our media cut out the beginning of this and is trying to portray this man as the villain. We all know this is total bullshit though, because the last thing we south africans want to do (especially with our families present) is cause a public scene.

fucking monkeys

hey what's all this stuff about a civil war

are you about to pull a Rhodesia?

>Spotted the nigger.

No idea, I am preparing just in case though.

>get told your niglet has done something wrong
>get defensive
>play the victim
niggers are the same literally everywhere

I just read a book about the legend of the "Kruger Millions." Fascinating read, great story with lots of twists. Not sure if you're familiar with the whole story that somewhat continues today but it contains tiny grains of truth that became overshadowed by folklore, and there was even many cases of buried gold found! I know dick all about SA so this probably isn't news to anyone who lives there but hey I thought it was cool.

>discovered the mirror

Welcome to 2017. We have technology.

Take back your home, white man!!!

>Let them destroy themselves
This is why I hate the various charities that waste time, money, and effort on trying to help the various African and middle eastern countries.

and no father in sight

South African blacks make our jigaboos look civilized desu

they are animals you twat, they dont know better but to breed. You treat them as equals with equal rights and equal intellectual capacity when they are just beasts with organs which we can harvest.

>>they are animals you twat, they dont know better but to breed.
I know that ya fuckwit.
>You treat them as equals with equal rights and equal intellectual capacity
No I don't.


They really do swarm like bees dont they. Ive seen em turn from 4-5 to like 30 in a matter of minutes when theres beef

Talk to some South Africans. THey're stubborn cunts that want to die on their farm rather than leave, and you wouldn't believe how many of them are anti-racist despite living in a sea of niggers daily.
I think their (((church))) fucked them.
Really fucking good, smart, decent people that have had the bluepill rammed up their asses but good.

niggers are kind of like gremlins.

they both share similar qualities
>destructive for the sake of being destructive
>pour water on a gremlin and they multiply, shower niggers with gibs and they do the same.
>they are annoying at best, dangerous at worst

your pic confused me, sorry.

can elon musk save his people?

They have no idea of what family planning is, they are vermins that breed like vermins.

White people need to get out of South Africa and Zimbawe now, cut off aid, let them starve.

That, or heavily armed gated community with escape methods for when a chain swarm of them chimp out.

too late white boys. we already breeding your women. your future daughters will take the dark seed

Both were in the wrong, can't defend the guy he got violent next to children and the lady needs to do a better job at parenting

he's white in south Africa, a black person will never be civil to him.

Should have popped one of her baby apes in the face with an upper cut...BAM!

when are nogs ever civil? you can them out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of them

Follow John Derbyshire's wise counsel, precious things like your life and your children should never be around blacks.

See gif:

>letting people bully your children without accountability
You need to be deleted from the gene pool.

I blame it on single mothers and commie kikes

Hahaha, that meathead got all frothed up and BTFO by that sexy African chick.

He picked up a table, tough guy... lots of edge. LOL


White people should move there, fight back the monkeys, and build the all white utopia.

>White people should move there, fight back the monkeys, and build the all white utopia.

If SOME white people actually took up your advice, OTHER white people will fight them to 'protect' the monkeys.



Blue shirt guy had more muscle than all 10 nigs combined.

Godspeed, broeder

>cant even speak properly

She's probably speaking her 3rd or 4th language you monolingual moron.

Stats like these make me almost feel bad for black people desu
The latina/black stat kinda suprised me thu
thought itd be higher

What is this thing Sup Forums?

yelling at a woman and a bunch of kids is having a backbone?