you fags know the drill
Other urls found in this thread:
I sent them this today
So wrong but so right. Will it blow our cover though?
Bump, while we wait for user to scope the building out tomorrow we should maybe figure out who else is renting out of that building
but why that's retarded and accomplished nothing of the upmost value, you are a idiot. WE NEED BASED INTEL that gets people the buy newpapers and throw them down on desks that get people riled up.
Not this kek me shit.
I doubt it'll be relevant but idk maybe you autists will find something
What cover? They read everything on here and post most of the slide threads.
True I suppose
Bump. In ready for happenings
>designated agent
That's just their lawyer guy who deals with DMCA takedowns.
heres a few I think the last is on 5th floor
>forgot bump
>no fun allowed ever
>based Intel
>only 300 subs on YouTube channel
Stop LARPing faggot, the kikes are gasping for the last bit of air. Just troll them to death
Im pretty sure I remember that building as the living place of some cancerous namefag
Just thought of something and I know it's farfetched: but what if one of us gets a job there for the sole purpose of becoming a double agent? Talk about intel, that would be perfect. Thoughts?
Holy fuck that is some next level shit
I burn bridges faggot i dont live under them "KEK"
>gasping for the last bit of air
Right, that's why Sup Forums is shilled 24/7 with slide threads and half the mods are on the dole from them.
someone explain to me what cloudtalk is
it has the same address as what everyone keeps posting and saying is shareblue
or maybe it just looks similar but I distinctly remember the double building and a small one inbetween with roof vents
maybe this is common architecture but I am pretty sure I have seen a similar pic before regarding a dox
I don't work for slave wages and idk how you would go about applying. Good luck with that I'm sure they know there are people who would want to do that
Nevermind, he also works as COO and Director of Outreach at Share Blue
>CloudTalk is a social communications platform that allows users to interact asynchronously using text, voice and pictures.
Is this the same company or something different?
Idk a lot of buildings in nyc look similar. I doubt there are people living there if it's for commercial use
Well if anyone in nyc wants to make minimum wage there ya go
The numbers confirm!
Someone must do this!
wew lad what is this, Homeland?
their web servers are located in LA on a separate site, address unknown. anyone got a clue how to find it?
Here's what I got.
5 people shit it is so bad
so they're a web service provider, not related to shareblue other than hosting website.
Let's not fuck with them they've done nothing wrong
Posted in the last bread but reposting here so anons can check it out, this rent a space group has the same address as shareblue
Perhaps we can find images from their Google reviews and get a positive match?
Bumping thisssssss!
Fuck off, Shareblue.
spys are very powerful giving misinformation and learning their secret techniques and strategies
What is Fastly? An ISP?
looks like it.
Regardless not the people we are going for. They don't deserve our meme wrath
16 W 22nd St 6th floor is a place called qLabs. Which supposedly leases out the 6th floor to companies.
There's a floor plan and everything on there. Try matching it up to the picture from the NYT article:
Found their phone number: 2025380818
I want /ourspy/ on the inside
>Justin Igger
I see what you did there
>80 IQ neo-Nazi detected
Come on, cletus, be a little more original. All that does is give them ammo
Just looked up the top related jew to the company who is ceo and/or top investor or something and found a twitter which i think is his. Within less than a minute i have already found references to pizza 3 times.
Is this legit? If so, let's not immediately spam their voicemail but instead wheedle out some information for investigation.
Make yourself sound like an interested donor. Go full-on Veritas style!
Looks like a close match. Good find.
>Come on, cletus
Someone likes CHL
and is probably shilling for shareblue. fuck off
All they would have to do is run an Internet activity check on you.
>inb4 VPN
You think the government doesn't have a file on every single one of us?
I'm the guy taking pics tomorrow faggot
We're not sending our best.
Can someone explain what this iis?
elaborate on this pls
Fastly is a content delivery network. They proxy content from an origin server wherever at datacenters closer to the request.
we have shareblues location, sending NAP approved tomahawk missiles soon
Of your work place.
Shareblue intel thread
Shareblue shill suspected
Floor plan.
they would want someone who's worked in government before or wrote for liberal rags
Remember if you get there and the building has a giant moustache on it and a hat... don't be fooled.
Fuck you nigger
Lmao you're a retard. Not everyone who pumps the breaks or is skeptical about an idea is a shill. I think it'd be great if we got someone inside share blue I just don't think it's very realistic
not to shill, but could this mean we are looking at the wrong building? You really think Brock & Co. would use a co-working space?
Unless they are renting the whole thing as an elaborate cover up
Good work pedes!! xD
You're right actually, fuck.
That would explain why it looks like there is more to the right side of the window in the NYT photo
from this looks like the NYT picture is the meeting room over the west 22nd street, does the view match up?
seriously having a spy on the inside would be very very important on getting every shareblue employee BTFO
16 W 22nd St 6th floor is a place called qLabs. Which supposedly leases out the 6th floor to companies.
^That's the correct address.
Pic proof incoming in one min, just a sec
Yes they would bc everyone in nyc does it
It would make sense that they rented the whole space out from some company, especially when you consider that David likes to burn groups every so often and form a new one. They'd want a new office space each time
good enough
logo really syncs up the synapses (pic related)
For you.
All blues must die!
Oh. Well shit. Guess I missed that.
Ok, so... we have the address, now what?
Or are we missing something else?
>Lmao you're a retard
You're a Shareblue shill. Easy as to see.
>I think it'd be great if we got someone inside share blue I just don't think it's very realistic
Funny how you said you were going to be taking photos but now no one will get inside?
>"Hurr I'll take photos of outside"
Sure you will, Shareblue, sure you will.
>You say you'll do it in the hope of stopping other anons from doing it
>relates directly to your shit attempts at demoralisation
We still need to confirm it's their base of ops
also trying to find out about cloudlink, the company that hosts their web servers
Someone post to the Donald!!!
Double-agent shit is officially impossible I just found out. On their website it says even a fucking IT Specialist needs experience with "Progressive media, causes etc." Those fucking Jews.
I'm trying to match up the floorplan with the NYT pic. Here's something from otherchan while you wait:
qLabs is quotidian lab:
They have a twitter @qventures, which references @RebeccaMinkoff several times. From Google maps, Rebecca Minoff is also at 16 W 22nd st. Here's a description about her firm:
>By-appointment-only HQ shop for the high-end designer's collection of women's fashion & accessories.
Don't think that's relevant, but good work user
>Specialist needs experience with "Progressive media, causes etc."
Then you embellish/troll.
>they've done nothing wrong
they host shareblue. they should stop supporting blatant anti-american left wing propaganda.
I would think it would be, unless people worked out of their homes. It looks like rent whole floors in this building, instead of just small "office spaces"
5,000+ sq.ft.
I dont mean inside as inside the building retard I mean inside their operations as a double agent. But believe whatever you want you paranoid fuck
I'm sure it is but we'll find out more tomorrow when I get down there
You don't understand how these things work. They probably don't know much about shareblue other than the website that they are hosting. They're a paying customer so they don't care