>Amy Schumer's Netflix thing
>Gets 1 star because it's genuinely bad
>Blames "Alt-Right" Sup Forums
>Netflix conveniently states that in response is remove the 5 star rating system
It's simple, I am canceling my Netflix subscription.
>Amy Schumer's Netflix thing
>Gets 1 star because it's genuinely bad
>Blames "Alt-Right" Sup Forums
>Netflix conveniently states that in response is remove the 5 star rating system
It's simple, I am canceling my Netflix subscription.
I cancelled mine and bought Mass Effect: Andromeda as a treat
>Mass Effect: Andromeda as a treat
Fucking KEK m9
>blames Sup Forums
wow netfix BTFO
>still has netflix subscription
Why aren't you all doing what OP is doing?
>Mass Effect: Andromeda
>a treat
pick one
People have been complaining that women comedians rely on pussy jokes for 30 years.
She literally holds the mike up to her pusay and queefs
>cancel streaming service for supporting dumb political ideas
>buy rushed abortion of a game from people who espouse similar dumb political ideas
Fucking why?
This begs the obvious question
Why the fuck did you have a netflix subscription to begin with you fucking pleb?
im canceling both of my subs
bye netflix
oooh your in for a treat when your lookin for the the white models in your customizing options and cant find one
>im not even joking look it up
y-you s-steal media???
Only a sexist doesn't want to know how bad Amy Schumer's pussy smells.
Her last name is her Father's name. It's that simple!
Nobody wants that bitch!
I am a working class guy with lots of extra money, I kind of forgot about it. So canceling it.
This MSM manipulation isn't going to affect me. Anyway, I am sure there are other people that are going to stop paying Netflix because of this. No one likes to be forced. Gulf of Tolkien Incident
to many directions.
One Star could be a publicity operation.
I have not heard of the Amy Schumer's My Pussy Smells Comedy Special until Netflix new rating system press release.
All could be a scheme to promote content via rating datamining for suggestive interests purposes.
Note last week's Emma Watson candid dressing room dump. Just in time for Beauty & The Beast theatrical release witch also saw a gay character "controversy".
At least with Trump the Entertainment Complex can continue to be destroyed via piracy now that Trump replaced their whore Obama.
Shrilling for EA
I am OP
If this isn't side splitting comedy I don't know what is
Yes, I spend my extra money on my hobbies, not on things that come for free. Paying for TV shows is peak insanity, they have always been free.
>Dropped SJW Netflix
>Picked up SJW video game
Here friend, with this you can watch netflix conveniently for free:
Kodi, for free streaming of shows: kodi.tv
Icefilms and exodus plugins for kodi:
For fast and FULLY anonymous downloads of torrents, files, icefilms website shows and icefilms kodi plugin (costs small amount of money per month but supremely useful): real-debrid.com
you could always torrent, but kodi (with the icefilms/exodus plugins) is a lot more convenient
By all accounts the timing is accidental and the thumb system has been being worked on for a while.
It's shitty, but you don't roll out a massive algorithm change like that in a few days.
>not recognizing obvious bait
No one here likes MEA. Anyone who did would be torrenting it.
hey some people are masochists. maybe he's into ugly chicks
>Didn't cancel it after Soros bought a majority stake in the company and they started churning out propaganda.
>Having a Netflix subscription in the first place.
>Paying money to watch ads.
Dumb fuck.
Just like the notion of containment historically they just need an incident to provoke a change. Making it politically charged is their idea to play towards their Hollywood interests.
Or you could just torrent 1080p and 2160p content, and stop being a plebian...
>not 123movies
You're a good leaf.
When the Muslims overrun and destroy your nation, you can crash on my couch.
The joke
I keked at "machine gun shitting out my ass" but the rest was pretty weak. Any other examples?
Looks fake.
>Schumer talks about her vagina
>Sup Forums hates it
>Chapelle talks about getting his dick sucked by white women or black dicks being sucked by white women in general
>Sup Forums loves it
>Canadians are known for posting uncomfortable truths that upset Sup Forums's safespace
There's really no excuse for this level of unawareness and stupidity.
I'm a dumb mother fucker.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Can you please not post embarrassingly juvenile facebook-tier memes? Thanks.
>cancels pozzed streaming service
>gets pozzed video game instead
Out of the pan and into the fire, eh?
has she been getting even fatter???
are you merely pretending to be this retarded?
m8 i say the fuck what i want
stopped reading
Thats not confused, thats genuine american retardation face.
why lie? i know you plagerising those 8's for your thesis on amphibian gender conversion
cite me nigger
>hurdurrr i cancelling my netflix subs
>even tho i already promised to cancel it after Dear White People
Why do you feel the need to larp on pol? are you really that pathetic?
what a fucking discusting human being. Women arent supposed to act like that
who died and made you Queen of all women?
cite these nuts
Stfu heretic. Eat shit and die
Y'all just upset she's taken
I hear the character animation is worth the price alone.
Maybe thats how (((joos))) like you are supposed to act but we civilised ppl don't consume shit. Try to keep up.
I can provide shit.
at competitive prices.
>Y'all just upset she's taken
yeah, taken' all the donuts
if you want the basic gestalt
"dude have you seen"
>breaking bad
>sons of anarchy
>house of cards
>game of thrones
>the americans
yeah let me just catch up on 10 years of missed television
Women can't be funny
>Soros bought a majority stake
Nope. Not even close. He owns 0.06% of Netflix.
Who the fuck cares? what does this have to do with politics? It's a fucking comedy sketch get over it you fucking pussy. It isn't funny, so don't watch it.
>i cancelled my subscription to cuck shit and treated myself to more cuck shit
bravo retard
This. I have a Fire TV with Kodi installed. Best thing ever. Also you can use Specto instead of Exodus(both are similar but I prefer Specto a bit more).
Why am I seeing applejack in all these threads, stop spamming her you faggots
Keep her pure
>litterally "hahahaha i dont act like that, do you?" childish insult
fucking kys idiot or convert, start by removing THE FUCKING MOON FROM YOUR FLAG
Too many people feel for your b8 m8. Gg
Have a ((you)).
>Sup Forums loves a nigger
fuck off leaf
>>Netflix conveniently states that in response is remove the 5 star rating system
Never happened. You got PAWNED hard!
>you literally made the insult yourself you dense muthafucker.
mother russia annexing your meme CUNTry when?
fuck off CIA
ywn lick the shitrocket diarrhea out of Amy Schumer's barnyard pussy
Why live?
Double zeros for you means redirect the poo into the loo
Are you retarded? I don't think you understand. Has shitslam been good on your mind? Filthy heretic
dave chappele is a legend. amy schumer is a useful tool for her family in politics to peddle propaganda. she only has the job because her family. because she isnt funny and i aint alt right. im a fucking centralist
Newfaggot radar off the charts kill yourself mein nigger you probably arent even familiar with top kek
Centrism is the most wholly rational political position.
Next level trolling.
Newfags take note. THIS is prime bait.
>Alt-Right exodus due to "Dear White People"
>Still blame Alt-Right for shitty reviews on Netflix
i tried my best to watch this shit with an open mind and mind you im kind of in the middle because of how cringey a lot of you redpill faggots are.
fucking. terrible.
hard to watch. this chick is obviously deeply depressed and this is her just spouting how sad she is that her life has gone the way it has under the guise of comedy.
Kek approves
I rather be a mudslime than a (((joo))) like you. you are cancer Sup Forums does not welcome you.
also chappelle was shitting on the blm-tier libfags as well and making fun of faggots and trannies and the whole lot
he wasn't some waffle-colored Trevor Noah just ranting about toxic whiteness in society.
Likely you will burst into treats
why the f u think im a jew, im not even from a country that has a lot of jews.
you really earned it
She seems like her pussy stank she didn't need to spend an hour saying it.
cause I enjoy the content on Netflix and am not autistic enough to cancel over a few bad shows and specials.