Alpha/beta theories

What is your opinion on all of these Alpha/beta theories?

When I read through all of these alpha/beta behavior articles, a lot of it seems ridiculous to me.

I don't follow up with beta characteristics, but I don't think I'm alpha either. I've fucked maybe 15 women, I'm slightly above average looking, play live music, and have a degree.

Just an average guy. I don't have trouble sticking up for myself, and I want to win in life, but I still have moments of insecurity like anybody else. I think that's how most people are, right?

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>I've fucked maybe 15 women
How many STDs do you have?

There's literally nothing more beta than posting threads on Sup Forums asking other people if your alpha and projecting your insecurities on us.

r/K theory is the only one you need to know. Be the K.

15 woman ? you think that s low number? here on pol people have fucked 0 women , like me , and you say you are not alpha ? ofc there ARE ALPHAS AND BETAS and fucking OMEGAS as well , i m BETA not even denying it , can t do much against nature

Alphas are atheletes/gladiators. Betas are actors and pop stars. They're all men or trans-gendered. But that kind of makes them Alpha Alphas and Alpha Betas. The best of the bunch. The general populace are like.. Alpha Sludge.

My Reproductive strategy is like BAAM

I just said I wasn't alpha

None, 15 isn't that many. Most people I had slept with had only 1-2 other partners.

>what are condoms?

Are you able to keep girls or you don't want to keep them? I'm at 5 and I kind of hate it, a girl will be interested in me for like a few months then get bored. It's jaded me to where I don't think I can be in love with a girl anymore, more of I'll find someone that I can tolerate.

Had sex with roughly 150 females, all white except for one Hispanic and 1 Asian. Only thing I ever got was a UTI. Just don't fuck niggers and wear a condom if you are going to be a degenerate but my advice is don't sleep around. It's psychological poison.

Condoms don't protect from all std's.

I mean, the works of Bach are more impressive than watching somebody's face get bashed in. You see these retired boxers and they sound literally retarded because they've had so many concussions. Is that alpha? Or is that just fucking stupid?

Bach on the other hand, was a brilliant and disciplined person. His legacy is still alive today, but he was socially retarded at the same time. So is he alpha, or not alpha?

The whole theory doesn't account for any grey-zones, which human behavior is full of

Dominance hierarchies are older than trees.

What about insecure-alphas?

Betas attempting to mimic alpha behavior. They walk like an alpha, talk like an alpha, but they aint.

They lack the true confidence and leadership traits of a true alpha and tend to overcompensate by being overly agressive, insecure, loud and disorganized, and generally are just a charicture of true alpha behavior.

A more common name for them might be chad.

I've fucked 9 women [many times each], I'm 20 years old.
This number is very low compared to most people

I can tell from the beginning if it's going to work or not. 13 of them I knew it wasn't going to work becase they were crazy/stupid/untrust-worthy ect. ect. so I don't put a ton of effort into it. It usually collapses because I'm not putting effort into it, or they just lose interest and go find somebody else. These usually last for 1-4 months each

The other two girls who I thought I might marry lasted for 1-2 years each.

>jaded can't love anymore

When you meet somebody you click with, you can't even believe you ever thought that

Legal man in Canada

>play live music
This makes you automatically the alpha male of the room to the female hindbrain. Lose the musical crutch and you might get an idea of what the average Joe has to endure.

>Is that alpha? Or is that just fucking stupid?

It makes them retired and after the fact lol. They were at one point alpha. And to be honest compared to everyone else probably still are. Most people are dumber and weaker than retired athletes.

I've fucked a dozen women. But only because I'm somewhat good looking and good at bantering with girls (but only when drunk). I'm totally a born beta otherwise and alpha/beta dynamics have nothing to do with how much sex you have.

I don't think so I met a girl who I clicked with perfectly and she fit everything I wanted in a girl. Then she broke it off and I was only disappointed because she did exactly what I expected her to do. I haven't even tried to have a relationship since, I kind of think i'm meant to be alone.

alpha and beta was coined by a guy studying wolf behaviour

he later regretted bitterly coming up with the concept, it wasn't even complicated enough to actually describe wolf heirachy but a gross oversimplification, which was suddenly being applied to human beings

if you've ever taken alpha/beta seriously you're a dumbass

Only to certain types of women.

There's a joke that the sexual appeal of band members is at it's height for women 16-22. Around 23 it begins diminishing, and by 28 women literally want to vomit if they know you are a "musician".

I've transitioned to classical/jazz now. The dynamic of this is weird and the types of women who are at all impressed by this is inconsistant and random.

Women just like somebody who is on stage and being "admired" by an audience, they feel like they will be "admired" if they are associated with that person.

>lose the music crutch
I've had years here and there where I couldn't record/perform due to work or school. My success with women suffered hilariously

I think they're dumb because they're a poor descriptor for the way men are

Often, they reflect a difference in priorities that the Jew media and the Jew PUA community deliberately ignores by trying to make it all about the number of women a man has been with as a means of pushing casual sex as if it's normal or healthy.

And so men who are aggressive and outgoing in pursuing casual sex are branded alpha where men who are more romantic and focus more on a future and a family are labeled beta. Of course, this ignores that there are a bunch of sperging autists who think of nothing but sex (they're all over /fit/) and a number of confident, attractive men who want to settle down with the first decent woman they come across (I'd consider myself one). And of course, you can break it down even further accounting for the complexity of human emotions and interpersonal relationships

Overall, it's a deeply flawed model for male behavior and is much better as a form of generalization because it doesn't make character assumptions

Very sinister Taytay!

>not abstaining until marriage
Waaaaaaaaaayyy too many.

>I've fucked maybe 15 women
What the fuck is wrong with America. Is this the porno culture?

Fake ideology invented by advertising agencies to divert goyim who want to improve themselves into buying Rolexes and sports cars and all the other bullshit you see in GQ. The game boils down to: pork babes, pump iron, buy baller status symbols and mock anyone who isn't doing the same. Humans don't operate like wolves or gorillas off of instinct and brute strength. A complete nerd can procreate and eat well if he can manage to not be a complete basket case.

This makes sense because I simply do not meet people who fit the "alpha/beta" characteristics.

I have never met this "supremely smooth alpha male who is successful with women and in his career". Every person I've met has major pitfalls in their personality.

I dont gotta worry about getting girls, I got another problem.

Im that dumbass who falls in love with whoever lets me have sex with them then pour piles of energy into trying to make something stupid work.

Then I have enough and lose my shit, kick her out of my life, burn the bridges, scatter the ashes, and tell myself from here on out im just gonna be a one night stand man.

Inevitably I end up repeating the process. Maybe I was just born to be monogamous in a culture that doesnt value such things anymore.

Alpha (masculine) behavior is never revealing your entire hand. Don't look for confidence boost from degrading woman's feelings. Feelings are for women and numales. If you don't agree with a woman don't let her think you are even entertaining her ideas just explain why you don't agree and move on. That being said, if the woman is virtuous and non degenerate (you can still disagree just no condescension implied) don't hesitate to come to defense of her femininity because these are the women we need more of and it will make you appear more masculine (damsel in distress). Hold doors open for any woman just to view their reactions. It will throw sjw manhaters into an inner turmoil dialogue and any half decent women will appreciate it. Especially if they have items or kids. They may even ask the kids to tell you Ty if you don't look like a basement dweller. Hope these ideas help from one user to another.

>Jew PUA hollywood bullshit

Exactly. Every discussion of "alpha" behavior is just a bunch of stupid hollywood bullshit that does not work in the real world. Everything in Hollywood movies does not apply to real life, and every person who tries to act like a movie character looks like a fucking retard

Like any trait, its a sliding scale from cuck to Vladimir Putin

Don't have sex until marriage, fool
It blinds you to the problems the other person might have

Well it seems like the people who believe alpha-beta dichotomy shit are putting it in the framework of what women see, and they also lean towards being self-described betas.

Like this chucklefuck here: "This makes you automatically the alpha male of the room to the female hindbrain."

Mother fuckers talking about the mechanics of female attraction like they're Cesar fuckin Milan. It's a way to simplify and delegitimize the process by which women pick guys to fuck. If you rhetorically rob women of agency when you talk about relationships and sex, then it's easier to brush off the fact that they don't want your dick.

Keep believing your partners had 1-2 partners each.
Also, 15? Like total? No shit you're not Alpha

nothing makes sense if you don't have what it takes to make sense of it.

Unless you actually live in Lolliwood....

Lol implying 15 is a lot. I'm 5'7 and I've fucked 120+. No std's luckily.


i fucking despise you for not marrying the first girl you fucked, you fucking rotten whoremonging degenerate

It's all millenial bullshit.

Nobody gave a fuck about being alpha or beta until circa 2010. If you have to TRY to be alpha or follow retarded rules to project that you're an alpha male then you're not one. Just be a leader, live by your own code and don't follow other people's bullshit beliefs about dating and alpha/beta, or anything else. If you want to do something but afraid that it's considered beta, just do it anyway

man can we get the NWO started already so angry virgin dipshits can be bred out of existence.

Nah, there are 'alpha' men who settle down at a young age. You see this a lot in Mormon communities, 6'4" Aryan model looking Army vets with 3 kids by 25.

Outside of restrictive religious communities, the Jewish media has convinced all the other "alphas" to pursue a life of degeneracy instead.

fucking lol

I was raised on traditionalist values. (Mormonism)

Even when i left my religion, only had sex with one person and it was a brief relationship because I didn't see anything in it of substance.

That's your bad if you think that's beta. I just don't see fucking a bunch of women in my life as a achievement.

Its about having a family and being a good father.

That's whats Alpha.

>Taking pride in your body count
>Whew lad.

Happiness aint found in a string of one night stands. I'd take my gf over all my one night stands.

Read my whole post please.
To further clarify about why these character assumptions are retarded, people change behavior from day to day depending on mood, and also from person to person. We may be totally comfortable hitting on one girl, but find our tongues tied by another. And then tomorrow, the situation reverses. To say that there's consistency is horse shit

what a pussy

Memes have clouded your actual definition of alpha and beta.

An alpha is someone at the very top of whatever he's doing, in terms of hierarchy. He doesn't necessarily have to be the most competent or strong or intelligent, just in charge. Donald Trump is an alpha for example.

A beta is everyone else who works under the alpha and obeys the alpha's rules. Ordinary confident intelligent charismatic sexually-active people can be a beta. And as with all nature, if the betas decide they dislike the alpha then they can easily displace him and replace the alpha with the most apt beta.

What everyone leaves out is the "omega," or the lowest of the low. Nobody respects or likes an omega and will not hesitate to let them get destroyed or continue destroying themselves. In almost no circumstances will an omega advance into an alpha, and the omega will always be despised by betas. A prime example of an omega is Chris-Chan or Brianna Wu.

All women are sexual objects and see themselves as such in the intimacy of their minds.

They seek for elite men 24/7. Doesn't matter if they are married, engaged, dating or widows. In every interaction with a male, they check the guy and automatically and uncounsciously give the dude a note on his attractive aurea overall.

They only perceive the dominative, the strong, the rich, the socially on a superior plane of existence, the dangerous, the famous, the superior...

She only crave for this one. She may settle for another guy, but she will never love him.

Her pussy will never be as wet as when she is with a dangerous man. Thats when her finality to the world happens: To serve WARRIORS. Thats whom her body craves and really reacts the most.

Women crave for powerful warriors. IF you are not one, or look like one, or talk like one, or move like one, she don't really like you.

Anything that is not a warrior will not saciate female curiosity and lust.

Faggots and betas never had a chance.

>If casuals suck so bad at video games, what does that say about people who have casual sex?
>fucking casuals
Not even once.

its funny that you're calling me a pussy b/c i totally have heartburn right now and i only cried once PLUS i swallowed my medicine without water.

>I don't follow up with beta characteristics, but I don't think I'm alpha either. I've fucked maybe 15 women, I'm slightly above average looking, play live music, and have a degree.
>Just an average guy. I don't have trouble sticking up for myself, and I want to win in life, but I still have moments of insecurity like anybody else. I think that's how most people are, right?
Either you are ready to kill women to remove their right to vote or you are not. It is that simple, no if, but or maybe.

>powerful warriors

Okay, but "warriors" are usually retarded foot soldiers. They are beta in comparison to the elite who sent them off to die. How does this work?

I wouldn't. Your GF is gross.

Omegas are the ones that don't belong in the pack.

You should be a bit nicer to the ones that still care enough to contribute.

bro i wouldn't even believe you've fucked 1 girl. 120 is the biggest load of horseshit i've ever heard. unless you're in your 50's, never married or stayed in a long term relationship and just fucked whatever nasty vag you could would i believe that number.
>when you hear shitheads brag about banging a ton of chicks and then you go out with them and realize they just go for the ugliest fattest nastiest females meanwhile you're at sub-10 but none of them have been less than an 8

>bro i wouldn't even believe you've fucked 1 girl. 120 is the biggest load of horseshit i've ever heard. unless you're in your 50's, never married or stayed in a long term relationship and just fucked whatever nasty vag you could would i believe that number.
That you can't believe him makes you beta, and I now know you do not have the stomach to kill women.

They stay with powerful man because of what they can accomplish. It's like a legendary loot.

They like rich and powerful guys for the comfort they can provide, and for how they can improve their lives with luxury. They perceive a rich and elite guy as the superior provider. But if he does not have warrior characteristics, he will be just that: a fucking bank.

She craves for powerful masculine energy, dominance, big muscles, unapologetic dudes who do what they want. They even mistake immorality and evil with power itself.

Thats the truth: All womens are merely sexual objects who hunt for Chads. If you are not a Chad and she settled down with you, she did it because she wants to use your free labor, access to your finances and your possessions.

She will never love you, as she will never see you in a equal place to her real sexual fantasies.

Getting an elite is like getting her dream job. Getting a warrior dude is like getting her private porno actor for herself to enjoy. It's a clear difference between those two.

>to not be beta you must be homicidal

i think a lot of guys who have beta traits are men who were raised by single mothers. there's other compounding factors of course but if you took two boys one comes from a home with a mom/dad or just a dad and the other one from a single mother 90% the one from the single mother is going to have way more beta attributes.

>Only fucked 15 sluts
You're an omega by those measures

also like 80% of violent US prisoners were raised by single mom.

Human beings are too complex to rate as alpha, beta, or omega. We're a messy and complicated bunch not prone to classification. A person who is dominate in one sphere can be totally inept in another. An alpha painter is most likely not going to be an alpha bodybuilder, right?

There are some people the generalities definitely fit, but for 80% of all of us? C'mon. Lets give ourselves more credit then that.

well there goes my theory then.

to me betas are passive 'safe' guys who would never hurt anyone and have a decent moral compass.

Who cares about body count. Literally the most average dumbass has lucked into more pussy than Nietzsche or Newton did. That should tell you how much it's worth.

High functioning sociopathy is the best indicator for alphaness.


1)Women see themselves as sexual objects
2)They invest long amounts of time and money to improve their power source(beauty)
3)This is important because it grabs male attention, who give the girl free labor and some amount of energy invested on her, all that are proportionate to her beauty level
4)They feel more comfortable and safe for the more orbiters they have on their life, because it means more support
5)This means a lot of mediocre dudes trying to get her pussy/heart
6)Women wants quality guys, that means that she don't really want none of those low-value mediocre nu males faggots, she wants guys whos attention means high rewards: Rich guys, Powerful guys, Dangerous guys(The potential for violence seems to give a image of powerful dominant man).
7)They will never admit this, but they all feel that shit, ALL WOMEN, just like ALL MEN generally like to see hot girls with hot bodies, big asses and big boobs. Some may argue that they do not like that shit, but they are < 0.0001, so they are insignificant or straight lying

tl;dr - Women sort man for the quality of their labor and energy investment, their bodies(pussy + heart) crave for warriors, their minds and strategic thinking points for material comfort and they trade their lust for a NEET life with a retarded idiot

My uncle is like that. He's on marriage 3 with like 5 kids at this point .

dat cameltoe doe

She actually has some pretty nice legs.

I like her more now that I know she's a coalburner.

It's funny the way that BTFOd all the nazis that wanted their white princess

No, but they do protect against the untreatable ones


Come on faggots, debate me

>all men like big tit monsters and if they say they don't it's a lie
lol fuck off

You seem to be a 15 year old who just learned about PUA. Nobody wants to argue with someone so stupid.

Can't argue with FACTS and LOGIC based on SETTLED SCIENCE like that tbqhwys so what's the point?

I said generally men react more to the THICC

Wow, so precise with your aging method


Alpha/Beta is not a perfect model. No models are, but models are often useful. Everyone is a mix of alpha and beta traits — you need to both distribute your DNA and nurture its survival in order to pass on your genetic material. Too much Alpha and you don't form any human connections, too much Beta and you're an emotional wet blanket with zero sex appeal. Balance is key.

Look at the way you space out your posts and tell me you aren't brand new to this site
>got em

People use alpha to describe someone at the top of a dominance hierarchy and beta to describe those below the top.

Who cares where the terms originally come from. They are useful and mean something different now. That is how language works.

If you think different then stop using the internet now because the internet was invented by the US government for defence communication. Ergo posting on Sup Forums can't exist. /sarcasm

Hierarchal rankings are proven by observing packs of animals of the same species. Humans are no different.

>There's a joke that the sexual appeal of band members is at it's height for women 16-22. Around 23 it begins diminishing, and by 28 women literally want to vomit if they know you are a "musician".

Women want men at the top of the dominance hierarchy but the dominance hierarchy is relative to their peer group.





>i've fucked 15 women
then you aren't a beta

not politics
fuck you

This, wolves only seem to form hierarchies when kept in captivity with non-relatives by humans, funnily enough they naturally live in family units of a mother and father and their kids. And in animals that do have hierarchical packs the term alpha means the single leader of the pack and beta means his (or her) lieutenants, both having higher than average access to mating partners. And none of that reflects on human behavior because our reproduction is radically different from having such a long gestation period for only one baby that's then helpless for years.

r/K theory is where it's at, it let's slip that casual sex is a huge meme and you can have as much as you want by simply associating with women from broken homes. If you want to be le superior male have a K-selected wife and kids and you'll be a lot happier than all the r-selected children of single mothers desperately trying to emulate affection the (((media))) wants you to think are cool.

age 27
had sex with about 17 girls
and i think it's too much

ethnicities and nationalities:
australian (jew)
kosovo (muslim)

even if you lied and the actual value is down by half, that's still too much...

>Like what's the division line?
Good question user. Obviously if it was a clear cut answer we would all be a lot more unified on a large body of opinions and conjecture. It is, however, not a concrete fact. It is an opinion and it varies from person to person and often times every person changes around their sense of masculinity as well. I'd say it's a thing of size, money, confidence, and courage.
>TL:DR you're a pussy

Hahaha, the alpha/beta split is very much true. If you don't want to take advantage of that be my guest.

I drink black coffee if I'm not drinking whiskey
wear sweet watches because they are fucking cool as shit
nutted in 3 or 4 different women
wear some shitty cologne but still stink like sweat for that man musk

dude women can't get enough of me

what does your average beta Sup Forums user do?
trap furries

there are tiers kinda of like in sports you can be a alpha in some urban ghetto but be completely worthless compared to a beta who's in the middle class and alpha in the middle class but be worthless compared to a beta in the upper class and so on and so on.

condoms don't protect your from God's wrath

Filthy fornicators must be punished.

You shut your whore mouth about Chris chan. Fucking kurwa

alpha potential is genetic, most men dont have the ability to be alpha no matter what

It's a spectrum you dingus.

Its a trick made by the Jews to divide and conquer white straight men by having us fight among ourselves, instead of working together to the betterment of the white race.

Your job is to find a good woman, redpill her from the Jewish lies she's been told her whole life and make white babies with her. The Jew fears strong white families.