Boston Antifa plays an entire RWDS music video

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:!topic/youtubepartners/lCFoTbSZ-gg

Also this horrible chanting video



He was already ID'd as a fake a long time ago tho

This is a human

user, why would you go on the internet and lie

I forgot to mention that him calling that music video "cringe" actually happens. As if they can call anything else that. Expert bullshit artists

Holy crap am I actually supposed to be scared of these people?


Yeah we get it. You're safe in mommy's basement wannabe hitler

That music vid was cringe though. Straight outta r_donald

stop shilling your shitty vlog here faggot

lmao @ their most viewed video

you can't have that camera angle and expect to be taken seriously by us or anyone.

It's fun satire of antifa for us, but isn't really

>I believe he will NOT be nominated

They have to be parody, my brain is dependent on this not being real

jesus FACKING christ no one can stop this literal madman, can they?

it's not a vlog. these cucks mostly make information videos or rant on about how trump won't be president next week

Nazis watch out!

Maybe Im just missing all the ironic Sup Forumsac shitposting but ...uhh...guys...these two went to troll the HWND first stream. Their entire channel is trolling liberals.


This has to be a parody channel, right?


maybe they look like someone that was there. i've never heard of this in the few boston antifa threads i've seen on here. anyone have screencaps or something?

>tfw can't discern irony from sincerity.

It's sincere.

But that doesn't mean that they have an idea what they are doing.
They are spreading Nazi propaganda for us.

Yes, of course. They are very good at it.

Is youtube acting up for anyone else? things aren't loading but the videos are all fine. Can't dislike/like or comment.

Until I have some concrete evidence that this is a troll I will continue to believe otherwise.

I've been trying to solve this for 2 weeks now.

Oh dude I was hoping it was SeventhSon's RWDS song. It's the best, it's tremendous. Bigly.

>click link
>see title
>actually a little offended, maybe we are cringe
>balding numale with a eunuch voice pubic stash knit cap and problem glasses pops up

topkek, thanks for improving my self-esteem boston """smashafash""""

Let me know if your faggy fourth Reich fantasy goes as well as the last one...


either ironically or unironically huge fans of boston antifa but i have no fucking idea which one yet

Look at this fucking pedo lover

this is obviously a troll channel

Name, Age, Address and any mean of psychological pressure on the qt, please.


lol spam it on their facebook and see if they use it. i saw mr. rightside on there constantly before this video dropped today



>at least merrick garland was jewish

OK I made a mistake with the girl in the HWNDU first stream. They are not the same girl.
Here is

But Im still convinced they are trolling hard.

this fucking bitch literally says "free speech" like its the worst thing in the world, the sheer ignorance that he himself is being a fascist is staggering

right on. you could still be right. i'm sure these videos drive people in antifa nuts either way so they're definitely worth posting around

this channel has to be a parody

Lol I genuinely dont recycle.
Its pay per lift, not by weight and im only thowing away cardboard and glass so who cares?

This is rly big guy, sory annons I cant fight this dude.

i throw away plastic and cans all day get on my level

if they want to trash my country i'm not going to make it tidy on my way out

if i have kids here i'll apologize to them maybe

Oh yeah I throw away plastic and cans too. I dont sort anything. The whole thing is a scam to harness your free labor to create a product that makes someone else money.

Its not to save the environment or conserve resources. Fuck it.


yeah I guess twink 4 soros is right about that part. we all probably don't recycle

What a fag.

This is satire. This YouTube account was on mustachio Matt's channel making comments that no antifa would ever make. Plus Matt released the first "Boston antifa" video iirc. It didn't have this faggot, it had Matt wearing a mask. The Boston antifa account commented on that video also.

Should be obvious in the fact that he chose a high production YouTube video as his cringe when there is so much better cringe to chose from.

The fact that these videos are parody should be obvious as fuck. We are basically edgy reddit at this point.

This is satire. It should be obvious from the fact that the videos are only ever advertised on pol. Look through the YouTube comments, it is only ever polacks talking shit. If this was real they would be posting it on reddit and other leftist hangouts.

>he names Garland as the kike he is, while most leftists call him a FUCKING WHITE MAN

Is this /ourguy/?

Matt's video was released like two weeks after the first few Boston Antifa videos. His was a parody of mostly that press statement video that was text to speech

Whoever made those videos he showed should stop, they made me embarrassed

yeah. first boston antifa video feb 22. matt's released the 2nd of march in response to this

*Video, I was skipping through the vid because i can't stand his sick fucking mo

Shes qt

That press statement video was released on Matt's channel

>that numale stachette

it's like he drew it on with a stylo

Even if I'm wrong on the time line, Boston antifa account is still in Matt's comments bantzing. This is parody. Look at the comments, why would you make antifa videos and only share them on pol. I've seen almost every video on the channel and have yet to see one comment that wasn't obviously a pollack

pretty sure it wasn't.

you can also find it on boston antifa's facebook and a couple of the anarchist reddits

yeah. i'm not saying you're wrong but i don't know for sure based off what i've seen

i thought this was a parody at first. holy shit this guy is exactly what i picture when i think cuck

Are you telling me this is a deep troll?

The girl is too qt for antifa. But it's also too qt for that beta dude.

We advertise these videos, because it's fucking funny. I can barely sit through them, but his cuck energy makes me smile.

We also advertised Trump, cause he was funny. Doesn't mean he won't build that wall.

I don't see any convincing evidence he's doing satire. If he does it soo sincerely, is there a difference really?

prob 90% pol

Boston antifa account commenting on Matt's obviously bullshit Boston antifa vrs Northshore antifa video. Wether I am accurate or not about the first text to speech video, this is all definitely a troll

Either a motherfucking good troll or the epitome of all cuckry.

Plus there is shit like the obvious joke in Boston antifas first video.

>this is our YouTube channel. Here are our rules. We are a anarcho group....

>Jordan Peterson is a fascist nazi

Confirmed for troll
>Confirmed for troll
Confirmed for troll
>Confirmed for troll
Confirmed for troll
>Confirmed for troll
Confirmed for troll
>Confirmed for troll

Im kinda wondering desu
ive been going through his videos and their pretty cringe inducing

eh. maybe they somewhat have a sense of humor. it's still nothing convincing to me, based off of what they sometimes put on facebook as well.

Even faggot leftists think this shit is fake. I didnt take time to watch this guys video but in its description it
says he is trying to setup a call with the Boston antifa account to verify if it is real/parody.

He looks pozzed enough to be real antifa, maybe he has info that proves this shit is parody. I'm not interested enough to watch it, im already convinced as it is.

Forgot link

it doesn't say that in the description at all though. i'm not seeing any of that in the video either. it's just a response video. you guys might be a little too convinced

That video is not that convincing.

Frogs Caption is more convincing.
Ok, this is a troll.
Too much circumstantial evidence.
And I don't know how the YT related channel works, but Matt and H Drone is related.

He either related it himself, or it's automated:
-a) he visits those channels himself
-b) his viewers visit those channels.

I think it's b). In which case (Sargon), pol, I am dissapoint.

i didn't notice that thing. we've been trolling their videos hardcore for a few weeks now so the related channels makes a lot of sense if it is b.

i still don't get how boston antifa posting on that parody video makes them a troll. i think you guys are reaching too much with that one. it was a funny little video that bashed the people they hate, on the surface anyway

Real antifa would never post comments sympathetic to an obvious right wing YouTuber on a video dedicated to making fun of his specific antifa chapter. A channel that literally has the channel op saying shit like hitler did nothing wrong and whose other videos include shit about Jews etc etc.

A real antifa, specifically one that is so far gone, so extreme, that he is calling Jordan Peterson a literal fascist nazi, would never be caught in the comments of a right wing trolls video agreeing to said video.

Google Boston vrs Northshore antifa. The first thing you will see is 3 links from the anarchy subreddit calling out alt right trolls for making fake antifa videos. Even antifa are calling this fake... How much more convincing could anyone need?

Just the idea alone that a faggot like "dustin" would be at the head of a major metropolitan based branch of antifa is fucking ridiculous. The guy can't articulate his way out of a paper bag, he is the definition of awkward.... How would such a person be the one to make it to the top of an organization that would have at least 50 plus members if not more. Even if they only had 5, how would that happen? Were are the other antifa members in his vids? Where are the supportive comments? Where are the videos of them protesting??? The whole purpose of their organization is to protest and yet there is not one fucking video of them protesting... Come on user, you're better then this.

The post you're replying to is me pointing out the comment that the frog then posted.

it's possible they just didn't check out any of matt's other videos. based on their videos, they certainly are fairly weak on fact checking

fucking autistic chapojew faggot can barely look at the camera he's such a fucking gay cunt


This guy is clearly doing a parody of antifa.

I've been torn on this shit for a week. I made a video about this but didn't upload it because I'm just not very sure.

if they're trolling, they must be trying to make antifa look more weak and pathetic. i'd say upload it if it helps with that goal in mind

Are polacks raiding Rebel, Sargon and Styx?

Anyway I did some digging on related channels and it's definitely automatic and depends on metadata.
So it would actually have all of those factors:
-he visits, comments them himself (or on his other account)
-Metadata is similar to those channels
-High content engagement (active users) drive bigger channels in related!topic/youtubepartners/lCFoTbSZ-gg

Naturally YT hides how their algorithm exactly works, to prevent exploits. But I think it's fair to assume that channel users influence the automatic metadata.

Especially if I compare the related channels to Anarchopac. That can't be a troll.
Well at least I can say that all of his viewers are shitlords.

But here's the funny part. I already saw him on antifa live ( a greek, I think antifa).
He needs to continue as he's beginning to penetrate their network.

He can definitely pass as an Antifa.

so in any case, encourage this to continue. as far as penetrating the network, when i put in "how to join antifa"... guess what comes up? Boston Antifa at the top. the video with the fucking snake poem narrated by donald trump in it. holy shit

Why is Meg Kelly in the video?

>Don't nominate Gorsicuch he is white

>He is mean to LGBTQIAA

This guy is just b8ing...right?

I would like to see more of the girl in the vids. She has hot eyes.

Oh yeah, pol should promote him as much as they can.

It's a good psyop.
If somebody looking for Antifa looks him up they're gonna see polacks telling how he and antifa are a human waste. It's great.

this guy just looks like a fucking pedo


Man, RWDS are p great at editing. One day I'll learn some of those techniques, but for the time being this is all I can offer: