Sup Forums, are you really going to let Trump make Mexico suffer like this? Where is your heart?
Sup Forums, are you really going to let Trump make Mexico suffer like this? Where is your heart?
I'll be eating burritos while cheering as each foot of the wall is built
How about they just let us annex them and solve all their problems?
We're still building the wall though.
1st gen mexican here
Can confirm. Even we don't want rapist trash here.
Probably invested in some 2d whore
Man that's enough to make the wall pretty high.
oh no
that sucks
$27 bln>$20 bln
Wow, Trump isn't doing enough
Yes fuck those bastards they created that shithole they can wallow in it
It's funny CNN is not stating the reason why. Too inconvenient I guess.
Poor Mexican families need those billions of dollars more than we do. Come on, guys.
T. 2nd gen mexican american here
mexico is pretty tough on remittances itself... not memeing. taking pity on mexico on this is just worsening things
fuck em. Hell i might just sign up to build that wall meet yall at the border
Imagine if all that money went into our economy instead of to a thirdworld shithole.
America first!
What did they mean by this?
>Trump could make it much harder for illegal alien Mexican citizens to skirt around the US tax system and here is what that is BAD
You have to go back, Paco.
is he finally putting forth a tax on remittances?
he should.
would pay for the wall in 4-8 years.
I'm actually writing him emails daily. He needs to reform money transfer places like western union, and have postal inspectors take all money sent to Mexico.
They are paying for the wall.
Why can't they make Mexico Great For Once instead?
Did you know we could of annexed both Sonora and the Baja peninsula but we were trying to be fair and nice? Their faggot leader didn't even like the very generous proposals given to him (considering it could have included Sonora and Baja).
We should have just done it. At the time, that area was only settled by true blood Spainards and desert injuns.
Why should Americans allow theft of our currency? It does nothing for us when it's spent in Mexico. It's one thing to sneak in here to work, but to sneak earnings out is a slap in the mouth.
>Mexico relies on money taken from America by illegal immigrants to survive
Mexico needs a fucking revolution. Its government is corrupt as fuck, in the pockets of the cartels and actively encouraging this type of shit.
Just put us out of our misery
>CNN says that Trump wants to make it difficult for illegals to send money out of the US economy into Mexico
>there are people reading this who think this is somehow a bad thing
What the fuck?
Is that a flight suit he's getting? That's really cool. I'm happy about this bill too. I hate how the MSM is painting the Trump budget proposal as a loss for NASA when in reality it's just a 1% cut aimed to get rid of some of the climate change shit they do and refocus them on deep space exploration. And then of course they hardly cover Senate bill 442 at all, which literally confirms that the GOP wants NASA to focus on deep space.
That's nothing but the truth
How about you uncuck your government?
if they were born here they arnt going back. at least not for the next 16 years of trump.
If someone goes on a trip to a foreign country and spends some of their money on something, there is no American tax on that. why should it be any different for sending money to your family in a different country?
>which literally confirms that the GOP wants NASA to focus on deep space.
KEK pinches pochos
>Implying America has any obligation to help them
They are getting the money under the table you moron.
Don't forget that it'll be a lot harder to smuggle drugs across with a wall.
that doesn't answer my question of why there should be a tax on it
>move into country en masse
>take millions of jobs from low wage sectors, leaving many poor and lower middle class americans out of work
>make the money, and send it back to your family in mexico
Literal fucking leeches.
Because they are coming here illegally to undercut local labor markets and send all the proceeds back to their country. It wouldn't be a problem on a small scale, but they're sending back more money than the GDP of entire states.
i didnt know the socialists wanted to send americans to mexico.
thats cool I guess tho.
Tourism is a mutual exchange. Americans go to other countries and spend a small portion of their money which leaves the US economy and enters the foreign economy. Citizens of those countries come to America and spend a small portion of their money which leaves the foreign economy and enters the US economy.
Remittances are not a mutual exchange. No Americans are going to Mexico and sending 80% of their paycheck back to their families in America.
>spawn if illegal immigrants
>why should money that is normally taxed when given a paycheck, when it is given under the table to illegal aliens who then said it to mexico
>more than quadrupled in 10 years
These things are fucking parasites.
retarded comparison
you go to other country, you spend money, person in that country gets money for goods, government gets small tax
you recieve money illegally (not taxed) and send all of it home to mexico (also not taxed)
Its legally correct.
since nationality is defined legally, I'm okay with this.
This thread is full of dumbfucks. There is no legislation to stop the transfer of money. The money is decreasing because the people sending it back to Mexico are here illegally and many are fleeing back home or going to ground. But the headline is overstated, because the drop is actually very little. It's click bait fake news.
What's the reason? I'm interested to know.
I'm starting to realize that Destiny is right. The answer to the Mexican question is military intervention.
I understand cutting off remittances for illegal immigrants as a deterrent. Is your position different for legal immigrants?
>wants NASA to focus on deep space
I was pissed when king nigger cut the NASA programs and said that NASA was should/was gonna focus on low orbit or whatever the fuck it was
Nigga the US can make its own drugs.
Imagine breaking bad without the mexicans killing everyone and fucking everything up for good white AMERICANS.
And they said he wouldn't make 'em pay for the wall.
You will never be an American. You should go back to your own country and make it great. You are not welcome here.
Read it again retards It says 27 Billion in remittances last year, Mostly from People in the US WHO SUPPORT LOW INCOME FAMILIES.
The Democrats are taxing the poor and sending their money to mexico.
If the legal immigrant has paid a payroll tax then they should only have to pay an additional tax on the money equal to the highest tariff on goods coming from that country.
Gas the ponchos
that's a problem with getting paid under the table; you shouldn't cut off remittances because of a problem with a separate system
I am like 98% anglo and 2% german with a family tree that goes back to the mayflower.
you're barking up the wrong tree.
I haven't used my heart since I was abducted by Paco and he sold it to the Cartel for a pack of paper plates.
"Earth Sciences"
Obama had planned to land the ISS
But, unlike imports, remittances don't encourage production to go overseas. Why should there be a tariff on something that isn't an exchange?
That is Right Obama wanted to (((land))) the international space station
>see : Crash
It went against his Muslim Faith.
>separate system
Over $130 billion is sent overseas ever year in remittances.
Imagine if there was a small, very small, 10% fee on ever money transfer. We could fund that Meals on Wheels shit the left is going on about.
It is even worse than encouraging production, it is the direct transfer if wealth to another country. The production of a product overseas will only transfer the production costs of a good overseas, the full dollar is sent overseas in a remittance.
CNN Breaking: "We're actually in a time loop, here's how Hillary could win in 20 years."
For a number of countries, tourism isn't an exchange by any practical measure. The amount of money flowing into the US from tourists from places like the Bahamas is nothing compared to the flow the other way around. Should a hypothetical country that has no tourists that come there tax on money spent overseas?
Pumping as hard as it can whilst raping your fucking beaner wife.
5% tax would pay for a 60 meter wall in 1 year.
Remittances are a tiny fraction of the money that gets paid under the table. Banning or taxing remittances is not an effective way to stop money from being passed under the table.
Ok, was a poor argument. But, back to my original point, why should remittances be taxed like an imports rather than tourism?
There's no effective way to tax tourist dollars. In theory, they should.
It's not required to be even on a country by country basis. From the US's perspective, an American travelling to any country is spending dollars which leave the US economy and any foreigner travelling to the US is spending dollars which enter the US economy.
Overall it's sufficiently balanced. Yes, more tourists from America probably to go Mexican beaches than the other way around, so Mexico gets more of our tourism dollars than we get of theirs. But it's not a big deal and it doesn't mean we should tax Americans visiting Mexico because when you consider all other countries from which people are coming to America it isn't a huge deficit. Plus an American going abroad to spend money leaving the US economy has at least paid taxes on the spending money when it was first paid to him. An illegal remitting under the table wages back to Mexico hasn't paid any tax at all.
I wonder if remittance is allowed, just to keep production low in Mexico. Income for the idle and unemployed in Mexico, cheap labor in America, the whole system increases foreign migration, and devalues labor markets here.
That's some lvl 10 jewry there.
The only downside is for American citizens. No surprises here. The left must love remittances
I understand cutting off remittances for illegal immigrants as a deterrent; I was thinking of legal immigrants. Having under the table wages is a separate problem. what about the hypothetical country part?
are they trying to make people glad we elected Trump?
Ok, well argued. I concede.