>is it true user? Did you say all turks are subhuman roaches?
Is it true user? Did you say all turks are subhuman roaches?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't make me get the bug spay.
Only the muslims, so basically 99% percent of turks.
The exterminator was just over last week.
Subhuman turk filth caked up with make up.
Y-yes *unzips dick"
Anzu is 2D-tier though, her ethnicity doesn't matter.
>inb4 she
Dont worry shes probably busying having 5 babies on Erodragons orders.
I like Turkey but hate Anzu. Turkey will help dissolve the EU and promote nationalism in Europe. It's the only way to counter Turkey.
Anzu is a just a degenerate faggot and he'll probably get beaten and killed when conscripted.
Am I the only one genuinely not turned on by this?
sdil bretty good xd
What is this thing?
Has there been an official verdict as to whether or not Anzu has a penis? At this point I need to either just fap or move on.
She's a petite fair-skinned girl in Turkey, she knows exactly what we mean when we call them roaches.
But, seriously, i'd rather have roaches like "her", instead of the filthy inbred we have here.
She's a girl but we like to believe she has a feminine dick.
she is purely anorexic angle and makeup master
even she admits this
There's no way that's a guy.
Do you think Erdogan would give us all Anzu's if we promised to breed copiously with them?
Is there any harm in asking?
No, but her race does
Her race is anime.
She looks better without the makeup.
Anzu is a she. But there's enough wiggle room for the closeted faggots to get off to her too.
>She looks better without the makeup.
Dont worry, cute turkmen will be treasured.
Anzu is cute!
Official verdict is he has a dick but its not gay.
stupid enough to think this is really no makeup
Wait is that the real anzu? She's cute as fuck.
Yes, fuck you.
2D for life.
>Wait is that the real anzu? She's cute as fuck.
She might just be saying she doesn't look good without make up.
Is this Anzu thread?
What does she mean by this?
Why the fuck are her lips so fucking dry, i smack my lips and lick them like a nigger and have never used chap stick and they are in way better shape.
umm... no sweetie, drumpf is not a real president
Too much make up, after a while you end with a dry face.
Dunno mang you should see my lips they are the fucking worst. Like disgustingly bad in terms of dryness and I have only recently become aware of how bad it is. I drink like 16 cups of water a day but my lips refuse to hydrate. It's weird.
I love turks now!
Fucking gross.
it's symbolism for my weanus peenus entering her hoo-hoo
Yeah. Is kinda of ironic that after the make up hurts your skin, you apply more to hide the damage, increasing the problem. Which is the case for Anzu.
Turks are just people like you and me!
That's definitely a man.
Considering anzu wears expensive wigs, costumes, and contact lenses -- she must be hiding the fact that she's a sub human. A roach.
user, beware girls who take too many pictures of themselves. That's a perfect sign that someone has low IQ.
I have a balances diet of two litters of beer, 4 cups of coffee and three litters of water a day, you should try other liquids.
I feel bad for her now.
Another sign of low IQ is getting your penis chopped off and covering yourself in three pounds of makeup daily tbqh
To a man user? Gross!
Sup Forums BTFO.
>Looked at the instagram of that guy who orbits Anzu a while ago
>Said something about friend zone
>Can't find the post
>Only find a "why do I say stupid things?!?"-post
>No comment from Anzu on his pictures since
Take some screenshots and edit them together to compliment your green text. I want to laugh
How did you get in my house, get the fuck out of here
Is this a boy or a girl?
I want to stick my penis in anzu and cum very quickly leaving her unsatisfied and myself ashamed
Biological female(female)
female (female) [male]
Coming through with rare anzu feet.
Thank me later, faggots.
at least she hasn't had her skull reconstructed kimchi nigger
Rotterdam is rightful Turkish clay.
I worked hard for you
love you Sweden.
Didn't he get KEKED by a chink?
Correct friend, he flew all the way to visit her and her asian boyfriend was there the whole time
post anzu bf he must be a god among men
kys rn u fuccin faggot i sware 2 gOD i hope you fuccin die 2day u dirty no good piece of shit do the world a favor and off urself with a crowbar and a liter of bleach ur fat ass shud b gassed and maimed god dam ur mom should have swallowed u and ur fake ass onii chan hollows apollo the light model who fights drago you might wallow into depression dresser full of empty sprite bottles
>mfw she is literally kissing the white heads of his acne and she is a total weeaboo that settled for a 3/10 asian because she is just a weeaboo hungry for asian cock
He's probably a Johnny Long Dong
Is secret program to breed the next mongol child to rule the steppes
a 3/10 asian is a 8/10 to a woman who's only ever seen roach men user
he really doesn't look that bad aside from the ache
>giving some weeb roach attention whore more attention
go back go Sup Forums or /r9k/ you faggots
I prefer the cosplaying chick who does solo masturbation videos desu. Her recent Neir one was pretty fucking good.
Forgot her name but there's usually threads over at /gif/
>underrated post
>the thread
Lana Rain?
Lana Rain perhaps?
I saw her nier analysis just a few days ago, who would've guessed I'd see her pussy next
Can a Juden like me have a chance with her?
how can Turkroaches compete with delicate Australian flower?
dont you dare touch her with your filthy, evil jewish hands, kike