What do you guys think of abortion?
Just curious.
What do you guys think of abortion?
Just curious.
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Rarely justifiable and easily avoidable murder
should be illegal for whites
I think all Canadians should be aborted.
A convenient way to dispose of responsibility.
Eugenics is great.
Do you mean that pejoratively or is that an endorsement?
The people who get abortions are generally unsuited to being parents or are of backgrounds that having less of their kind around would be beneficial as a whole.
I'm utterly unconcerned with the moral connotations about killing unborn children when it involves these groups because less of them in the world is a good thing.
tl;dr - Fuck niggers, spics, and liberals. They shouldn't breed anyway.
This. Are condoms that hard to use?
The poor and stupid breeding less, whatd not to like?
Is that for a generalized promotion of good traits, or along racial lines?
Horrible and sinful, until I need to buy one for my mistress the wife didn't know about.
Both, Focus on racial lines first, we can't improve ourselves in just a few generations.
Until we are able to edit human DNA we could use selective breeding to make more intelligent people, maybe breed out cancer.
With morning after contraception, I can't think of a good reason why abortion shouldn't be charged as murder.
How do you murder something that hasn't even been born yet?
This. If you worry about non-white populations becoming a problem, get them at the source. Free abortions are better than a life-time of welfare for Bonqualanisha and her 7 Tyrones.
most cancers aren't genetic, although I like your thinking.
this thread should be aborted
its ok when niggers, gypos and kebabs do it
I've held a baby just after birth. The idea of killing a baby like that is repellent.
There's no way I could think that an hour earlier it would've been fine to smash its skull in just because it hadn't fully left the womb.
I couldn't justify killing it a day earlier.
I couldn't justify killing it a week earlier.
I couldn't justify killing it a month earlier.
I can't see any clear line where it becomes OK.
Life begins at conception.
Preventing what would have been a naturally growing human life from reaching the point it would have most likely reached naturally is the same thing as murdering the child when it is already alive.
1: A human's life begins at conception.
>the moment the sperm meets the egg, a new distinct human life begins, this is scientifically undeniable.
>appeals to nebulous jargon like "personhood" only needlessly complicates the issue, when we already have a black and white moment to point to scientifically for when a human's life begins.
2: murder is the intentional unlawful and/or immoral taking of a human life
>some would argue it's not murder if it's not illegal, however, that's absurd.
>for instance: if you take an innocent person out to some anarchic land without laws and kill them, would that not be murder? (it would)
3: it is immoral to intentionally kill an innocent human being
4: the child in the womb is innocent
>a person is either guilty or innocent, since the child cannot make moral choices at this stage, it can't choose to do evil.
>therefore, they are innocent
5: therefore, abortion is murder
>logically follows from 1-4
6: murder ought to be illegal
7: therefore, abortion ought to be illegal
legal for defective kids, threats to the mother and before the completion of the second month of pregnancy.
Justified in some cases like kids with discapacities and so on. Really not justified any other time, even victims of rape should consider give their kids to adoption imo.
Should be completely banned.
Also women who get back alley abortions should be imprisoned for life and women who get abortions overseas should be banned from returning.
It's necessary.
Also -- human life is not the precious thing people think it is. There's a shitload of humans on this planet, we're not in danger of extinction due to UNDERpopulation.
Everyone under 40 is pro-abortion. Being anti- is a Sup Forums meme. The only people against abortion are deeply religious people, and the only argument against abortion is religious.
>It's necessary.
i think the word you're looking for is "convenient"
Look at current STD rates, especially among blacks.
free but you get sterilized
Abortion is created by Hitler to secretly selectively breed humans to create the perfect race
It's just like how spilling some flour is the same as dropping a wedding cake
what's religious about my argument,
you morally bankrupt moonbat?
More black babies are aborted in the greater metropolitan area of detroit than born.
It's necessary, you idiot.
Meme answer. Try harder
If men got pregnant and carried babies, abortion would be legal in all instances and all stages of development. Wouldn't even be a question.
>tfw you'll never be a serf
I wish my parents had one.
It could be honestly used as both, but it was originally used as a pejorative.
Have a chick that I went to college with that had loaded parents. Was completely reckless and nothing more than a pleasure seeking, weed smoking degenerate. She got knocked up by her foreign boyfriend and got it aborted like it was nothing.
Just went right back to the dopamine-tickling world like nothing ever happened. Fucking Christ.
Should be banned unless it was rape or the baby threatens the woman's life. Every girl I know who's had an abortion is a retarded whore who won't contribute anything to society.
There's too many people in the world already.
Lots of people who have babies shouldn't.
spilling flour = masturbating
taking wedding cake currently baking out of oven and dropping it on the floor = abortion
A new, distinct human life does not begin at fertilization. A new, distinct human life begins at birth. A zygote has no history, no relationships, no name, no identity. A fetus has none of the things that make us "human" except undeveloped body parts. Fetuses are not people. They're larvae.
Got anymore?
I would rather drop a baking cake than one finished and frosted, and so would you.
>when you realize we are all post term abortions.
I think all abortion should be legal until the child is 3 years old.
I also think we should ban all contraceptives besides condoms.
too many brown people, yeah for sure
overpopulation is an anti white meme
brown and yellow countries don't give a fuck with their billions strong populations
Same difference
The real point is you're an idiot if you equate wasting sperm / ova with destroying a zygote/fetus
>A new, distinct human life does not begin at fertilization. A new, distinct human life begins at birth.
wow, magic.
where do you get off making fun of religious people when you spout voodoo nonsense like this?
>A zygote has no history, no relationships, no name, no identity
none of these are requirements for being a life biologically
>They're larvae.
the reason you have to dehumanize them is because you know what you're saying is monstrous
A better analogy would be to take the cake out of the oven while it's still cooking.
An abortion at 1 month would be like spilling the cake right after you put it in. An abortion at 7 months would be like spilling the cake right before it was done.
Either way, most of these cakes are shit anyways. So who cares?
Well actually it's more like reaching into the oven with a pair of forceps, smashing the cake inside the oven and then cleaning the oven out.
I don't like it but understand that sometimes it's the best option, either because parents are losers or the baby has defects.
I'd personally abort one with Down's but I hope I never actually have to make that choice.
Can I still eat it?
Oppose it because I like trolling to trigger feminists and beta white nights.
Privately support it because it's the only reason the black population isn't twice what it is.
Your parents should have made a better decision.
Thats wrong. A zygote, at the point of conception, is new human DNA, its a living organism that if not disturbed will follow the natural course of its development to become a foetus, then a baby, assuming there are no complications that end in miscarriage.
You're talking about "personhood" which is a label meant to translate a flesh and blood human being into the "system" - a means of the state identifying and adapting to a new birth.
If this were true the fetus wouldn't need to be dispatched while still inside the mother in order to satisfy the moral gymnastics required to say it wasn't a human being.
Just another day of Sup Forumslution hate bait threads I see. Is there intelligent life on the internet or have we become middle aged bird fodder like the rest of the online community.
I'm fine if it's chocolate cake, but we shouldn't be ruining angel food cakes.
What you mean? My room mate asked if I knew Sup Forums's attitude towards abortion so I figured I'd ask. Didn't want to speculate, haven't been here in a while.
This is a sad beta cuck argument for abortion.
The same degeneracy by which abortion has become an alternative form of late acting birth control is the same degeneracy by which women have become herped up dick pincushins unworthy of long term emotional commitment by decent hard working men.
I think it should be legal, shitton of unwanted nigs and spics have died because is legal in the US, also less people living in poverty, also what kind of people choose abortion? that's right I think nobody wants that kind of people living their genes in this world.
You wanna maybe narrow that down some more?
I think the spineless fathers need to grow a pair and take these bitches to church.
It's ok if the child consents
Science is pretty objective, human life begins with a zygote:
The argument then turns to "when is a human considered a person" (when do they have human rights)
The fact that it is a human being is objective scientific fact, anyone still arguing against this is essentially arguing from a position akin to a fundamentalist christian that also rejects science.
Yeah well, the whole world has become a circus of mental gymnastics that everybody believes are real.
Children need adults to guide them.
Oh yeah. Great idea. Then they can pay half their fucking paycheck to the mom for 20 years while she half-assed "raises" their unwanted spawn.
Face it, abortion is one of the greatest medical inventions of all time.
Yeah well the adults have lost their way now too. This is the new dark age.
Humanity has become simultaneously flooded with a deluge of the entire collective knowledge of all humanity and deprived of accurate curation for said knowledge.
I want all abortions not provided by the government to be illegal. However, absolutely no tax money goes into these abortions. The cost has to be billed to the whore or her insurance company. Then since abortions would become a factor in health insurance, insurance companies won't accept reckless sluts. Because of this, the slutty single mother genes will all die out and so will their children. 4D chess.
When in doubt, scrape it out.
My beliefs are facts! Science said so!
>T. Roastie.
When your life depends on someone else that person doesn’t have the obligation to keep you alive.
would you say the same of a 5 year old child?
>mexican ethicists
Except the only way to enforce that little thought experiment is to invasively kill and remove the fetus with either chemicals or a physical instrument.
Abortion is not the same as turning away a beggar at your door. It's more like looking for one in an alley that hasn't yet come to your door, drilling a hole in his skull, and evacuating his brain through a suction tube, throwing his leftover physical being into a biohazard container and them cremating it.
t. legbeard
Yeah it makes total sense to enable killing a percentage of white demographics while still in the womb in the midst of negative reproductive rates and a third world demographic crisis which is engulfing the west. Makes total sense to enable a war of genetic attrition!
Things will level out. A decade worth of perpetually offended children that love to hear themselves talk / type is not going to be the death of civility.
So you're saying you disagree with a range of quotes from biological scientists held on a university website and in fact see them as the religious fanatics with their heads in the sand?
Wow, you're pretty deluded.
Rape cases account for a tiny percentage of actual abortions. Its essentially a case of people putting their feelings over the literal life of a human being, based on the fact they don't want to accept the responsibilities they have found themselves accountable to. Personally I think it should be illegal, so that expecting mothers that do go through with it and try it themselves / dark markets have the chance of actually killing themselves.
Anyway faggots its been fun talking but as it always is, its the same arguments that have no logical foundation beyond muh feelings going in circles.
Science says zygote = start of human life.
Personhood is a state enforced perception.
Learn the difference.
In an ideal world where +25% of women weren't dysfunctional sluts, I would see it as a horrible thing. But I don't want to subjugate children to dysfunctional slutty mothers, as they'll grow dysfunctional and dependent on the state themselves, so I'm not against it.
>hmm, there's a 1 in a 4 chance this kid's life will start out shitty, better murder him
this makes sense to you?
A murder.
Unless it's an abortion of a non-white baby, then it's just nothing wrong.
I would say the same about any living form, it’s not about ethics
That would apply after the fetus develops a brain, wich I also think it should be ilegal abort after so many time pregnant
I wager a lot of them don't even know about them half the time.
Sex-Ed in public schools is pretty horrendous honestly.
good. the less people the better
do think the type of dysfunctional woman who WOULD have an abortion (that 25% estimate based just on persona acquaintances and not actual statistics) is also the type of person who would likely raise dysfunctional children. While the type of person who would not have an abortion is more likelly to raise children with better morals
Same here.
Here's the issue with a religious concept of abortion: it assumes an essence/soul exists waiting for that vessel and that, by destroying the potential vessel, you're destroying that soul's chance of entering our world.
That's a HUGE axiom to base your argument on.
On the other hand, in a secular situation that's more easily provable, we KNOW that something without a brain isn't sentient or alive. We KNOW that fetuses don't develop brains till the 5th week of pregnancy. Ergo, abortions within that period ought to be allowable, but after that period is where things get both tricky and morally ambiguous.
First three weeks should be an easy shoe-in period for abortions. It's got as much sentience as your toe-nail.
Second Trimester and forward ought to be an easy shoe-in for illegal periods for abortion: there's a brain and spinal-cord developing, its within the approximate realm of being defined as life.
It's best for society. Women get abortions when they're unable to financially or psychologically care for a child, or even when they have other children and can't handle another one more.
Despite what propaganda tells you, they're aren't a lot of women using it for "birth control" a huge percentage of abortions are the result of birth control failures,minder age stupidity, rapes, or abusive or controlling relationships.
Murder isn't illegal because it's wrong. Murder is illegal because it disrupts society. Even if you kill homeless people with no family, it still disturbs society. No one wants corpses in their neighborhood.
Abortion is legal because the loss is solely with the mother, no one else has to know about it. No one else feels or mourners the loss, unless she chooses to tell them. But if she has the kid, unprepared, and UN supported SOCIETY FEELS THE BURDEN.
The idea that "life" inherently has value is nice and everything, but it has no place in math and economics.
And spare me the "rape and incest and life of the mother" clauses. Either the embry has a right to life or it doesn't. People don't gain or lose rights base on their health or whether or not their mothers were raped.
A necessary evil.
>us secular enlightened euphoric freethinkers KNOW that something without a brain isn't alive
that's wrong though
i made an argument without appealing to souls/essences here ( ) if you want to try to tackle it, mr. scienceman
Illegal for whites. Encouraged for darkies.
It's murder, but it's mostly done by blacks, so it solves another problem.
They are only 12% of the population. Proportionally they do it the most.
>The immoral action is good because society is wrong
>Therefore, morality is irrelevant and only society matters even though it is actually society that is the issue
You fuck off, degenerate scum.
and yet they still have a higher birthrate than us
"lol it kills niggers" is a bad argument, there are much better and less barbaric means of controlling demographics we could utilize
the rest is taken care of through gang violence, drug use, and incarceration
Completely indifferent, I don't really fuck a lot of girls so it's a non issue for me.
The hero that Sup Forums deserves
>like i give a shit, it's not me being killed
you know your society is fucked when things like this are said
I didn't say it was right, or good. I implied that it was necessary, which it is.
What is the up shot of a bunch of poor, single women having more and more babies? And don't tell me that it will make more people careful about fucking,because that's a pipe dream. Sex is fun and free. If peole quit fucking because they couldn't afford babies, Africa would have a rapidly declining population.