How can you, Sup Forums, really consider yourself redpilled when you can't even handle women. Every time I go on Sup Forums I see bitter men complaining "women are degenerate and this, that, and the other thing." How can you claim to be this redpilled tough-guy when you can't even talk to a fucking GIRL! I bet in reality, the majority of Sup Forums users are big pussies who feel the need to validate themselves by acting like a racist tough guy on the internet.
You are all LOSERS
Please tell me your pic-related is a biological female
Is this pasta?
nice shitpost fgt
get that halfman off my screen
it's like any other online review. those that have only negative things to say tend to complain about it more and those that have neutral or positive thoughts either shut up and enjoy what we have or or don't have anything to say.
I love women as do most Sup Forumstards. Seeing as their are no women on the internet it's just bantz. Girls talk about guys much worse amongst themselves.
This being Sup Forums I wouldn't be so sure. I don't think any of the sad sacks on /r9k/ are kidding...
I'm not racist though. I just like memes, anime and conspiracy theories.
I just accept women the way that they are. Degenerate or not, most of them are harmless. Just look at them. Unless you allow them to mess you up. But why would you? I don't really talk to them at all tbqdesu. Or think about them much. 3D ones anyway. Welp.
> You are all LOSERS
I dont hate women
I love women
It's people that I hate
That's where your wrong kiddo.
But women are whores, user. This is tough to deal with for autists, we feel too much.
I talk to girls every day.
They keep asking me to leave and I tell them no.
>tfw married and wife is more racist than i am
>mfw actually good with women
>have chad genetics
>can't bring myself to chase after them because feel it's degenerate
>when was younger thought this was shyness or weakness
>realized jewish ideas of sexuality are simply wrong and one night stands are a jew plot to ruin white society
The true redpill is whores are not worth your time.
Trust me.
I would eat her belly button like an ice cream cone.
not politics sage and report
why are women so scary
Mark of the beast means it's false, user
Those women were on that creepy "heykids" show. Something about them with fiverr before or something.
I have standards, which means I know deep down that I will improve. You can eat straight root fucker.
>be American
>know about Christian superstition
and who are you exactly, o digits I see. saged.
Because women are degenerate? I've lived with three throughout my life and have dated countless. The majority of westernized women are dead inside, shallow, lack ambition and are just looking to latch onto a walking paycheck before her biological clock is up.
>you can't even talk a fucking girl
Nice self-projection. Not everyone who lurks an anonymous image board is a self-loathing socially awkward beta who can't look someone in the eyes.
>validate themselves by acting like a racist tough guy on the internet
I'm racist due to a lack of ignorance. I spent half of my childhood growing up in a neighborhood of din dus and the other half growing up in a white trash majority neighborhood until I was 18. My mother is cheap and wouldn't move somewhere nice.
There's a reason all those racist stereotypes exist. Is it their fault? Not entirely. There's a lot of systemic pandering and political abuse that has kept them how they are so that Democrats have a voting audience. Fixing them would give them no power and we'd be an all Republican country. Couldn't have that huh?
>why are women so scary
They don't have to be dude. Keep in mind that they're more afraid of you than you are of them.
But don't corner them, make sure they have a way to escape, always be aware of their position relative to yours, don't assume it's safe to turn your back, etc. If it comes to it play dead in fetal position (this protects your internal organs best).
We are being bombarded by slide threads created by paid shills. This is one of them.
I know this is pasta, but I may as well get this out of the way because no one addresses it.
>circumstantial ad hominem
Poor social and seduction skills mean nothing in terms of intelligence and understanding. It's just a severe setback in adaptability, making it only partly hypocritical that many of us have a mindset revolving around natural selection.
>you can't even handle women
We can handle women just fine. We choose not to tolerate estrogen-infused sociopaths incapable of the basic mental and physiological traits that make a natural woman, a good woman, a true woman. The modern western woman is an overgrown child, completely divorced from her nature, and reduced to animalistic and destructive thrill-seeking and virtue-signalling. They aren't women. They're barely human. They're practically niggers.
Hahaha loser!
Agreed, whores are unfulfilling and just a depressing waste.
Girls win the lottery from age 12 to 30 by virtue of their good looks. They are simply valued more by the world, and grow narcissistic and spoiled because of it.
Then they hit the wall. Their beauty fades. Their behavior grows increasingly degenerate in an attempt to feel "hot" again, or anything at all.
Being redpilled means understanding this complex. That sexual attraction is a simple formula based on looks, money and status. It means accepting what you don't have control over in this regard, and working hard to change what you can, wherever you are blessed with control.
It means laughing at women as they crash and burn, knowing that you deserve every ounce of joy garnished from their suffering.
It means being a better, wiser, person in the end - whom they realize was always there on the inside, by the time they reach age 40, and look up at you with awe and silence, at the gender who was able to find meaning in their lives beyond the superficial.
>Keep in mind that they're more afraid of you than you are of them.
so are spiders but they spook me too
>If it comes to it play dead in fetal position (this protects your internal organs best).
got it
are they afraid of fire?
>are they afraid of fire?
Not enough.
t.autistic girl that got rejected by someone with a MAGA hat
>You're all losers
I mean, well, yeah? I mean you didn't have to rub it in...
>feel dead since 15
>lol fag be urself and get sum laid
Controlling women in a relationship is criminal. Ergo only criminals can have relationship with women where the man is not exploited.
Non criminal men will instead just avoid relationships with women and only have short term sex with them. Meaning they aren't exploited. Ergo, still manly and still red pilled.
If you don't want to be a criminal but also want to have a relationship with a woman where you are not exploited, my advice is to defect to countries where men controlling women in a relationship is not criminal. This is the solution.
And this solution is why patriarchies always out compete and conquer matriarchies. Men will defect from matriarchal countries to patriarchal countries that give men a better deal than the cuckoldry or criminal choices in their previous countries.
Well yeah fuck bitches, get money, and so on and so forth, but you've GOTTA still marry a decent one and have a bunch of white children, or you're a pathetic fucking loser who's actively contributing to the fall of modern society
>more digits
Yes, yes he is
I'd rather "An Hero" then fuck a libtard
digits confirm, Sup Forums is no better than leddit
I'm actually very quiet and sweet irl
these shareblue threads are getting weird.
satan speaks truth.
however, even you have to admit women are systemically useless nowadays.
You can't control women they either want to be in your life or don't
That's not even a woman in the pic, so your argument is invalid.
drumphtards btfo
>a leaf using his powers for good instead of evil
I've seen it all now
>really consider yourself redpilled when you can't even handle women.
they aren't worth it.
I'm a liberal and I get tons of pussy from open minded hoes, I don't have any STDs because I practice safe sex.
Yeah, lots of anime nerds here who will never have a girlfriend or wife. I was told I'm a pleb on another thread because I don't understand what a high artform japanese cartoons are...
>mfw everything is a shill and slide thread
>why am I even here?
>can't wake up
>save me
I want normies to leave.
Weird how girls love being degraded.
>nose ring
>those earrings that stretch out your earlobes
>mutant bellybutton
>wrinkly face
Shutup, bitch.
why am i not surprised
I've only been here a few days, I'm just starting to understand how many shut in reclusive geeks are here. White nationalism, white pride and anime!
Why do American girls do dis? Why are American and too a lesser extend Canadian girls so degenerate?
>i'm unique, just like everyone else
>pic related, what this thread gave me
The jig is up Shareblue, go home.
Feminism, sexual revolution, drug culture, other words JEWS!
This is Sup Forums, fuckwit.
What did you expect?
Stick with reddit
>White nationalism, white pride and anime!
Who would've thought these things would end up mixed together like this.
I don't live on the internet like you. I've never used reddit and only came here because of a link from a political site. I'm interested in politics and race not drowning my sorrows with cartoons like you man children.
Never even knew about this ubtil a few days ago, seems like a strange combo to me.
We consider the lives of others while getting lulz.
We don't care about relationship that much.
>I've never used reddit and
Well this is where you belond desu.
examples of countries?
What's desu mean?
Women hating is a nu-Sup Forums meme spread by MGTOW and other butthurt redditors. Women helped elect Trump, women helped win Brexit and women will help us save our peoples from Globalism so everyone better suck it up and deal.
>I'm interested in politics and race not drowning my sorrows with cartoons
>there's a difference
Without women "helping" none of this shit would have happened to need to be fixed or saved in the first place, dipshit.
Do you like jap cartoons?
That's actually pretty amusing.
Men are the ones that chose this future? We controlled everything in our societies and we let it get to this point? Have some self responsibility.
I dabble in the occasional japtoon.
>Women hating is a nu-Sup Forums meme spread by MGTOW
And they're pretty terrible with it. Most sexism seems pretty mild after that heh.
Posting a picture of a turbo degenerate as your opening statement isn't helping, Satan.
You can call me man child or whatever, it has no effect.
There are millions of us.
Please accept this video of a nigger being fried by a live transformer
Why are these questions?
We don't control everything and we got pushed to this point.
The anime stuff is mostly ironic and grew out of the other boards. I don't think most Sup Forums users watch or care about anime.
Nice niggerdeath vid, m8.
Look Satan, there is a difference between "women" and "whores". Also, nice try CIA
Thanks for the crispy fried nignog.
I know you will not believe me. But I have a loving girlfriend of coming onto 3 years now, and my best, closest friend is a girl too. And i'm not some pimply big fuck that goes after autistic girls. I'm clean shaven, with a neat cut, decent money, and healthy. But yet, I am a modern day National Socialist.
Truly the timeline of kings
>The anime stuff is mostly ironic and grew out of the other boards. I don't think most Sup Forums users watch or care about anime.
Yup. I saved tons of anime memes but the only anime character I recognize is Assuka. I read here that Assuka is an acceptable waifu because she's 3/4th german kek.
>your faith in the leaf has been restored