Subtle redpill meme thread. What are YOU doing to smarten up the normies without them knowing? Spread your ideas here.
Subtle redpill meme thread. What are YOU doing to smarten up the normies without them knowing? Spread your ideas here
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How do you define these? They seem pretty subjective.
Three letter word m8
>totally misunderstanding normie understandings
The rich arent the enemy. Its those who resist progressive taxes, and use their immense wealth to bankroll safety net policies which hurt the under-privileged and working class.
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Great meme I honestly agree.
why should rent-seekers be enemies? property is an investment just like any other asset. the owner is taking the risk that the property will depreciate. rent is just dividends.
>implying it's a clean cut
we just don't know??? ??
you beat me to it and did a better job than i would have
if it was jews-non jews you wouldn't be so wrong, but
>believeing that people aren't pieces of shit all across the board
t. landlord
So what about poor jews?
lots of us are landlords stop being such a wage cuck. you idiots destroy my houses every few years and I have to do more work repairing the damage than you do in your entire neet life.
what does "rent seeker" mean?
here in NZ, rent is something you pay to live in a house without a mortgage. How is someone seeking rent a bad person?
you mean landlords renting out houses? Isnt that a form of Entrepreneurship?
This. Also checked.
Burgers didn't take the 90pill
But the rich support tough taxes so long as they are exempt.
GE is the biggest energy company in the world and it only makes money from taxes instead of paying them.