Meme ball thread?


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Habbening Meme Ball request! Too much info? Dems hired terror linked IT guys who hacked government and stole equipment Didn't want to fire Pakistani brothers because racism so they double down and have them privileged access when they were under investigated then they fled the country and held their grandma captive for money
How many (((you)))s this going to cost me?


What ia this?







I need more Sup Forums memeballs

Big happening need meme ball to pierce normies with. This is huge. >when you hire Pakistanis connected to the Muslim brotherhood and they hack your iPad but you don't want to look incompetent so you provide them with special privelage and access while under FBI investigation and they steal your equipment and leak info to Wikileaks to pay back Hamas because they are in debt then it gets out so they flee the country and kidnap their grandma





literally Sup Forums

>Congressional aides suspected of criminally misusing their access to House computer systems owed $100,000 to an Iraqi politician who is wanted by U.S. authorities and has been linked to Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Middle Eastern terrorist outfit.













except they fought back too fag

Sweden's more boring than ever. No crimes just protests.

>No crimes

Steel production is up 20%, comrade! The Soviet worker now enjoys a standard of living far greater than Americans!





better version

r u ok



>When you thinking
Not terribly soon, it seems.


Ho jeez


Palestine was province of Roman empire, caliphate, ottoman empire and British empire. So it is completely valid as a. state.

nice try schlomo

70AD is coming again to a Jerusalem near you



sounds like so called university

You just justified that its jewish clay.

Google it




Anyone got the england one that is about building the capetown to cairo railroad?


Funny to hear that from jew


>Slav jew comes to israel to live better
>He brings all hes old habits/education/good manners
>Israel is getting better in every aspect
>Slimes, sandniggers jew come to israel
>Everything is worse
I like them.
I also have a jew Belarusian friend.
Very talented.







This one does not make sense.
Go shill elsewhere.

And a very rare one

Come on now, it's pretty easy to see that was because of the parallels with Palestinians. Is Israel doing anything about the current migrant crisis?

Im fine with ur hate cause well revive our Soviet Reign, occupy whole Europe and enslave you one day. Your children will work in Siberia.
Lonk live Lenin

That is so fucking accurate.

Not funny, not really insightful either.

This is the same
>Sup Forums is a hugbox echo chamber
Argument that bares little resemblance to reality. Many of us have read, listened and watched the greatest minds of our times, the most important hearings and subcommittee meetings and been the able to foresee events through the fog of 24hr news cycles, government dispersion and general ignorance. Your estimation is poor, wrong-headed and connotes not only disdain for this place, but also ignorance.

Poor execution, those Indonesian JIDF (CIA, MI5) guys are being really lazy this day.

This is garbage:

>.10$ deposited in the Bank of Indonesian in your name poster

oc from a pitbull argument

same bro

could be worse you could have been sent to this piece of shit island while being irish at the same time

Why do these have a red tint to them?

but this ain't new tho





