What happened to pride in your self
Why do transgenders exist
>be man
>everyone praises you if you do it
>get free good boy points for being "strong"
>get better end of the stick on health care
>get better end of insurance
>get better end of scholarships
Chopping your dick off is just pressing the easy button on life, until they get to be the age where anti depressants stop working like they used to and they kill themselvs
Pure unadulterated metal litmus
Maybe because we are actually the other gender? My brain is that of a female, just in a male body. Don't make fun of us please.
Look into the "Behavioral Sink" experiments of the 1970's. Also called "Universe 25."
Trannies are an affectation of a society building up to utopia; DNA was never written in a utopia.
Because parents don't beat their children enough
jesus christ
You have an illness
>hi CIA
they were exposed to the wrong hormone levels in the womb and now have fucked up brains seems to be the real cause
>Trannies are an affectation of a society building up to utopia
In a true utopia, there would be no trannies.
>Every time
I'll visit aushwitz the 2nd time rather then looking at this again.
It's not in the "wrong" body though. It's in a body. No need to mutilate yourself to fit in.
Haven't seen that pic since the 90s. Thanks jew, you have brought back some memories.
Faggots who were not getting enough attention for being a faggot. If a tranny exists who isn't a massive attention whore then I'm proven wrong.
Because our society has gone insane and loves worshipping Satan. That's why that disgusting freak was allowed on television in front of the whole of Europe. The leaders of our countries advocated for that vile repulsive abomination to be paraded in front of European children. I just pray that the freak dies from AIDS along with every other trans-freak and homosexual pervert.
I'm trans because I accept myself for who I am.
>"grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
I used to really want to make it work repressing. It became too much and antidepressants just made it worse. The more I move along in LARPing as a grill, the more I come to understand how it is important to just ignore the fucking weirdos. I just want to be left alone, have comfy acreage near a mountain, and shoot guns/blow things up as I grow older. The trender faggots will always make it look like we are a society in downfall but I think I am doing a good thing by not passing along my tainted genes. In exchange, I will make myself happy however best I can.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it has something to do with (((them))) before I read the thread
It all started with convincing goys they were permanently gay. In nature, what we call "homosexual behavior" is only a tendency in communities with high male populations, and even then its merely bisexual behavior. Once male horniness reaches a peak they don't care what they fuck. Once you have several generations of men convinced they are "women trapped in men's bodies", the crossdreser/tranny is the next step in that long line of degeneration. Jews then weaponized the trannies by making them popular to make women even more degenerate than they ever were to begin with. What better way to know what a man finds sexual than to convince a man to think he's a woman and dress the part? Once women saw it, their competition to attract instinct kicked in and we've been on a downward spiral ever since. Jews and the media softened boomers and their offspring up to the idea of "men in drag" on tv and in cartoons. After that, it was slippery slope that keeps on slipping.
>Tl;dr: sexual instability + jews being jews = a bad time for all goys
thank you I was getting worried
>and the wisdom to know the difference
Think you need to work on that.
Not nearly as worried as you should be. This is an unnatural catastrophe of epic proportions playing out before our eyes. Dudes chopping off their dicks should merit a little more than mere "worry"
when you face no problems you start to create some for yourself so you have a goal again
soon everyone will chop their dicks off. the only dicks left will be silicone. they've already perfect the technology for insemination under codename "Dragon". next step is to start experimenting with different mixtures of semen
I've read a lot of their origin stories. One of the biggest reasons is pure jealousy of girls. They wanted to be fussed over, get compliments, have the princess bedroom. They feel invisible as boys and imagine that as girls they will get attention.
The next reason is they raid mommy's closet and try on silky panties, bras. This causes their first sexual stirrings, which often cause a high that they continue to chase the rest of their life. Don't let them tell you that cross-dressing and trans are unrelated. They don't want to admit the sexual thrill they get; they don't want to admit that trans is mostly a fetish. They want you to think it's about identity and science.
Okay, so they're jealous of girls' clothes and attention. They keep up with stealing clothes, try to pose in the mirror, grow hair long or wear wigs, and through the magic of careful posing, believe they are beautiful. Of course it helps if they're built small but it's not necessary.
Then one day they see a tv show about transgenderism and while everyone else thinks, what freaks, they think, omg that's me. Look at how beautiful that tranny is, I want that to be me. So they get online and all they see is how fabulous everyone claims it is and, just like the gay community, they are welcomed as they never were before. No longer invisible.
They get the attention they seek and they begin the rabbit hole of hormones, surgery, vocal work, dieting, etc, all in the name of becoming their "true self.' (ha) Just like anyone who's done serious dieting or bodybuilding, it becomes an obsession to see the daily changes and see yourself transform.
Unfortunately once the surgeries are over, unless they are exceptional, they're just another lonely freak. If they pass as female, they have to deal with keeping their "past" a secret. They are a fetish or curiosity and most people have no interest in them beyond that (and since they are usually fairly crazy and unpleasant). They become lonelier than ever.
>could be in space colonizing galaxies
>would rather struggle with gender identity instead.
Been reading too much gay furry trap porn, user.
they dong theyre just a bunch of imbeciles
Yes, that's why "utopia" translates to "no place." It is a symptom of why a utopia cannot happen. As a society tries to get there, the DNA of a social-animal hunter-gatherer misfires and you get shit like this. Then the society stumbles and starts over.
I suffer from some form of terrible, seemingly untreatable depression, so I'm familiar with being miserable. I ran into a tranny on another board and talked with him and read his posts, and I recognized a pain in there similar to mine. He was clearly hurting and unhappy and, like many of us do, searching for a way to somehow "fix it", some with sex or drugs or religion or whatever worked for them. They were just trying to escape feeling awful inside.
I could strongly emphasize with this person and had to step back and ask myself "If I was told becoming a girl would fix my unhappiness, would I do that?" or really, more to the point, "if someone offered me a path to feel better, would I take it?" and the answer is: "Of course!"
I've tried a bunch of drugs and meds and sex and drinking and a variety of other things, why not turning into a girl? Fortunately I don't think that is actually going to solve anything for me so not going to bother. That moment of connection though made me understand trannies more and make them sad to me.
Now, don't get me wrong, some folks just like playing dress up and just have odd fetishes and have for centuries. It may also be possible that there is some very small minority of people who can't reconcile their gender, history teaches this has also been around a long time.
I can't help but think though that the big surge in the last decade or two comes more from the sadness, directionless, empty nature of society than anything else.
sounds more like looking for victim status to validate your depression due to lack of community.
you desperately need more outdoor hobbies to help find and make actual friends rather than taking some degenerate advice from someone already on a self destructive downward spiral.
>inb4 I'm a degenerate on a downward spiral handing out advice.
cuz white man cant hump
soon their lands will be a dump
their skin cant hack the sun
soon their race will be done
no lie
their race gonna die
less then 2.11 fertility rate
so beta, their women dont want to mate
yet somehow blame it on the coloreds
when the men look like buzzards
mentally they are sick
now they encourage to cut their dicks
always shoots up a public place
yet almost always kills his own race
cries about white genocide
but yet no need to hide
cant keep a marriage worth a fuck
all because their dad is a cuck
now their moms eat love and pray
as she encourages her son to be gay
now they both can chase 50 shades of dick
his dad wishes his son was macho like a hick
who needs a bomb
when you got a hoe for a mom
now he faps to lolis furries ponies and traps
all cuz his cultural values are crap
with the whites what went wrong
as we see the last of their swan song
its the current year
u fucking queer
get yo shit in gear
or others will fuck u in the rear
Maybe I made my point badly. I only understood what a person feeling miserable could be convinced of something like "Oh, if you make yourself a girl you'll feel better" because I understand what it is to be miserable and want that path to a cure.
People have taken advantage of this for years in various way, this just seems like another one of those. This just makes them feel tragic to me, broken people struggling to find some kind of "better".
What part of Toronto are you from?
The Gay part?
The Asian part?
The Muslim part?
The gay, asian, muslim part?
Go fuck yourself LARPer
When are we gonna bring the camps back?
So what do i do to make my son's room full of a testerone inducing atmosphere? I don't want him to end up a queer!
the gay part
has always been the white art
from celts to romans to greeks
your people have always been freaks
you go reeeeeeeeeee
for my d
cuz it all hits home
cuz u forever alone
just out of curiosity? how much porn do you concern?
Broken is right. Beta males in western society are terribly depressed and angry (hello /r9k/) because they were raised by feminist moms who told them to appeal to wimminz feelings (which doesn't work at all and never will) and they desperately want to know what its like to be masculine without being hit over the head with hijacked feminism (which totally lacks femininity altogether) telling them they are patriarchal for wanting to be the man in the relationship. It creates a negative feedback loop in males who lack the confidence to be chads because they were always told to "be nice to wimminz don't hurt their feelings or its rape". Western women today are a horrible example of what a natural virtuous female is supposed to be. Sorry for the blogpost tier reply.
teach him proper courtship of a woman from early age and how to respect women but not be walked over by them.
Because they get praised for their degeneracy and become a protected class.
Make him feel special but in a masculine way. They usually like trucks and all so you don't need to do much. But make sure he has no access to mama's clothes and if he should get into them, intervene!
The only thing that has been proven to lift depression is regular exercise. That and finding a purpose. Go to Jordan Peterson's site and do the self authoring courses.
yeah! and im a wolf!
peopel are so ingorant
Access to nature provides quite the uplift in emotions too.
>estrogene pollution (9:10 m to f), chemical warfare
>need for attention, approval seeking
>suppression of male role models
>lost in the possibilities of the mind and not anchoring in the will
>covert sterilization agenda
SSRIs become ineffective after about 9 months.
>money making scheme
Also: All trends are exaggerated in order to promote them. Trannies are not that common.
What happens to these people when they look for jobs or when they get to be like 65 years old?
They're sitting alone in their chair infront of a tv, at age 65, still pretending to be a chick? What the fuck?
This is what you've been told by people with a financial interest in drugging you, and confirmed by people with both a social interest in growing their niche tribe to keep it from going extinct and an emotional interest in hiding the painful truth from themselves by getting you to reassure them in return for them reassuring you.
This is generally speaking.
This is true. Just google 'transgenderreality jealousy'.