European Immigraion to America

With the merit based immigration reform and the RAISE act. I hope trump allows European immigration to America to help Europeans flee the rapefugee problem caused by Marxist Jews. It can help boost our white population and if they reproduce more here our birth rate as well. We could be 80% white in a few generations.

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America for Americans


The founders of America were Europeans, fuck off tyrone.

lmao libtard wants mass immigration

there's a different between white immigration and shitskin migrants. America education at its finest.

Yeah, no. Let the yurobeans die out. They're all cucks.

You wouldn't want a bunch of brainwashed liberal cucks or right wing subhuman scum fleeing to America and making it worse than it already is.

wow, never met a euroboo in the wild, a true patriot would never advocate such things, all I can really say

Fuck off we are full.
Despite what big corporations are pushing, there is no skills gap and a decreasing population isn't a bad thing. Same thing goes for Japan.

>We could be 80% white in a few generations

(you) haven't the faintest fucking clue how basic maths and statistics work, child.

(you) must be 18 or older to post on this website; come back after (you) complete high school.

>burger diaspora

Shitskins aren't Americans, only blacks and whites are American. Europeans are white therefore they're allowed to come here. We are 60% and need to keep ourselves white majority so Shitskins don't kill us.

Since you have a dislike towards European and white people in general, I assume you're Mexican or some other type of shitskin.

Stupid Americans only want Muslims n blacks now!
Scream it with me liberals!

Why the fuck would Europeans want to come to our nigger infested 61% white shithole? We are the vision of their future if they don't get their act together. Maybe if it was still 1965.

Nope, full blown american citizen, senpai.

No we want Europeans that are white you dumb burger diaspora.

Mass producing while lowering shitskin birth rates can actually do that. But I assume you never past Science class Tyrone Magnus

We aren't full for white people, only Shitskins.

yelling shitskin isn't an argument haha, go to europe if you like them so much, I like my country the way it is

States like California and the South have the most shitskin population. They can live in states that are 75%+ white

You like Brazil? America for whites, non-whites aren't true Americans anyways. Any non-white that came here after 1965 shouldn't be considered as American.

64% white
IN 2017
And by 2018 the majority of young people will already be non-whites. And all those non-whites and whites will be taught together a non-white majority classroom, and will have a liberal upbringing because multiculturalism and liberalism thrives in non-white majority places. You can already see the shifts happening in new television cartoons in the values they teach.

You're fucked kid, this is our country now.

Cali is the richest state you're proving your own argument wrong bro, also wtf you mean I didn't say I like Brazil I like America

>burgers unironically want a multicultural Burgerland

ICE forgot one


People that hate America should be deported.

Faggot no matter what lie you were told at school!
America was built for white Englishmen /Europeans, blacks where only in America to do the donkey work!
Should of deported you all back to Africa!
Still time ;)

Brazil is America in 10 years if we don't allow whites to come dumbfuck.

White Europeans should have every right to become citizens. If we can allow disgusting mexifuckers to come here, why not noble Europeans who would fit in perfectly compared to our minorities.

Fuck off, America was built for whites.

going to a "Merit" based approach is a big mistake. That's what sold Canada to the chinks.

chinks are like Jews without the sense of humor. They're not objectively intelligent, but they work hard to game any given system.

all immigration should be halted. end of story

Maybe white Americans should come back to Europe and leave shitskin to Ruin America

why do you assume I'm some African or Mexican for being a true American patriot. I hope you realize you sound like some welfare queen "ree let me in your country, its the right of my people reee" literally what we despise about other immigrants

lel ok I'll continue being here in Cali with the largest economy paying for your education and military and whatnot

American patriots would prefer whites to Shitskins. Nobody likes white hating mongrels now.

You're not a real American for wanting more non-whites.

>reeeee shitskins out give welfare to whites
>rrrrreeeeee whites deserve immigration because WE WUZ AMERICAANNZZ

Triggered liberal hahah
Am only stating the facts,or do you think America was founded for blacks and Muslims?
Btw iv no interest in living in America but I don't wanna see it lose its western civilisation title for Africa mk2 or a Muslim shithole

Europeans aren't really trailer trash, but nice try though. we were founded as a white country for whites to live in. If you don't like whites coming here you should move to Africa.

liberal? I'm the one advocating against mass immigration

Why would anyone flee to America? Unlike Europe, the US is already permanently fucked

>I'm the one advacting for mass immigration

By letting Europeans who helped support trump suffer in rapefugeeland. You are just as white hating as liberals. Fuck off pablo.

Europe is the white mans home land. It needs to stay white, they're in danger of being outnumbered in there.
Fuck America.

What? So we can hear them batch about how we need euro style gun bans, vat taxes and more Syrian refugees? No thanks, I'd rather have the Mexicans.


Fuck off we're full.

I would 100% emigrate to America if you reduced your ridiculous visa restrictions for white western Europeans

pls make it happen Trump

>look at these Shitskins Larping

Some Europeans supported trump, They should be allowed to come here. Mexicans don't integrate at all, Europeans do integrate. America was founded as a white country, blacks only came here as Slaves not citizens.

For real, America is just another place. If we lose our ancestral homelands, we never deserved them and America will fall anyways

>problem caused by Marxist Jews.
Angela and the rest of the EU elected pols are liberals.
The collective IQ of all nazis is in the single digits.

Says the Mexican who wants more Pablo's. fuck off we are not full for trump supporting Europeans.

Id rather die before i leave my beautiful shithole to shitskins and roaches. Only faggots jump the ship in the time of your country's need.

They need to stay and fight, importing cowards makes us all weaker.

I would love to emigrate to the US. Your gun laws are amazing, hunting is a completely normal activity that doesn't garner wierd looks, and you are allowed to defend yourself against criminals.

Its have way too many niggers. And your majority white areas are slowly importing more. Where I live now, niggers/muslims are like 0.2% of the population.

Still love you burgerbros though. You get a lot of shit wrong, but when you get something god you get it RIGHT.


>non-whites aren't true Americans anyways

And they know it, that's why they hyphenate themselves.

I'm literally 100% European, and speak 3 European languages. If you put America over Europe you're the fucking shit skin even if you're white.

>I hope

The whole fucking point of the RAISE act is to end shit like the diversity visa and chain migration and low h1b visa requirements which negatively impacts the ability of Europeans to immigrate to America

>UK not fucked
>France not fucked
>Germoney$ not fucked
>Belgium not fucked
>Netherlands not fucked
>Sweden not fucked
Haha! Nice meme, my squinty-eyed friend. Can I keep it?

You're nothing but obsolete farm equipment, i pray every day that cholos and mexican cops in murica kills you.


Its a proper american phenomena that. Shitskins in the UK usually just refer to themselves as 'British'. Its only recently that 'British-Muslim' has become a thing.

Nig 2nd generation immigrants all consider themselves British, watching US SJW's try and label them '' fantastic.

America is my ancestral homeland. You have to go back with the shitskins if you think otherwise.

What can they fight for? They're losing look at Greet Wilders. They're fighting a losing battle against merkel and her enslavment of Europeans.

Statistically whites in the UK refer to themselves as English or Scottish before they call themselves British

Fake news

We're the best because of our culture, not skin color.
The worst thing about obama and the left is that they want segregation, which they call 'diversity', which means failure.
We stopped all immigration for decades to give immigrants time to assimilate, and won two world wars because of it.
It's time for another halt to immigration.

No, it's time to kick out shitskins like you, reduce immigration by half and bump European immigration from 15% to 90%.

What have non-whites ever done for America? All of Americans historic successes came from European americans. Shitskins aren't worth allowing to become citizens. If you claim allow Europeans even the ones on this site as leftist. You really do prove that America has a terrible education system.

Cringe. Unless your sacagewa or native this comment is absolutely forth with falacy

Daddy loves ya

Wrong. So sad! I want all illegals deported. I want immigration halted (especially from Latin America), and I want white Americans (the only true Americans) to have more children. Yuropoors can fuck off. They're self-righteous twats, who systematically vote away their freedoms, and will only bring more cuckery.

This could work if we reduce or hopefully stop all immigration from non white countries and except immigrants from white countries we could restore our great white Christian nation.

murica is Mexican clay you dumb shit.

Native Americans are a dying race, They don't need anyone defending them. America like Australia was originally founded by Europeans and meant for Europeans.

None of the founding fathers were Mexican,chink or black.

>I'm literally 100% European,
Which means you are not only extremely race-mixed, you are species-mixed.
>and speak 3 European languages.
It's sad that so many people think that means anything. You could have accomplished something meaningful instead, like raising a family so you wouldn't have to import surrogate kids.

Then why aren't you having kids? Ones on the way for me. Also we didn't halt immigration for Europeans in the 20s why should we still halt it for them when all the Europeans on this site support us.

Then approve my green card

If you spent less time trying to insult Anonymous, you could spend that time trying to type something intelligent.

Damn she's a hottie

>believing Sup Forums in anyway represents the norm
The Yuropoors that are traditional and support the American way are a tiny, infinitesimal minority.

Says the Mexican who wants America to become Brazil. Reduce shitskin immigration and bump white birth rates and euro immigration.

Every country today is a nation of conquerors. Every 'native' has been wiped out.
Injuns were especially land-grabby.

America is a country founded by Europeans for Europeans. Woodrow Wilson, along with the boomers, sold this county out for personal gains and profit. Real 100% Whites are now a minority in America. Europe is still majority white, and is our true home land. If Europe falls we all fall. I refuse to take 1 white out of Europe, when boatloads of shit skins are being brought in. Your ancestors left Europe, but if anything Europe needs you more than America does.

Burgers can't be this stupid can they? They aren't going to allow the Europeans that support us but yet allow more Mexicans who will never integrate.

>invite cucks
>cucks will invite other cultures and you will be cuckolded together.

Very little of the current US was Mexican, and those people hated Mexico, too.
Even the injuns helped us defeat Mexico, and they knew what we had done to other injuns before.

>We need immigration reform
>We need more white immigrants
Fuck off. How about they acknowledge and fix their own problems in their own countries? Otherwise they'll come here and do the same stupid shit

You can always leave my continent you fucking rapefugee,

Are you dense? I said halt all immigration from Latin America. I don't care it they will assimilate or not.

>Yuropeons that support us
What, all five of them?

Europeans intergrate and become redpilled, Mexicans and other non-whites never intergrate and continue to hate America.

They can't fix their countries if merkel makes their candidates lose. At least they actually learn to love our country unlike Shitskins who will always hate what America stands for.

Look up the word.
You're really pushing the boundaries of 'stupid'.

How exactly am I race mixed? I don't have a single non white in my family tree. I'm sorry we disagree on this, but I think Europe needs to remain European. We need more whites here, but that can be done with programs meant to promote middle class people (mostly white) breeding. We need more whites on this earth, not redistributing the same whites into one massive non white "melting pot"

I think he wants white Americans to have more child but the dumb fuck doesn't understand that isn't going to happen,you can't out breed niggers and Muslims ! He's livening in lala land! Pull ya head out ya arse pal

That sounds like quitter talk to me.

You beef is with Spain, my burrito loving friend. You know, the one who's culture you worship and who's ass you kiss like the a good house nigger you are.

Europeans came here until 1965. We should only allow immigration from there. You can't make Shitskins intergrate, they will always have anti-white roots.

Eleven state funded terrorists(in one pic), way to go Brits.

>Real 100% Whites
That's the leftist ideal. The 'one-drop' rule.
Another way to look at it:
Everyone in the US has white in them. We've race-mixed everyone else out of existence.

You lost the election. Time to go away.

Europeans are the master race, so we need to keep Europe white so they can keep making more of them. If we bring them to our Jewish melting pot, white Somalis and Sand niggers literally flood Europe, we won't have any white countries left.

Jesus your probably some civic nationalist Alex

Jones fanboy. >Im a true American patriot please your a idiot

You say you like America how it is well first off we are in a horrible situation and whites are at a all time low hence why our president ran on making America great again because it sucks right now. In comparison to what it once was anyway. At this rate whites will become the minority the very people who fought and died for this country and the creation of it will be gone. But you like this and you call yourself a patriot. If we stopped immigration from non whites countries and starting accepting European whites who found and created American we could restore our former selves and quite possibly be even better than before. Now if i was German English ect i wouldn't advocat for this because i would want to keep my English , German ect blood in my country but since we are are Americans which is basically just a mix of European whites this would work. American whites are a mix of European whites so it only makes sense to let in more European whites and not let in non whites.

Sorry nigger, i don't speak spanish.

>what all five of them

Most of the Europeans on this site support trump. There is not even close to five.

There's nothing wrong with whitening our populations with people that can intergrate unlike non-whites.


You're either completely missing what I'm saying or just dull. A Jew rewrote immigration to make this country non white and the damage has been done. Europe is still the only majority white continent in the world , and I'll be damned if people want to remove whites from it as it is under attack by millions of shit skins trying to come and outbreed them there.



>my continent
Spain did everything you try to claim credit for.
You'll always be despised because you never try to make something of yourselves. You have a few strong men who keep you under their boot, and your only option is to run.


You're retarded. One drop rule = if you have any non white you're not fucking white. We didn't race mix everyone else out of existence, we racemixed ourselves out of existence. How you think I'm a Hillary supporter is beyond me, you must be non white and low IQ.