How do we stop this fuck from destroying all of our alt-right heroes in debates?

How do we stop this fuck from destroying all of our alt-right heroes in debates?

Who will we send as our champion to finally BTFO this libtard with logic and reason?

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He crashed and burned pretty hilariously against Mister Metokur and even against Sargon in that recent one



Ive seen mediocre debaters like naked ape do a decent job against this guy. He just cuts them off and acts condescending when he is cornered.

>our alt-right heroes

Fuck off leaf.

what are you talking about? His logic is terrible and the more you listen to him the more obvious it is.

Will this guy be the one that stops the Trump?

It's looking like if this fuck keeps picking up steam at this rate he could raise funds to run for the Democratic party and destroy Trump in the general election.

We need to stop him dead in his tracks right now before this gets out of hand.

now theres a thought. i wonder who his VP would be. anita sarkeesian?

He hates Anita