How do we stop this fuck from destroying all of our alt-right heroes in debates?

How do we stop this fuck from destroying all of our alt-right heroes in debates?

Who will we send as our champion to finally BTFO this libtard with logic and reason?

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He crashed and burned pretty hilariously against Mister Metokur and even against Sargon in that recent one



Ive seen mediocre debaters like naked ape do a decent job against this guy. He just cuts them off and acts condescending when he is cornered.

>our alt-right heroes

Fuck off leaf.

what are you talking about? His logic is terrible and the more you listen to him the more obvious it is.

Will this guy be the one that stops the Trump?

It's looking like if this fuck keeps picking up steam at this rate he could raise funds to run for the Democratic party and destroy Trump in the general election.

We need to stop him dead in his tracks right now before this gets out of hand.

now theres a thought. i wonder who his VP would be. anita sarkeesian?

He hates Anita

she seems like the perfect vessel to enact his plan for 50% women in all fields (the non gross ones that earn lots of money :^))

Jim clobbered this cunt better than a canadian.

>if I talk quickly, loudly, and in a condescending manner while straying away from the topic I win

Half the autists on Sup Forums and I could BTFO of this faggot in a debate.

His strategy is to cut people off, act like he's amazed they disagree with him and then make appeals to authority. If that doesn't work he does the "literally wow" act and then ends the stream.

It's not a "debate", it's just him being unable to defend points and unwilling to concede them. Debate really is only interesting in a format like QI (sp?), where you take a metric of the belief in an idea and then compare whether or not what was presented has altered the beliefs of those who have heard the arguments.

Most of this stuff is just trash where people throw esoteric facts and statistics at each other while questioning who is more learned without actually undertaking any of the effort to try and be learned.

the champion of high-school debate class! the man who dropped out of carpet cleaning to fail at become a "pro" gamer, our hero Destiny!


Feels like hes controlled opposition. I wish alt rights would debate actual communist/marxist/maoist.

honestly I'm in the alt-right but I don't think any of us can stand up to his debate skills, he knows more than 99% of us on pretty much every topic, and to be honest a lot of the arguments we make wouldn't hold up at all in a debate against him. it's funny seeing people getting rekt by him in debates though

same, former trump voter as well, but in all seriousness we cannot let him get the nuclear delegates.

There's no hope, he'll just intellectually dominate the shit out of anyone we throw at him.

Our best hope is to continue sending complete retards like Jontron, NakedApe, and Sargon of Akkad.

Maybe if he BTFOs enough of them, he will get too tired to continue obliterating us.


>alt-right heroes

Who the fuck is he even?

>our alt-right
Fuck off and sage.

He advocated the United States invading Mexico to ""fix"" their government and the government paying billions to the new Mexican government to bribe them to keep illegals from reaching the border to cross.

Basically he's fucking retarded.

Molyneux, styx and Tara would nuke him.

come on DAWG, haven't taken the DAWGPILL? We can invade countries and improve DAWG.

The guy that will bring down Trump and the alt-right. He will put Hillary in her rightful throne.

C'mon, this is as bad as telling lads the guy is a communist.

This man could micro 4 control groups of infestors while injecting larvae in 6 bases with 600 APM. Give up, nobody can defeat him.

name me a single ''alt-right'' here he destroyed

hero *

every time people say this he brings them on and they sound like absolute retards, just like an hour ago he just done with somebody, It's starting to not look like a coincidence

okay smart guy, what word should I use to him discuss that scenario?


nope he doesnt. she just find her slightly too extreme. he def consider her on his side on the whole

smart guy here, you ought to not use labels

nakedape alone was enough to make him lose his shit.

except all of his opponents in starcraft

smart dude though


autistic star craft player who invites random people into skype calls to debate

Thorin raped him.

He strawmans like a weak cunt

Quantity over quality. Just keep sending alt right debaters even if their debate skills are shit, he can't prove them all wrong.

>a candidate that is openly pro-wealth redistribution, anti-labor, pro-corporation, anti-3rd-world nation
>defeating Trump
Good luck. Can you even imagine the no-effort attack ads that everyday Americans would be subjected to?

Crowder maybe?

>ugh do you really think that (insert strawman here)
>pffff ahhhh Idunno dude I guess if you just think that (another strawman here) then I guess we just disagree on a fundamental level like...?

Who did he destroy?

The one and only.

by ignoring shill posts like yours right now

I don't know man, Destiny seems like a pretty huge libcuck but Sargon literally makes me want to kill myself whenever he opens his mouth. He seems completely incapable of articulating anything.

He's below players like Snute(Z), Naniwa(P) and Bunny(T).

APM isn't everything. His poor long term planning, game sense and strategy limits him. Just because his mechanics are great doesn't mean he's great overall.

Just look at him "debating" JonTron. JonTron didn't prepare, he just jumped on the stream to talk about things. Destiny just kept interrupting and being a cunt. Against someone who didn't take that shit, and who had prepared statistics and talking points, etc. this shit would not have flied at all.

Destiny is just shit at debating, but he has a trick that works for him. Just like in SC2 in fact, where he just massed roaches and used infestors to win, because his mechanics allowed that style of play.

Players in WoL like IdrA were much better, because they could mix it up, and play to their opponents weaknesses and not just their own strengths. (I miss IdrA.

Seinhouser 598s. Damn good headphones for the money .... German engineering at its finest

Why haven't people taken the DAWGPILL?

>Invade other countries
>Cheaper iphones
>Equal outcome at the expense of equal opportunity
>Feeling bad for minorities
>Paying other countries to be good
>Appeal to emotion
>Redefine your opinion on a word (can never lose a debate this way)
>Clueless on middle eastern geopolitics but still has an opinion
>Character assasination

How can he be stopped.

Gish galloping, strawmanning, and then bitching is not winning a debate.

I wonder how he'd act against Dr Duke.

Sounds like you're describing Shapiro, except Shapiro autistically stays on topic (unless it's related to jews).

He made Sargon look foolish. Not gonna lie, it was broootal.

Why insult him in that way? It just makes you look like a petty cunt

Ryan Dawson
Co-Owner of the Daily Stormer
Naked Ape
every Sup Forums 12 year old that tries to challenge him

Mister Metokur

Sargon of Akkad (but that's about to change)

Would they take him down Sup Forums?

jon trons debate skills were shit he was debating on a neo nazi platform and not an alt right plat form.

He effectively said we should do to Mexico what we did to Afghanistan and Iraq. Every new debate of his that I watch, he comes out and says something that is so insanely radical and extremist that I can't even begin to imagine what he actually believes. He parrots SJW-type talking points about equality and shit, but then he'll be arguing for third-world sweat-shops or mass robot murder campaigns against spics.

Does he even have personal beliefs, or does he just play a neoliberal because that's palatable to his audience?

Yes a streamer who plays video games is controlled opposition. Are you actually retarded?

You are understanding the DAWGPILL brother.

m8 he advocated for slavery in one of his debates

>Stefan Molyneux

Destiny: So how do you explain x
Stefan Molyneux: Well, how old are you?
Destiny: How is that relevant?
Stefan Molyneux: Well, then, you have alot less experience in x than I do.
Destiny: Well, what's your point.
Stefan Molyneux: No that's quite enough, you aren't as smart as I am.
Destiny: What?!
Stefan Molyneux: Cut him off, Mike
Destiny: Wait, you're leaving?

This. Crowder makes Hitler look like a Jew lover.

He failed at being a progamer. He was never the top foreigner, not even the top US player.

If he tried making a comeback today, in SC2, he'd be fodder for the actually good foreigners to practice on.

t. eg fan

Did he really beat sargon that bad? Is the video still up?

lol that win list is greatly inflated

Thorin and Sargon beat him and Naked Ape made him fucking rage quit. Dawson destroyed him. You also forgot Shkreli

How did Setfan go from cool to cuck in a span of two weeks?

I thought sc2 pro gaming is dead?

>not realizing he debates just so he can win
>not realizing he's challenging the growing trend
>not realizing he's a complete contrarian
>not realizing he's the fucking king of the internet

>Ryan Dawson

why are leafs so bad at shitposting?

He has an undeserved ego.

he didn't it's a couple memers that are mad he didn't play ball with some stuttering cuck.

Ryan Dawson schooled Destiny so hard that Destiny just meekly STFU and asked polite questions whenever Dawson paused to eat a fucking apple.

Naked Ape was, at best for Destiny, a draw. Naked Ape's worst behavior was Destiny's usual, and Destiny got extremely flustered whenever Naked Ape called him out on it. Kicking your opponent out, even if justified, does not make you seem like the victor.

You failed to include Shkreli in the list of "people that shut Destiny down so hard Destiny couldn't even pretend to debate him." Shkreli openly tells Destiny that he [Destiny] doesn't understand what he's talking about, and Destiny doesn't even try to mount a refutation.

He was destroyed.

Because CoinTel started posting here to kill Stefan

I don't know who could beat this guy in a debate at this point, all of our big guns have been shot down.

Anybody here have a direct line with Trump? We may need him to finally put this libcuck in his place.

Literally who

Is there a video where Stefan actually acted like that?


Enoch could do something, Sven would probably mess up.

ITT: How to spot the hivemind

i still think ape beat him but that pic is fucking hilarious



Destiny is fucking trash
anyone with a modicum of debate skill could trash him easily.
Sadly enough all you have is these trash youtubers who are used to making clips in an echochamber instead of making reasonable arguments.

your assessment is incorrect

The fact that he's open minded enough to take in the facts from Ryan Dawson and Skrelli to further use them in debates against us is frightening.

god damn the shills are all over this fucking thread

Then why don't you do it?

Destiny doesn't sound any better because everytime someone tries to attack him or defend their points he starts to talk over them, run his nasal motormouth all over the walls, increase his voice and use "DUDE" or "DAWG" as every other word.

>*starts screaming*

Taht guy plays minecraft during his supposed debates. He is not smart. He is a loser, both at life and in debating ideas. For the latter, suppose you got Stefan Molyneux. Stefan prepares for debates by studying the topic at hand, he has more experience, he fucking reads all the time. The former plays minecraft while debating, doesn't know enough about the human brain to know that we are bad at multitasking. A complete fool. Just laugh at him. Seeing dumb people makes me sick. If you are dumb you better be a woman, able to bear children and deal with the small details in life like taking out trash, making food, etc while I worry about how to make money.

I still have yet watch this bit TO THIS DAY. I'm starting to think it isn't real.

>mass effect andromeda scream intensifies

>ape beat him

Screaming like an autistic child, anytime Destiny would challenge his point be told to 'SHUT UP!' or get called a 'cuck', laughed anytime he refused to answer a question, used Sup Forums talking points thinking that they're factually correct.

Not only that, he made a 10 minute ad hominem where he spent 3 days straight getting people to Dox Destiny so he and his 12 year old fan base felt better about themselves.

Extra: He brags about how he has a half-white boyfriend, he prefers Hispanic cock, and is the equivalent of a more faggy Political Leafy.