Can I get a quick rundown on what you Sup Forumslacks think of Laos? I'm about to take a Laotian out on a date, and barely hear much about their country beyond drug and sex trafficking.
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That's really all there is.
> One party state, terribly corrupt
> PRC satellite state
> Low level border insurgency against Narco-armies
> Buddhist culture with a fair bit of Sanskrit influence
Unless she is ethnic Chinese (or part ethnic Chinese), or is involved with the military in some way, I can't give much insight.
t. Armyfag
Good to know.
SEA in general seems like an utter shitshow. Cambodia especially.
Laotians seem pretty chill overall though, albeit with a wild party streak from what I've seen.
Ive travelled through Laos a bit before. Beautiful people, beautiful countryside. The major cities are pretty basic Marxist 'utopias' but places like Luang Prabung are well worth a visit. I'd love to go back, and I say best wishes with the waifu OP.
They are all chill; apart from the Thais and Viets, the rest don't have a work ethic. ASEAN has military collaboration ("assistance" would be a better word) schemes where nations with proper militaries (I deem Singapore as the only country thar meets that criteria) undergo joint training and meetings with these SEA countries. I've worked with Thai servicemen particularly closely, and have met with Laotian officials only once. They don't hold punctuality or decorum in high regard.
The Khmers are infamous for their gangrape culture; an estimated 5% of men have participated in it. Don't know what the word for this in Khmer is (its one syllable) but you could definitely read up on it.
Did you try the weed, opium (heroin) or automatic weapons?
Their government expressed their desire to mop up the narcotics and arms trade on their territory a while back. After being offered help they rejected it; I'm guessing they don't want to have foreign personnel on their land.
Fuck off with those reddit threads seriously
I bought some weed off a tuk tuk driver in Luang Prabung then headed north west towards the 'golden triangle' area. Got offered heroin a bit but Im not into that shit really. Just liked riding around and stopping to smoke a joint in the mountains. Didn't get into the weapons really but had some weird ass lassis and heads of laolao wiskey. Apart from cities and certain hotspot areas its fairly anarchistic, the Commie goverent has a minimal presence in the country.
Chinese or Japanese?
We get a lot of refugees from there. I would take them over most other refugees