Why was this deleted, fuckers? Goes against your (((interests)))?
Why was this deleted, fuckers? Goes against your (((interests)))?
Probably because it's garbage
Your dumb ass thread fell of the board because shills make ten threads a minute, and noobs keep bumping those threads, like;
>any second now drumpf will be deported
I have forty threads filtered now. Welcome to nu/pol/
It got deleted almost as quick as i posted it
Meanwhile, shit like this is still up
They deleted it, it didn't fall off
No idea at all. Apologizes for my tone, just too many shills on tonight.
I don't get why mods leave up garbage threads, and ban real ones. It's more and more likely this place is compromised. You can have ten running threads, word for word the same
>I've been gone for two weeks, someone red pill me on Trump getting impeached.
Idiots will reply, and mods ignore the flooding.
Only thing I can tell you, is it's getting worse
>can get a mixing thread every hour
>actual nationalism thread gets deleted
i wonder what's going on?
Mods are sellouts.
>wasting time filtering threads
>calling other people new
Easy, lad
If this thread gets 404'd cap it and post it on /qa/
Japmoot said we're allowed a meta thread, thats all this was
Its almost like the mods here have an interest in this board being shit 100% of the time
Really activates my almonds
There was a lot of shilling in the thread as well. It didn't differentiate between ethnonational libertarianism either. Do you think they aren't doing it for free anymore?
your thread sucks and its been done and debated a million times. it's literally
>hey guys lets decide what we are
its up there with
>are italians white?
>drumpf btfo
>Sup Forums is a christian board
there is no "we" you dumb nigger, what don't you get about that? we are just a group of disenfranchised, shitposting autists. there is no hierarchy, structure, rhyme, or reason "we" do what "we" do.
kill yourself my man.
Based Aussie unity is power and if we can unite just as the Jews have united we can beat them. Its what made Hitler such a threat to the zionist he united Germany and stopped the infighting and focused all that fighting on the enemy. Which is what we need to do if we ever want to beat ((them)) otherwise we will continue to lose.
>hey guys lets decide what we are
But thats what I was arguing against, I'm saying Sup Forums is broader than just a NatSoc or Libertarian board. We have a common interest and thats why we should stop fucking fighting all the time.
This. The shills have upped their game and have opted to post huge amounts of lite-pol topics to dilute the board. Well they had to use their brains sooner or later.
Shareblue and CTR apparently still have the Mods by the balls.
Shilling is through the roof since the election and I think bots are here now. Highly doubt the bots tho
Has Sup Forums been compromised?
Sup Forums is no longer Sup Forums its been compromised the mods are bought off there are paid posters here to push propaganda and is been flooded with civic nationalist from places like r/thedonald
If Sup Forums can be defined as a nationalist board, then that means both Richard Spencer and Sargon of Akkad are /ourguys/ despite having radically different ideas, but come under the same ideological umbrella and oppose our same enemies
This does mean that Milo was never our guy though, because as far as I know he's never espoused any kind of nationalism.
The heck does this all mean user?
Its 1 am and Im on lean so I cant comprehend shit that good rn
Perfectly said. D&C is in full effect at the moment though.
It's not a waste of time. I don't need five threads about Amy Schumer and her smelly pussy in my catalogue. I won't open them, or post in them, so it makes sense to filter em. Possibly stinky vagina is what runs politics in your country. Good for you.
He's a liberal raising his wifes black son, definitely not our guy.
But I dont understand why we need these e-celebs in the first place.
Post filters pls
>flooded with civic nationalist from places like r/thedonald
>you don't understand why you need public influence and popular typecast
This is why the Alt-Right will never win, and that's a good thing.
It's basically these threads:
>Sup Forums fat loosers
>why do you hate X
>redpilled / redpill me
So I can tell immediately that you're a shill, but I'll bite.
We dont need the alt-right label anyway. Whats wrong with the Sup Forums label?
Unfortunately too many retards welcomed plebbitors during the election with open arms. So now we have their cancer shitting up Sup Forums and other boards.
never post filters
shills adapt to them
Never. Sorry toothpaste, read the board and pick your own filters. I'm not new.
>mods aren't even enforcing their own sticky
To be fair this used to replace all other topics alone. At least it was organic. I don't even know where to go. End is too fucking tinfoil and crip is compromised
Sup Forums mods never post so I doubt I'll get an answer unless its in the form of a ban message
They haven't since moot left. It's pointless to leave up.
He is a liberal, and a liberal nationalist at that. He genuinely cares for the wellbeing of his country and his fellow people, something you hardly see from our enemies. He's not on the right, no. But OP put the definition of Sup Forums as nationalist. So even outliers like Sargon come under our banner if they preach some of the things that are in our core principles. He also makes an excellent gateway drug towards higher redpills
>We have a common interest
No we don't. Fuck you
If he could spend less time explicitly shitting on Sup Forums on Twitter I might be more open to the faggot
>we got donald drumpf elected
Kek, presidents are selected not elected. Dumb goyim.
Mods used to delete my threads when I wanted to gain information on Antifa. This was before Antifa became known on mainstream media.
Honestly, 1: You are correct. This is a place for the Monarchists, the Com... I mean socialist... and the ancap. We are the disenfranchised groups forced to live together under this roof and by kek we have done some awesome shit.
Doxxing and information gathering is bannable in the global rules
Funny how they didnt delete any of the TRS doxxings though
Communists dont belong here.
2: Because mods are shills.
I hate them as much as you, but personally, socialism is the same fucking thing... and lets not divide the board, we do awesome shit here.
Falls under the dox and raid rules so that's why it would have been deleted. Gotta be stealthy.
You understand this board was almost solely libertarian and Nat Soc for years, right?
I just like to discuss politics and the format of the board, couldn't care less to north america ethnic composition or its future
Of course he doesn't. Most likely only started browsing Sup Forums late 2016.
Socialism is pretty much the same thing yea but thats not welcome here either.
NatSoc isn't even close to leftist socialism though
Then go to /news/
>no flags
I'm ok, thanks
That's a good thing. Eliminates 99% of non-replies simply due to your flag.
Then go to Sup Forums
Sup Forums means politically incorrect, not politics
I didn't plan on raiding. I just wanted to learn about the group and how they operate. You know, learn the truth about who they are.
>lets not divide the board, we do awesome shit here.
Go the fuck back to the Donald. Can't you see you faggots have destroyed this place?
>politically incorrect
yeah, I like that. politically incorrect is not north american nationalism
Here's the image btw
desu most of the libertarians here are CIVIC fags though
Half of those libertarians are newfag ancaps.
None of them realize their movement won't work. It's just a pipedream utopia. It's basically anarchy where people magically play nice.
Thats what the night of the long knives is for :^)
Despite that, the mods would have deleted it as a precaution. Though this is just me hypothesising as to why.
Why did they keep up all the 8/pol/ dox posts about TRS though thats what I wanna know
>that pic
Fucking redditors.
I have no idea.
That poll thread is back up btw
>implying any other form of utopia "would work" in the current world
you're deluded. our current technological advancemment depends on movement of populations. that means respect for people regardless of race and acceptance
All you need is to read the natsoc doctrine to know this.
Social as in promoting the individual as well as family/tribal values.
There's a mod whos always active in this timezone who's a shitskin from 8/leftypol/, they've bragged about having a mod on here and its always around now that stupid shit like BLACKED spam gets through
Thanks you cheeky cunt for one thread that isn't utter shite. I'm off to study my eyelids.
I guess I'll just start shitting up /qa/ with complaints and trying cripple more.
This is the faggot, thanks for posting this user, saved
>this thread is still up
Surprised desu
Never did he imply that any utopia would work utopia doesn't exist and most people know that. But you can sure as hell make it better than it is now.
>that means respect for people regardless of race and acceptance
Wrong we should and do everything we can to stop multiculturalism sure we can respect someone of another race but we don't have to accept them in the sense that we let more in. We should try and preserve each country for its people Portugal for the Portuguese , America for Americans Australia for the Australians
Probably deleted because the autism was so much, it burned.
JOOOS aren't your enemy. You are, for not recognizing that politicians are the cause of all of your problems.
And the 'white' stuff is retarded, and proves that you are a leftist.
Leftists follow the 'one-drop' rule. Obama's white half is not valid to you, nor the fact that ultra-white Jeb! Bush has hispanic kids, and the white half doesn't exist.
This thread should also be deleted, but sage in the options field will do for now.
your vision is not going to happen. you just don't understand the current world where advancement depends on brain power and simple stuff any human can have like an idea.
there's more and more shitskins millionaires for a reason. you guys are destined to fail.
because its the opposite of what the kikes want
Ah, the anti-white shariablue posters are here
>stop multiculturalism sure we can respect someone of another race
Another leftist viewpoint.
Multiculturalism = multiple cultures. Not races.
The obama crime that matters most is his push for segregation. Differences in culture.
Leftists hate anyone who doesn't stay segregated. That's the reason for the 'cultural appropriation' nonsense that was getting so big in 2016. Any black who isn't leftist is an Uncle Tom or house slave. Etc.
Good examples of what you meant to type, 'ethnic purity', can be found in failing Africa and failing Japan.
>there's more and more shitskins millionaires for a reason.
There's only two reasons
One's a rich son of an oil Sheikh, the other is a celebrity from nothing and given a rich life by (((them)))
>We should try and preserve each country for its people Portugal for the Portuguese , America for Americans Australia for the Australians
some nations will be able to resist multiculturalism, but only the irrelevant ones, like my one. America or Australia strive to be the center of the world, so they need to embrace multicultural ideals and put them in practice.
feels bad to be relevant, I know. tough luck
You are both morons. You didn't even try to understand, because you need excuses for being failures.
You'll always be failures until you admit who your real enemy is: yourself.
Fuck off to leddit .
Just filter them
>given a rich life by (((them)))
Them = leftists.
Leftists are the enemy. Not JOOOS or anyone else.
Thanks for proving my point to the literate, dumbasses.
t. Rabbi Herschel Bergblattstein
Holy fuck your reddit is out in the open. Kys or gtfo
Notice the non-Sup Forums filenames
Reddit: Hotbed of Conservatism.
Keep going, you two.
Everyone needs to see what your kind is really like.
Makes sense. Didn't think of that.