Is there a discord server for yuo cunts? I'm genuinely interested in emu politics, I hardly see anything Australia related.
>inb4 lurk moar cunt
Is there a discord server for yuo cunts? I'm genuinely interested in emu politics, I hardly see anything Australia related.
>inb4 lurk moar cunt
Other urls found in this thread:
well, it is ABOut time
Fuck discord. Why not just shitpost here?
Well, one thing to note is that the government wont run a vote to allow gay marriage because they know it will go through, and they are very christian which is why they dont
Everyone wants lots of handouts and everyone wants to pay as little tax as possible. It's just battle to get at the kitty. Everyone is a gay cunt.
Except Pauline voters.
full of faggots, namefagging attention whores, buzzfeed and shareblue
So your goverment is super Christian but the majority of the people are largely pro-gay?
I thought the left didn't want a referendum because they were not confident the yes vote would win. So now they are just waiting until they get in and they'll just put it into law and suck each other off.
Yes, and even qantas's ceo urged the government to go through with it, but in response the government said that they were bullying them
We used to have a discord but the schizophrenic conspiracy theorist who always started them has been taken to Pine Gap so whatever.
Interesting, I'm almost under the impression that if the domino effect of people moving towards the right in other countries will undermine the chances of gay marriage in Aus.
French fags: Vote LePen
Fraudband has been going on for going on a decade now.
Aus due to its isolation and it's baby-boom happening 14 years later will take more time to move to the right.
And I thought US/Leaf internet was shite, I don't understand your ISPs and I will never understand your import taxes on goods.
check that shit out
USA is fucking dumb
>that belly
Would kiss for hours
Gay marriage hasn't gone through because labor/ greens want credit for it and they don't trust anyone outside the cities to vote how they want.
A social issue like gay marriage should be left to society, if the majority don't want it, then tough shit, isn't that how democracy works?
All the left pollys want is the pat on the back and a paragraph in some Wikipedia article that says THEY where the ones that let gays marry. Their worst nightmare is that a conservative government will seem more progressive than them
based. Devotional belly lip service is patrician
I'm a Kiwifag, moved from Aus during Abbott to get married. Aus is.. a strange country, not exactly bad but nothing like it. I miss the country but the politicians stop it from reaching its potential.
can't get in and dont want to intall discord
>Australia is the world 15 years ago
Can't wait for that house price crash in 2023
This person is lying.
The government tried to pass a plebiscite on gay marriage and the opposition blocked it "because it would contribute to hate".
The left blocked marriage equality because they thought an open public debate would make gay people kill themselves.
wtf is the point of this shit
Why can't these Gen Z faggots just use IRC instead of proprietary spyware garbage?
wogs, kikes and gooks stop it from reaching it's potential
>a strange country, not exactly bad but nothing like it
I don't have much perspective, can you explain this?
/r/ing auspol irc channel #/aus/
already exists
cause irc sucks
>I'm a Kiwifag, moved from Aus during Abbott to get married.
I wonder why...
I'm in a hetero marriage faggot.
is it because you or him identify as a woman?
That's every great country on Earth my friendo.
Seeing nice bellies just makes me want to get them pregnant, I don't know if it's a destruction thing or what
It's really nice, Michelle Jenneke is pretty top tier
Just how fucked are your Great Barrier reefs?
Same, except I'm black and I only get that feeling seeing white girl bellies.
Have you ever blacked a white girl and when will you get sterile.
Take it if you can get it, no hate here. On the topic of IR though, what do you think of sites like JEWED? Until I watched those I never realised I self insert in porn; seeing a black dick completely breaks my immersion, and I just can't do it. It's a shame, since it looks like they shoot decent scenes, but I suppose I should be happy it's out there for any black anons with the same hangup
he is known as the alice poster on Sup Forums. Real name is Marcus and he has been on a one man crusade with cuck posting on Sup Forums the past 2-3 years or so
He usually does it on Sup Forums because of the shitty mods
nerd virgin, loser, 24/7 cuckspamming
Report and filter!
hahaha I instantly KNEW IT WAS JENNEKE first time I saw it
How do we not have a giant discord with rooms dedicated to different hot Sup Forums topics?
I hate the non anonymity of it but I would love to just sit in there and get redpilled
tough ethnic chick? I'm all in!
she's a Polynesian?
that cuckposter is annoying
No they just didn't want the Liberals getting credit for it because they're really petty
>The instant invite is invalid or has expired.
Gibs inbites plz
get rekt shart in mart
So australia is like the US 25 years ago?
What's your gun politics like
It's the other way around you faggot.
It won't pass which is why labour cunts are blocking the idea for a referendum.
No, as with all nations, only the inner most city dwellers have their opinion heard.