Sup Forums eternally BTFO
Sup Forums eternally BTFO
No one gotta say anything cause they know that op is truth and they goy nothing to say. They just afraid
Can't argue with that, POL bfto
the wall is what people want. build that and he'll go down as a fibe president
Unironically this. Get rid of as many illegals as possible and keep them out and hes got my vote for 2020.
source on any of this?
Even if he didnt deliver on a single campaign promise, he would still be better than the alternative.
In fact, if he did nothing but hold the title of President while doing literally nothing, he was better than the alternative.
>maximum damage control
>not an argument
sage fgt
>facts are fake news
I'm sorry sweetie, just because drumpf told you that's the case, doesn't make it true :)
>thinking we believe everything a politician promises during a campaign
>thinking he can do all of this in a little over a month
>letting people lie to you
aww does drumpfy need a safe space from the mean facts?
excuse me but how the fuck is he supposed to donate his paycheck if he doesn't cash it nigga what
At least 3 of the claims are fake and gay. OP comfirmed homosex
>3 being wrong makes them all wrong
>I'm sorry sweetie
holy shit is this instagram? get out of here, you're either some newfag lib or a shill
Any sources?
Remember when the entire point of getting Trump elected was always so that he'd live up to every single thing he said?
> people listening to you
whenever anyone says drumpf I just assume they're too retarded to read the name properly
wow, really makes me want to sip tea
also... nuclear codes
>I'm sorry sweetie
Take your faggoty ass back to /lgbt/ you fucking
hormone jacking fgt
when burger doesn't know how to respond
>a strong argument against Trump is presented
>dumbass burger resorts to calling "FAKE NEWS"
damn finally someone actually argued and didn't flame