White house needs a dog

Why isn't Trump getting a dog like every other president? It's not like he has to take care of it - the staff will do that.

What kind of dog should he get?

German Shepherd

To trigger the media it needs to be a pure bred german shepherd. I would go with a husky personally or some other alpha breed dog

dogs are shit fuck off murica

american obsession with dogs is bizarre



what the fuck is wrong with that thing

Jack Russell Terrier, or Barron can pretend he's doggo

Literally every non-Muslim on earth likes dogs, Ahmed pls go

Malamutes are fun

lived with a roomate that had one for a while and they really will push you to run, its great.


Only on a plate

A true man's dog

>Literally every non-Muslim on earth likes dogs,
you wish

dog owners are the christfags of pet ownership


why don't you grab a great big handful of glitter and stick it up your ass you dumb faggot

Chow chow / alaskan maunten / inu /afghani

he's waiting for Barron

>Trump gets a Purebred turboaryan GSD
>media and leftists get triggered
>leftists that own GSD's say "woah now, I've got a GSD and I'm not a nazi fascist"
>leftists turn on each other, then muslims come along and tell them that all dogs offend them so they must get rid of them
>German Shepard market becomes saturated with abandoned dogs
>we rescue them and train them to be god loving white christians

meme this into existence lads


or a greyhound....maybe a saluki

gazehound or gtfo

Ovcharka for muh Russia points. Alternatively, german shepherd or a bichon frise for white supremacist dogs. In practice he'll probably get a lab or a golden retriever though

Doggos are a staple of western civ fgt, they are loyal, can be trained, great guard animals, they actually serve a purpose, unlike your
flightless fucking birds and rats that can kick your ass

>dogs are shit

Did you get bitten or something? I've met plenty of people who prefer cats, but never someone who openly dislikes dogs.

>hates dogs
>hates christfags
Well if you're not a Muslim you should probably think about converting, you'd fit in well

>Why isn't Trump getting a dog like every other president?
It's a pointless frivolity. He's trying to save the goddamn country.

Did Obama get a dog?

maybe i will i'd have a reason to blow you up then faggot

[spoiler]i don't but people get carried away and dote on them like they're more important than even children. they're just a pet not the western equivilent of the sacred indian cows[/spoiler]

Great Dane. King of dogs.

Cat in White House next! No fucking smelly ass dog!

yeah but it was gay

german shepherd they are the most based dog

Fair enough. I feel the same way about how some people treat their cats.

No dog!

ease off on the tooley's you fuckin drongo

Barron needs little turtles to carry in his pocket

President Cat

Every person of European heritage is a dog person. Therefore, if you're not a dog person, you're not white.

Mice not welcome

Trump has his dogs, they work at CNN and they provide all of us hours of entertainment


No dogs! Only Presidential Cats!

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Border Collies are the smartest and hardest working dogs in the world.
Get on my level, plebs.

Same as putins

Samoyed, of course.

There exists no whiter dog, with the possible exception of a Borzoi if you want to be a monarchist about it.

None, may set a tone that he won't be pressured into following what is considered the norms of the office.

LOL that would be hilarious - they could bring both dogs to meetings with merkel

he should get a french bulldog, it will be great for cute propaganda


>What kind of dog should he get?

Terrier mongrel

If I was Trump, these would be my options.

Also, opinion from you friends.

It will be a year now since I moved from home into my own place, and I would really like to get a doggo.
Always had one, and still have a white lab, who is now with my folks.
An apartment is just not good enough for a big dog. House with a backyard is much better.

Planing on getting either a welsh corgi or a jack russel.

Input from people who have either or both is appreciated.

>dogs are shit fuck off murica
KYS raghead


KYS raghead

Your unwhiteness is showing.

Go with a terrier mongrel

Muhammed fuck off . Dogs are great

My dogs aren't large, but they're half-breed. One is half-cavalier and half bichon, and is a lazier and slower.

The other dog is fox terrier/maltese and is really a tough little beast. She actually injured me a few weeks back when I was breaking up a dog fight and her bite really hard.

So I think if you're looking for a more manly dog, a terrier breed is a good choice for a small to midsize dog.

>terrier mongrel

Actually, a westy is my third option

>more manly dog

Meh, wanted a pitbull. Because everyone I know who has one, has a friendly couchpotato doggo.

But IDK, still, the two I mentioned are zany dogs. And I am looking for a zany doggo.

What the fuck is that webm?


He should get a pitbull to spite all of the pitbull owners into getting rid of them
>"Pitbulls are very kind creatures who need to be trained right to be nice
>"W-what! Donald Trump likes Pitbulls!? What a fucking lunatic!"

>Doggos are a staple of western civ fgt, they are loyal, can be trained, great guard animals
so basically, they are idiots

Some kind of glitch in the matrix.

Was 2SP00KY4ME so I posted it as filler.

graphics rendering shitting itself


Unironically they are smarter than slavshits

Dogs are for needy faggots

Border Collies are amazing. Only dog i'd take over them is a Golden Retriever.

[spoiler]I miss you Robé ;_;[/spoiler]

I'd vote for the doggo on the left.

quads and my id confirm. Suck it dogfags

More like well trained niggers, but more dependable and predictable.

Of course, you are right,

My lab shits in the same high grass spot every day, while me and my family shit all over our lame excuse for a house or in our pants.

Once again, you were right, 1:0 for you.

belgian malinose

even a well trained nigger will lash out and attack his owner at some point

same is true for hellhounds

He should get a chihuahua for comic relief


Don't insult German Shepherds' intelligence.



lol no, you're paying for it.

Fuck off goat fucker, mudslime.

Dont know many dog breeds, whatever the most Russian dog is, just to BTFO the media

Chow chow or Alaskan Malamute

Are you done you fucking autist?


Digits confirm, Jack Russell Terrier as best dog

Cats are the rightful heir to the White House thrown.


Animals do not belong in the home. That is so unhygienic.


Si Senior

Not giving this cat guy a (you) but now he's agreeing with himself with each post. Not sure if he's trolling or doesn't know about ids

Muchas Gracias

do you realize that everyone can see you samefag here

Los Gatos es muy bueno Senior user.

The white house dog should be a pound mutt. Purebred dogs are inferior and live short lives. Mutts are the best

You have to go back.

A bloodhound

Goddamn share blue shills are too retarded to even understand how Sup Forums works

Presidente Trump necesita obtener varios gatos para vivir en la Casa Blanca

Knowing trump he'll probably get a lion or something.

Trigger literally everyone, and show he's the fucking boss.


Este gato es muy inteligente, Presidente Trump, no tanto.