I mean
we already abstain from sex, recite religious slogans and spend our time reading into archaic and obscure shit
both goyim and jews here typically hate saracens too, maybe we could have a crusading/fighting order too
I mean
we already abstain from sex, recite religious slogans and spend our time reading into archaic and obscure shit
both goyim and jews here typically hate saracens too, maybe we could have a crusading/fighting order too
Other urls found in this thread:
>we already abstain from sex, recite religious slogans and spend our time reading into archaic and obscure shit
Don't overdose on memes there greatest ally.
I'm actually pretty serious about this
(((we'd))) be the treasurers and reliquarians obviously
Lets talk about Jesus Christ
you mean that jew guy?
Yeah, you know your along awaited messiah
>Hey goys! Wanna join me and my jewish friends in a life of celibacy?
No to any and all future requests, Chaim.
>we already abstain from sex
who's we? don't tell me you take the memes on here seriously.
leaf pls
as if white women today are worth it
>we already abstain from sex
Yeah, abstinence, that's what it is.
even the typical neet here can afford to pay $50 to a crack whore
so it's technically still done by choice, even if it's due to insecurity
>as if white women today are worth it
No need to gloat, Chaim. Obviously your plan is going smoothly.
why is this my plan
israeli jews endorse trump
You mean start a cult and get tax exemption from the Government?
What are we, $cientologists?
>we already abstain from sex
Speak for yourself, Shlomo.
Tom Hardy played a Jew in Peaky Blinders
>israeli jews endorse trump
Of course they do, Israel's not going to give up their meal ticket, need more of them shekels.
I wouldn't actually mind Israel if they just stopped subverting literally every single western country thats even remotely powerful.
Get out normie
No, there are too many normies who think asceticism is leeching because it doesn't involve going into debt for a house you dont need and paying it off over 30 years of minimum wage jobs.
Can we have doggers too?
That has been my only problem with becoming a Franciscan.
Especially because St.Francis spoke to a wolf.
WTF I hate Tom Hardy now
well what's my plan then
support trump or support the (((left)))
only if they're for decent intentions
>well what's my plan then?
I have a few ideas of what you could do
>we already abstain from sex
Only the betas here abstain from sex buddy.
canadians burn even better than jews
and followup pic
Sup Forums wants to meme the fertility cult into a modern day religion. None of that animal sacrificing shit unless we're saccing jews. The planning of Agriculture that came with it was on point though.
>ensure good harvests, acquire community well-being
>canadians burn even better than jews
Do we? I wish the holocaust actually happened so we'd have some hard data to work off of. One of History's many truly ironic twists.
I just said
much better
Ohhhhhh I get it.. It's just a meme though, i'm not literally a leaf. Similar to how when people say jews are rats, vermin, insects, or the physical manifestation of Lucifer himself, they mean figuratively. Mostly.
jews are serpents exiled from mongoloid turkroachistan, get it right.
>leafs are just a meme
>jews in literal ovens are reality
>except those times I say it never happened
>jews in literal ovens are reality
>yfw kek is actually moloch
>tfw Sup Forums jews are the real "chosen"
>we already abstain from sex
It's not exactly abstinence, more like deprivation
Lel..Mossad trying hard on /pol.
Grab the zyklon B, it's shower time for you goys.