Why do you guys hate Him so much?
Why do you guys hate Him so much?
I don't
Because he spoke the truth and made jews and men uncomfortable.
Gee I wonder
I don't hate Jesus. I hate the people behind this hand sign.
I don't hate him, if he existed, I hate the religious depiction of him.
Hate who?
Because it's the painful truth
Because they love sin.
Explain please
We are in the middle of 'the great falling away' as foretold in scripture.
Don't hate him, just hate his alleged teachings and quite a bit of his followers.
No hate, man. I just wish Euros would find their culture rather than larp as jews
Because he's not Kek.
Before larpagans get here
Jesus and his followers were murdered by the pharisees, who would go on to be what you call Jews today. They were so degenerate that they murdered their incarnate God and so long as they reject him they will be hated by all the nations. You dont hate the Jews for no reason, you hate the Jews because they hate Him
Because he was a kike and proto-communist.
It's a sign of the first break-away from the Church.
Some Orthodox autistic thing.
Fuck you! You are the one larping as an arrogant jew fuck!
Jesus, if real, would be just another shaman. His followers would be cannon foder
The Truth is well beyond culture. If your culture doesn't have as basis the Truth, then it is worthless.
But I guess fedoras can't grasp something so simple.
So Sup Forums is it:
>Jews are responsible for Christianity
>Jews are responsible for the decline of Christianity?
>Jews are responsible for Christianity
>Jews are responsible for the decline of Christianity?
Yes, because now christkikenity is boring for them and they want to make Europe muslim.
Sup Forums is not one person.
Fucking christcucks never read their own philosophers like Schleiermacher on religion and then post as if they are authority. Fucking nigger-tier sophistry from literal jew larpers! Get fucked!
Only JIDF and Shareblue shills hate Jesus on Sup Forums
You sound like a marxist teenager.
>if you don't defend jewish cult then you are a jidf shill
>Phase 1: Completed
>Phase 2: Islam
>if I keep saying jewish maybe I can deceive a few more
Are you 15? Serious question.
No shit. That's why it's called Sup Forums and not /kevin/.
I can't hate something that existed 2000 years before me as a mere propaganda spewing mortal and hasn't influenced me in the slightest. I doubt anybody else besides edgy satanists XDD hate him.
>if I keep saying "fedora", "shill", "marxist", or "teenager" maybe I can deceive a few more
Are you a high school drop out? Your religion is dying. Its best for all white people.
>why do you hate feminism?
>because you're a sexist
>if this line of reasoning aggravates you it's because you're guilty and this proves me right
Stop mounting the moral high horse, I don't give a fuck about some random white person whom I don't even know.
Doesn't work in your case, because you're actively and knowingly lying, as well as displaying literal characteristics of a marxist teenager.
Not that I expect a heathen to be anything but a snake tongued liar.
That means yes.
You'll grow out of it eventually. Every kid goes through the "le fuk u mom and dad for making me go to church" phase.
Yes, we're all pure evil and want to trick people, of course.
You can play your autistic game, just know you're the only one playing
>lolololo i hab no argumentz so i will just keep my shitty ad personam and say that someone is a lying without proving it x-------DDDDDDDD
>omg you are racist
>omg you are nazi
>omg you are sexist
and christkikes
>omg you are fedorist/sinner/heathen
He's like my nigger daddy who lied when he said he was coming back one day soon.
You reject Christ because you're afraid of the Truth, and that there is an objective moral authority, with rules. You do not want rules or morality, you want hedonism and decadence.
All who rebel against God are wicked. There is no true good in them.
By the same token, not all who claim to be Christian are actually Christian.
>Yes, we're all pure evil and want to trick people, of course.
>>lolololo i hab no argumentz
Stopped reading there.
Also they redefine what qualifies as hate, exactly like the people this faggot is complaining about. Christians and commies are cut from the same cloth.
No, I reject jesus from nazareth because I am European, and fuck the semitic bullshit
You are only proving my point. Christkikes don't have arguments to defend their semitic belief.
Fear of death + projection = your post
Fuck you, I just got home from work and now I can't sleep. I have a bad case of arachnophobia
Cuckedy cuck cuck cuck cucker mccucky mc cuckmann cuckerson.
You are a cuck.
>I reject jesus from nazareth because I am European
Oh really? Then it seems most disagree with you because Poland is heavily majority Christian. There are actually laws prohibiting people from desecrating the Bible.
>While there are a number of religious communities operating in Poland, the majority of its population adheres to Christianity. Within this, the largest grouping is the Roman Catholic Church - with 92.2% of Poles in 2011 identifying as Roman Catholic, (census conducted by the Central Statistics Office (GUS)).
That just means you're a rebellious little commie.
More lies.
Doesn't matter to me. You fear His judgement just like all the other wicked leftists and globalists. That's why you see people just like you in public scream in horror at the Holy Name of Jesus Christ and prayer in his name.
I love Prophet Isa (pbuh).
>literally a child
Do you need a coloring book and a safe space from the mean ol' Christians?
>Oh really? Then it seems most disagree with you because Poland is heavily majority Christian.
Our people are blind and dumb as fuck. They scream "GREAT KEKTOLICK POLEN :-DDDDDD" while praising the Pope who split on our face. But christkikenity is decreasing even here.
>There are actually laws prohibiting people from desecrating the Bible.
Literally Jewish theocracy.
>That just means you're a rebellious little commie.
No, I'm rebellious White man who hate the pope and jewish lies he try to promote.
He was an undercover commie
You use this dumb religion because you think it aligns with your pissbaby fascist worldview. Which makes you not only fucking stupid but pathetic as well.
>Our people are blind and dumb as fuck
>I'm rebellious
>Why do you guys hate Him so much?
I love him.
>I am European
Wielka Lechia, Janusz!
>hurr someone is a gommie because he is not blinded by hebrew bullshit
I'm national socialist.
>your pissbaby fascist worldview
Hi /leftypol/.
o co ci chodzi zjebie
One question: do you think Jesus was white?
You are a communist. Pure and simple. And no amount of lies from your snake tongue will make a difference.
Thankfully you hold no power or represent anyone in glorious Poland.
>You are a communist. Pure and simple.
You are retarded. Pure and simple.
>Thankfully you hold no power or represent anyone in glorious Poland.
...anyone, but still rising anti-jewish movement.
Fuck off antichrist
>if I just keep repeating jewish, maybe it will be true
There are none who hate the Lord Jesus Christ and Christian civilization more than the Synagogue of Satan. They have always worked to undermine Christian culture and values, and destroy all that is good in society, to force cultural marxism and Islamic hordes in. They want to turn it into a new Sodom and Gomorrah. Pic related. That is what you advocated for when you vomit for your bile toward Christianity. You who love abominations and decadence.
For being so "anti jewish", you sure do seem to have a lot in common with them.
Dont assume all who reject (((christianity))) accept this vile degeneracy.
Fascist is left wing you statist moron.
>a new Sodom and Gomorrah
I know Sodom even though I am not a big fan of thrash, but what about the latter? Gonorrhea?
>i'll keep repeating my opponent's argument to mock it although i can't really give a counter-argument
>There are none who hate the Lord Jesus Christ and Christian civilization more than the Synagogue of Satan.
Those are literally brother religions.
>They have always worked to undermine Christian culture and values, and destroy all that is good in society, to force cultural marxism and Islamic hordes in.
Literally rivalization of various anti-European cults.
>They want to turn it into a new Sodom and Gomorrah.
Literally the way how your lord and saviour treated people who didn't listen. Such merciful. Glad he don't exist.
>Pic related. That is what you advocated for when you vomit for your bile toward Christianity. You who love abominations and decadence.
Marx was raised as a christkike. Cultural marxism is a christkike thing.
>For being so "anti jewish", you sure do seem to have a lot in common with them.
You christkikes are literally believing in judaism for the goyim.
>Literally the way how your lord and saviour treated people who didn't listen
So he gave them gonorrhea?
>Why do you guys hate Him so much?
Sup Forums is now mostly shitskins (look at the meet up pics) who prefer to worship an African frog god because Jesus "isn't White enough" for them. Which would be funny, if it wasn't so sad.
Yes you do. It's practically by default. That is why even atheists here in some threads, and even people like Stefan Molyneux, prefer Christian civilization as opposed to an atheist one.
Because atheism brings this. The Jews, who you so falsely pretend to be against, are the ones PUSHING atheism and marxism in our education system and in propaganda.
They push it because they know what atheism brings. Societal rot and cultural death.
israel ----->
New background image on my phone. Thanks, mate.
>NUH UH: The Post
Literally everything you said is just denial of reality and more lies.
I won't waste my time any longer. I feel as though I must wash my hands after conversing with such an unclean communist.
It's the truth. Also keep in mind that keku was originally a snake god, not a frog god. Sup Forums is LITERALLY snake worshippers. So really, their irrational, passionate hate for Christianity shouldn't surprise anyone.
Wow, that's so 2006.
Go believe in your "truth" in your holy land. You can even conquer them. Don't forget to praise pagan god "Deus" while doing so.
>American education
I agree. And none of them will listen when you tell them the truth.
>Jewish education
remind me which religion those priests were when they were diddling kids in their CHURCHES.
When will you realise the joos having been pushing (((christianity))) for the goy for ages?
Do you really think god would allow atheism to exist if it wasnt part of his plan? Oh ye of little faith!
kek is a joke you dumb ass gunter fuck.
but forgive me, i forget germans do not understand what humour is.
jew indoctrination through media, beady protestand cults and catholic pedo runs do not help too.
any who got hooked and is/aims to be "high society" hates jesus in this colony from what i saw.
such is life these days.
>remind me which religion those priests were when they were diddling kids in their CHURCHES.
Mostly Muslim, then jewish, some Protestant. But how nice of you to swallow the commie lies. You know there are statistics about these things. Catholics didn't do nuffin', basically.
Humanists blow them all out of the water, though.
>kek is a joke you dumb ass gunter fuck.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>but forgive me, i forget germans do not understand what humour is.
Of course we do!
Why did Hitler kill himself?
He saw the gas bill.
Choose one, see above. If you want pedo, look at Jews, Muslims and Humanists.
>remind me which religion those priests were when they were diddling kids in their CHURCHES.
>By the same token, not all who claim to be Christian are actually Christian.
Like clockwork. Why you choose to bring up Catholic priests and the corrupt Vatican than teachers who have sex with students far more is interesting.
>When will you realise the joos having been pushing (((christianity))) for the goy for ages?
How do you live with yourself and sleep at night being so dishonest and telling such despicable lies? I wouldn't be able to.
>Do you really think god would allow atheism to exist if it wasnt part of his plan?
Yes. That is free will. It is up to you to see and accept the Truth and Light or not.
>Why did Hitler kill himself?He saw the gas bill.
What sort of board would /kevin/ be? I'm imagining just one autist endlessly replying to himself, while pretending he's different people so he feels less lonely.
Because they don't know that he is "The stone the builders rejected."
That actually happened with some chick and Sup Forums ruined it
I love Jesus.
>i don't believe you you must be lying
yeah... i have nothing better to do in my spare time. Im tryna wake you dummy.
>free will
>Its totally up to you whether you want to swallow all this joo tier crap but if you dont i'll burn you in hell forever!
yeah and the niggers were not robbing me, they were just giving me muh free will when they said "your money or your life", amirite. (((christianity))) truly a religion of peace.
Catholic pictures of Jesus makes similar (and identical) hand gestures.
I don't know what turbo-autist shit you've been reading, but that hand sign is a symbol of status and power : When people make speeches, they tend to make certain hand signs for emphasis. Pic related.
So basically Jesus holding up his hand as if he's giving a speech emphasizes his role as a teacher of men. Nothing to do with the split.
I love him, he was so based. He named the Jew
before anyone named the Jew, how could you not love that? Also, he beat death, I mean wtf, thats as badass as it gets.