>Roman empire fell because of Trump-tier emperor
Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
>Roman empire fell because of Trump-tier emperor
Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
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Putin was once a show girl. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you cant
Rome fell because of populism
Caesar was pretty much a Trump tier populist btw.
He came from a rich and powerful family, but instead of getting into business like Trump, he got into the whole Roman military-governance thing from a small loan of a million favor.
When he got back to Rome he was pretty much the populist vs. the conservatives.
From the point Rome turned into an empire it was doomed since politics more and more relied on charisma and populism instead of a strong ruling class.
In short during the Republic, one person couldn't hold enough power to influence everything, during the Empire this became possible, and since populism is literally the easiest way to win AND the only way to beat populism is with more populism they ended up with a broken empire, it was just a matter of time.
>Comparing Roman Empire to US
that is a bad historical analogy... though there are parallels with rome and america. Our laws and constitution have been eroded away much like the laws that governed the roman republic. We are not yet at the time of a Julius Caesar. Actually I can more imagine a liberal demagogue stepping into tyrannical power, saving the country from internal strife and civil war, and becoming a savior type.
Rome fell because runaway inflation dis-incentivized any form of economic activity, to the point that the senate refused the denarius and droves of people relied on gibsme.dat bread.
People in the 5th century were relieved when the Empire fell.
Caesar literally took the Empire and turned it from a failing state to an actual empire.
This comparison is very often made and it isn't too far off. The only reason the Roman Empire failed is because of Caligula being poisoned by lead and Nero being raped by his mom as a child, aka things that wouldn't happen today (probably). But even Vespasian proved that the Empire had a chance after Nero. It's just up to worthy individuals.
And this is why the Republic was superior and is the superior form of governance.
In a line of dictators or rules you need just a couple of bad ones to ruin everything. They used to elect Consuls for a single year, and two of them at the same time for a reason.
One shit Consul couldn't fuck the whole thing up, nor one Senator.
Gee, I thought it fell because they devalued their currency, incurred large trade deficits, overexpanded the central government, used free food and services for popularity, and let in large groups of foreigners to fill labor needs.
The Romans made the mistake of trying to integrate all of the natives instead of killing them off like the Americans.
Rome was already in decline before Caesar took power. The only reason Caesar was murdered was because he was cocky and arrogant.
Honestly I could see some parallels to modern America and the Roman Empire, especially if Trump gets assassinated that'd be the final nail in the coffin for America's potential to regrow.
You live so close and yet so far, go get some of that sweet copper cigani.
The later emperors weren't populists, faggot. They ruled because of heredity.
He's already committing political suicide
You seem to be missing the point familiar
This. It's hilarious to watch. But in all seriousness we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
>OP is a shill
prove me wrong
>protip, you can't
“And what did it matter that Brutus had killed a tyrant? Tyranny still existed in every heart and Rome only existed in Brutus.”
If Trump dies we will get the true emperor to come and replace him as Trump supporters rage and end the Republic once and for all. It will be glorious.
Care to elaborate
this tbqhfam
Which one?
Hadrian was a pretty good emperor though.
Your point was that Rome fell because of populism. It didn't. It fell because it became an empire with a continuously growing state.
trump is going to die in his sleep while some underage buttsluts are around.
Roman empire fell because of barbarians and shitskins invading their lands. There was also the part where they split into the Eastern and Western Roman empires, but that was because of the empire being split between the emperors sons or something.
Nope the point was that Rome fell at the moment it turned into an empire from a Republic, and the point of that was described here
>small loan of a million favor.
Rome fell because France and Germany became civilized. Much as the West is falling because India and China are becoming civilized. Funny isn't it? How history always repeats itself.
>Western Empire fell because somebody decided NOT to build a wall and make Goths pay for it...
>Eastern Empire fell because we dicked with them and politics that didn't allow them to remove kebab.
Unless you mean the Byzzies I honestly have no idea what you are talking about Ivan
"Rome fell because of X"
"Hitler lost because of X"
Reductivist simplistic shit arguments galore.
You can usually pinpoint a couple of crucial points
The Romans didn't have the FBI. We have survived a lot worse than Trump and Putin. This shit ain't even close to over yet.
Good luck there buddy.
>From the point Rome turned into an empire it was doomed since politics more and more relied on charisma and populism instead of a strong ruling class.
Not exactly...Tiberius for example wasn't exactly known for his Charisma, most people thought he was a dick, which he confirmed when he allowed Caligula to take the throne after him, and guys like Nero were driven to suicide by the senate...
In fact, judging by the relatively small number of them that died of natural causes, I would argue that Charisma and Populism weren't exactly their forte...
The Empire's greatest days were in the first and second century AD, well after Julius Caesar.
Thw Fall of Rome had been attributed to an excessive welfare state, extremely devalued money and an exceptionally decadent people that was so busy being decadent the Empire has to enlist barbarians instead. Then the great migrations happened, Alaric sacked Rome and another Gothic warlord later on conquered it.
Rome expanded too fast, and like all empires that expand too fast, they collapse.
Nothing else to add, this guy pretty much summed it up
Rome fell because they let in too many people who weren't loyal to them
what a bunch of uneducated bullshit
prove yourself right
>protip you cant
It took them about 1000 years to collapse though...
You don't really understand the point. The Empire well lived for hundreds of years after Caesar. This wasnt the point.
One bad emperor can fuck up a whole empire. Happened plenty of times in Egypt too.
When you have elected leaders, he'll just get replaced.
The more centralized the power the less chance for society to correct itself.
Tired of people worshipping the idea of "benevolent ruler". Most rulers during history werent benelovent like at all. Rome was too big and too old however for one emperor to fuck it up. But little by little bad decisions mostly driven my populism (free bread, giving out citizenship etc.) lead to eventual destruction.
It wasn't one Trump, it was a long line of Trumps and a massive city of gibsmedat dindunuffins.
>one post by this ID
We've been fooled kameraden
Gas yourself kike
fuck off
This entire country is a giant melting pot of immigrants and degenerate mongrels. The similarities to Rome's barbaric hordes are not far off. Already we are bearing witness to large decentralized and rapidly mobilized groups of ethnic radicals, not too unlike the barbarian rebels of Rome.
>America's potential to regrow
Don't you get it, faggot? There is no 'regrowth' the American Dream and all that bullshit propaganda was just a result of the post WWII industrial boom, and we were only able to achieve that because the rest of the developed world was pretty much rubble.
The American people have let billionaires and globalists systematically destroy all the things that made this country great in the first place, and the chickens are coming home to roost. Trump is one of those people. One sign of a civilization is decline is trying to glorify past iterations of that civilization. "Make America Great Again" is the epitome of that, the great middle class jobs aren't coming back, automation will further widen the wealth gap, and as we are sorting all of that our, it will be harder and harder to grow food because of climate change. We made our entire civilization about chasing evanescent profits, and once the resources on this planet are gone there will be nothing left to swindle or sell. We lost.
If we want to get technical, you can blame Obama for starting this.
Everyone had a huge goddamned messiah complex over Obama. Obama "fever" was sweeping the nation. People were treating him like a second coming of a very charismatic christ.
He did jack all of shit while in office. He was a campaigner, through and through. He put on the best show. Viva Presidente!
Trump is merely a symptom or a reaction to what Obama started.
Voting trump was simple lighting the already oil soaked country on fire so it could burn quicker.
China and India will be exterminated within the next 30 years. What are you talking about?
Rome was always fucking diverse. The whole idea of "multiculturalism destroyed Rome" has zero scientific basis.
Rome started off as a city state and then started to include more and more tribes and groups and whatnot. It also had shit ton of foreign slaves and freemen. The important thing was that the ruling elite was exclusively Roman during the Republic.
Only Emperors started opening up more and more ways for non-Romans to become citizens, mostly as a way to achieve popular support and as favors etc.
>Roman empire fell because of Trump-tier emperor
Actually, it fell because of multiculturalism
Lead. In the pipes, in the make-up, in the utensils. Lead was everywhere. You see what a little bit of lead does to niggers in the inner city? It was wayyyy worse than that and affected everybody no matter their class.
fall of rome due to
>disloyalty of military
>wants no immigrants
>trying to fix the economy
>has backing from most generals
yup fall of america cukfirmed
>>Roman empire fell because of Trump-tier emperor
>Prove me wrong
>>protip: you can't
Constantine’s greatest and most lasting contribution was his transformation of the monetary system
Reddit tier dumbass pseudoeducated bullshit. The type of shit a bunch of lazy millennials read and believe and smash the "upvote" button on.
I have a Masters in history, like lmao dude the fuck do you even know
>one bad emperor can fuck up a whole empire
And one strongman can fuck up the fucked up emperor and make Rome great again using the same system.
Its when you have a bureaucratic Republic that you get the deep state. At that point you might as well elect a monkey, wouldn't make a bloody difference to the way the country's run.
from a hungarian university
The process of rome failing took place over a 2 century period.
It broke into 2 segments and was slowly taken apart piece by piece by a combination of military failures and economic crashes.
The last vestige in the east lingered for a while before slowly transforming into something completeley different. It was then itself taken apart piece by piece.
Then some german guy claimed hed founded the holy roman empire (which was neither holy, roman, or an empire.)
After that the "roman empire" became a faded abstract notion used to reinforce assorted leader's claims to legitimacy by evoking a sense of power and continuity symbolically passed down to whichever despot was making the claim.
Its concept degrades even today as comparing any and all political events to rome collapsing is second only in popularity to accusing people of being nazis.
Rome was mostly run on tradition during the Republic. The "Deep State" was the Senate and stuff like the "College of Pontiffs".
But the responsibilities were stricly divided between religious, civil, military etc. instititutions.
Rome fell because they devalued their currency to the point of it being worthless, they allowed mass immigration of non-Latin peoples from across the empire who didn't share Roman values, they allowed their military to get out of control in power and cost, they over-taxed the producers of wealth and put the leeches of society on welfare. When the Vandals finally came to sack the city, they were welcomed by the abused population with open arms.
Sephardi here, i really want israel nuked to stop all this bullshit, i'm fucking done with you niggers.
lol cigany
but seriously, you faggots talking about caesar being a populist leader and everyone else after him being populist aswell just isnt true.
check Marcus Aurelius for example, he lived almost 200 years after Julius Caesar and left us quite a few texts: He was a stoic who valued reason and humbleness above all else, quite the contrary to what you are trying to picture here
>Rome was always fucking diverse. The whole idea of "multiculturalism destroyed Rome" has zero scientific basis.
>Rome started off as a city state and then
Good job disproving your thesis two sentences later.
If you concenctre on the last 100 year of the empire you're already doing it wrong and this is not how historical analysis works at all.
We also have come a long way since The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire with many more new sources.
Rome died largely because of mass immigration and importation of cheap slave labor that displaced the native workers
Sound familiar?
Yeah well the US democratic republic is doing the exact same thing with the giving out citizenship and free bread... If trump didn't win Hillarys amnesty would have shifted the gibs into overdrive with the 10-30 million new socialist voters... no emperor needed...
At this point im ok with making trump king lol
Lmao what the actual fuck am I reading?
>>Roman empire fell because of Trump-tier emperor
>Prove me wrong
>proceed to explain the FALL of Rome
Hint: you dont even know what Populares mean.
But you're focusing on the last 100 days of this country and acting like Trump is going to single handedly destroy America like the Romans killed Rome. Logic doesn't work that way.
You mean when I trip I fell because I lose my balance and not because I tripped.
Rly makes you think
>When you have elected leaders, he'll just get replaced.
True enough, but in the Roman Republic the elections came with things like militias and terrorism, not to talk about rampant corruption (not pretending neither happened in the Empire, mind you, but at least it was a little more localized and didn't happen too often)
Also keep in mind that most positions could end up becoming de facto lifelong, as happened with Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus during the first Triumvirate, right before the Empire (Caesar was never Emperor)
>The more centralized the power the less chance for society to correct itself.
The Roman Republic/Roman Empire are very bad examples for this point, the Republic was far more centralised than the Empire.
The Empire had at some point even three capitals and Imperial Governors could at times command the Legions in their territories as their own personal armies...in fact it got really bad at a time where many provinces decided to try to make their own legion leaders as the new Emperor at some points in history, creating massive civil wars.
>Tired of people worshipping the idea of "benevolent ruler". Most rulers during history werent benelovent like at all
Most rulers during history didn't even rule temselves, but had a cadre of politicians behind them "administering" the empires, and profiteering most of the time. That isn't to say we didn't have active rulers, but for the most part, the ones that were too active had a tendency for "accidents"
>Rome fell because runaway inflation
Rome didn't have paper money or fiat currency. How is inflation possible when your coins are precious metals?
you said roman imperators = Trump, Trump = decline; I told you that's not true.
>Rome fell because France and Germany became civilized
Just because they used precious metals in their coins doesn't mean that the coins were 100% precious metals.
>Hungarian university
I didn't. I didn't even claim that Trump is gonna "destroy America".
You have it backwards: Caesar was comparable to Trump in many ways. Caesar did not destroy Rome at all. It lived for many hundreds of years.
Caesar was one of the first who started the long process of destroying Rome.
Also I'm not even OP, if you want to argue on Trump with OP feel free to do so.
This isn't what I said tho. Fuck off already
The Grachhi were the Trump like politicians but they were assassinated by the aristocracy before they could reform anything
Caesar was just a general not a politician but he still fought for he aristocracy
However they too killed him before any changes could be made to save Rome
Augustus was the first real reformist leader that succeeded, but his reforms weren't even close to enough
He didn't end the slave system or the land monopolies that were decimiating the Italian people and the economy
Rome fell cos the army became weak, something trump won't let happen
Also, they split it two before it fell
Roman empire fell because of over dependance on fucking foreigners in their military.
They got in did their time became citizens then refused to assimilate or give half a shit about rome.
>history is the same is a drunken stupor
Yeah, and Julius Caeser gained power because of a "small loan of a million favor." I honestly can't tell if you're retarded or just stupid.
What I'm saying
>master's in history
>not being a retard from reddit
pick one dumbshit
Ave, true to Donald. Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
How do you know the Trump-tier emperor was the cause and not just a symptom of the collapse?
>Rome fell because of populism
>Caesar was pretty much a Trump tier populist btw.
Its from your first post, the second posting in the thread. You probably dont remember because millenial attention span
Caesar was literally opposing the aristocracy all his life. He was also given a crown by Anthony as he was posing as the "one of the people". Sounds familiar senpai?
>I have a Masters in [anything]
No, you don't.
>Rome was always fucking diverse.
Rome was always full of slaves and whatnot from everywhere, BUT Roman citizenship was extremely exclusive.
Are all Hungarians this retarded?
Caesar needed a LOT of favors to became governor then to became Pontifex Maximus.
Read my fucking post before replying you fucking moron
That can't cause runaway inflation
The real problem was the destruction of the Roman economy via cheap slave labor
Heil Pony.& SAGE (d) in options.
Faggot shill
Trump is a populist
Caesar was a populist. He was literally the one populism is named after.
What the fuck don't you get?
Holy shit you're dumb.