Bump this thread after answering the survey
Pic irrelevant
Bump this thread after answering the survey
Pic irrelevant
>google docs
>implying any of us are this stupid
Strawpoll or fuck off faggot
Why would i post 10 strawpoll links when i could use google docs? Fucking retard.
a little redundant don't you think?
I want to get it as accurate as it can get
Why don't we get to see the responses
You will later
You've gotta pay for that information, faggot. Shit ain't free.
lolbertarianism faggot
>keyboard is backwards
fuck off CIA nigger
Are you that paranoid? The cia already knows all your shit m8
What's wrong with google dox? Give sauce.
Bump, survey really needs more options on political ideology, most Sup Forumslacks are somewhere between fascism and lolbertarianism, not one or the other.
I'm not fucking touching a google link from here bud
Im open to adding other options, idk if there is a word for what pol is tho
Use a proxy if youre so paranoid
You click on OP's link, google instantly connects your google profile with the google doc
You cant see the google account answering the questions you retard
make the results public faggot.
Yeah, but how's that special? Everything on the internet is tracing you.
I will when it gets more answers
Can we get an estimate on how long that will be?
Dunno, its got 40 answers atm
Probably posting them when it reaches 100
Different people are on Sup Forums at different times due to time zones. 100 people isn't a sufficient sample size.
Im gonna post more threads
Thread is good as dead, my dude.