Why are millennial women having sex with Gen Z boys?
Why are millennial women having sex with Gen Z boys?
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They can't resist BZC
its white millennial women and its because they are all retarded whores that have been destroyed by social media
You don't see a pattern?
They're fighting fascism.
>One of the things we’re interested in at the moment is the continued existence of reactionary norms such as the so called nuclear family. By drawing on the work of Wilhem Reich, who examined the idea of fascism as a symptom of sexual repression, we are taking the ‘Reicheann approach’ by advocating for the early managed sexualisation of children so as to prevent the formation of any earlier fascist traits. This was outlined in Reich’s magnum opus ‘The Mass Psychology of Fascism’, and has been shown to be effective when tried experimentally on the European continent.
>Millenials - bluepilled, liberal, low-test, humourless
>Gen Zyklon - redpillled, far right, high-test, know how to bant
I wonder why
Because they've gone nuts and no one their age is willing to be in the same room with them for more than 30 min
It's simple.
The INTERNET has corrupted all teenagers.
20+ years ago, 16 year old kids were innocent. They didn't have access to XXX porn, or "How to Make your Girlfriend orgasm" videos.
Nowadays, a 16 year old can pretend he's an adult and talk about bending over a woman and slapping her ass and pulling her hair. These are things kids were innocent about 20 years ago, but nowadays kids are watching porn.
So, these teachers are essentially being seduced by ADULT topics and ADULT methods..... by teens.
It's the internet
Gen Y and older mellenials are adult children. Especially women: they're fucking stupid, horny, and have zero ability to control themselves.
Conservative gen Z boys are more man than libcucked millennial guys.
Gen Z can't keep their mouth shut is all. Faggoys.
Millenials being cucked by BZC will be the next big porn genre
Same reason teachers of the previous generation were fucking millenial boys.
They're evil succubi who rape boys so they could never become wizards
It should be illegal
>tfw hot teacher will never molest you
Because Generation X is teaching Gen Z how to be a real man. Millennials SJW faggots will be genocided soon enough. They laughed at our plans. They mocked and attacked. But they're not laughing anymore.
Generation X has a higher percentage of liberal/democrat voters in America than even millennials faggot. There's just so few people in Generation X that they're irrelevant. That still doesn't change the fact that Gen X is the most left leaning generation in modern America.
it's funny because liberals don't have kids at anywhere near replacement rate so they are inherently a dying breed.
Are they? I haven't noticed this.
Which is why, like faggots, they try to create more of their own by perverting other people's children.
GenX is the most Conservative generation in America. Typical Millennial faggot, don't know a damn thing about anything but still wants to run his retarded mouth off. This is exactly why we're investing in GenZ... we're going to make the Millennial generation poor as fuck. I don't hire any of you faggots. Only GenZ get's our attention and resources. You Millennials can burn in fucking hell.
The GenX / GenZ Coalition will fucking crush you millennial faggots.
Generation Zyklon is so based Millenial milfs are flocking to them.
How can numale beta bitchbois even compete?
[insert gen here] is amazing
t. [insert same gen here]
hahah what a dumb fuck you are. Porn was easy as shit 20 years ago to get as it is today. women were whores then as were a few of my teachers. the only thing lacking was social media and mobile devices to expose such things more in the light.
I gotta say most millennials I've met are really fucking dumb. I was born in '98, but I'm more of an adult than 60% of these fuckers. I remember the occupy Wall Street movement, everybody thought it was the coolest thing ever. Fuck them.
You know how many people I know from my generation that are in complete debt? Samething generation X. NOBODY FORCED YOU FAGS TO MAX OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD AND NOT USE YOUR BRAIN!
Seriously everybody has useless majors in healthcare and computer science. I'm 18 fucking years old and in 3 months will be making 2,500+ a month. The shit isn't hard, you just gotta want it. And they all fucking do, but they don't fucking think.
Wow you took a class without looking at job outlook, working out the major you like the most that is most profitable? It's totally the 1% fault guis!
Get a job in the trades, do something to generate capital instead of literally failing a 4 year degree and working at chipotle. God damnit I'm fucking triggered.
If that's true why arent the teachers REJECTING the teens like adults do.
No there's a real problem here and it isn't lost innocence
Gen Z dickriding just proves Sup Forums is underaged.
Reality is all generations suck shit.
Not only that, I found a job no problem that pays 12 an hour with zero schooling. EVERYONE CAN DO THIS. Shovel some fucking gravel bitch, work your way up. And I'm not successful for anyone but myself. I've literally had people say "why do you want to make so much money"? REALLY? I HAVE TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO THAT MARXIST SHIT? FUUUUUUUCK
You need to be more subtle.
>If that's true why arent the teachers REJECTING the teens like adults do.
Because the teens are more mature today. They behave like adults. They're already fucking by age 14. They are experienced and confident with regards to sex, which makes the teacher treat them like an adult.
if you are born in 96 and after, you are part of the upcoming masterrace.
I'm sorry but it's fucking bullshit man. These people are clearly doing this shit to themselves and it pisses me off to see these people failing. I don't say anything but holy shit how are these people THIS dumb?
Sorry about the wall of text desu.
>9 year old boys are more alpha than adult millenials
Millennial cucks Us Gen X alphas are your bosses at work, there's a reason for that and a reason girls don't want you.
No girl wants to fuck a liberal candy ass cuck that can barely open a jar or use fuckin pizza scissors faggot.
Wanna get pussy? Buy a chainsaw and learn how to use it. None of that electric or shit with a built in starter- 2 stroke pull start gets the pussy dripping when they see you wielding a chainsaw like a man.
>I was born in 98
Jesus, I'm old.
That being said, good point dude.
>29 years old
>never used my credit
>never went to college/uni
>worked right out of high school
>manager at my company, make $80k after bonuses
>just got my first house
>No debt other than mortgage
You can beat the system, college is a lie.
Pretty much this.
Cause they put out
I was born in '79... the occupy wall street movement was a total rip off of the Ron Paul movement. The Left always rips off Conservative grass roots movements by repainting them with their Marxist garbage. They don't even understand basic history. Don't try explaining it too them either, because they don't give a fuck if the narrative doesn't end with getting to destroy western civilization.
Paleocons = Go after the Central Bank & Internationalist
Left Marxist = Go after the Central Bank & Burn down western civilization
They don't even understand the banking policies we put forth. They only see it as whitey having problems, now they have an opening to jump in. Two radically different adversaries, views and agendas.
Self-hating millennial cuck faggots are prime for the Marxist agenda. Just look at them. Generation X isn't small... we're 70 million plus in size. The reason why we're not talked about is because we're conservative and haven't bought into the millennial programming. We still remember what it was like before the massive indoctrination programing campaign. We witnessed every aspect of the censorship and how it's evolved.
With millennials you run into ex-liberals who say they finally woke up... yeah, we'll GenX never needed to wake up. We just got censored and erased culturally by the leftist in Hollywood who run their fake culture producing outlets. Millennials haven't done shit but they claim ownership of everything.
When was the last time you heard the MSM media talk about Generation X..... or Generation Z? Never......... why?
The Leftist apparatus will still fucking talk about Baby Boomers when they're pushing 70+, but never Generation X. How come? Because they know the political culture and attitudes jump Generations by in large. This is why Generation X went for the anti-banker paleocon Ron Paul movement in 2008.. but we got robbed by a bunch of fucking black skin worshiping millennial Marxist cultist with their baby boomer allies
>cropping out the camel toe
College isn't a lie, it's a tool to enter into a field that you like and is profitable. It's like when you only have a star head screw driver but need a flat head.
You shouldn't say "look at how many screw drivers I have", but look at how many things I've already fixed and STILL need fixing with this new screw driver.
Because its is clear the men of the Past generation are not suitable to mate with Females so its is the Responsibility of the Centennial to provide for them. Millennials are a failure of a generation.
What if I'm born in '95 in the former Eastern Bloc?
Imagine being the husband
The twist: it was his idea
As long as the Millennial woman can provide us Centennials with healthy offspring the human race will sustain itself.
Blame the Daily Mail... I'm surprised they are so prudish.
The New York Post on the other hand...
>big Zionist cock
It's one last throw by the left to stop fascism by giving them AIDS
So, the new plan adapted by Generation X is to destroy the Marxist Left by using their own playbook. Everything down the line is being replicated to attack them right back in the exact same method. GenX is silently reshaping the narrative piece by piece behind the scenes without any recognition or spotlight on us. We are used to being ignored by the Marxist Hollywood Leftist. We know how ot operate and still be affective. Culturally while being completely blacklisted, censored and ignored.
We have multiple large platform social-engineering programs operating right now. Dumping full resources into GenZ is one such program. We're going to fuck the Millenial Left just like they fucked GenX. The Baby Boomers will die out completely very soon. So, we're going to have the demographics to finally take back the reigns of power... and through power we will reclaim our culture again.
Some truth in this.
>Is Gen Y Becoming the New "Lost Generation?"
Social media and broader web culture wasn't taht big when we were growing up so most swallowed the idea that liberalism in itself was a noble goal. We were raised on the milk of liberalsim and didn't notice that this very same force was robbing future prospects will it was too late.
>Accenture: Majority of UK graduates are underemployed
University was part of the liberal narrative.
>UK graduates look at the employment world with rosy coloured spectacles. While 72% of 2015 grads expect to find full time work after graduation, only 58% of those graduating in 2013 and 2014 did so. Furthermore, of those that did find employment, 60% say they are either underemployed or are doing non-graduate work.
You leave with a degree but even entry level positions demand experience and a degree. Thanks to our rules on skilled immigration it is often cheaper for them to employ from abroad where people have experience and so training isn't required.
milfs like it black. M! L! I! B! god bless america better than the rest
Our Stupid Hippie Grand-Leeches robbed us of a decent future, Now we must fix the problems they caused.
>advocating for the early managed sexualisation of children
These people should burn.
Well said. Like the marvel movies that have been coming out, Reddit lives for that garbage. People and media are actually saying "this is one of the best movies ever made". Meanwhile the CGI is nowhere it should be, the plot is shit and literally it's forced to be a dopamine gouging comedy.
Rap music in the 80's vs now, I mean seriously you can see right through the engineered "counter culture" that liberals subscribe to. Most people that listen to rap music and do drugs never even understand the fact that drugs SHOULD be legal. That's how fucked we are. The Middle and lower class attitudes towards police definetly vary by area, but generally people have no zero clue. People give these innocent police officers shit and say "huh why I am getting arrested"? Zero respect for authority or a basic understanding of ANYTHING outside of the liberal paradigm. I even agree with liberals on some issues but they are so blind. Complete and total tunnel vision.
noone wants to touch their rotten cunts so they have to rape kids
Why do you think the industry killed hendrix, cobain and Morrison? Like do you really think if Hendrix was gonna shoot dope he'd overdose the first time he did it? They fear real art and culture. It all has to be shit out from the machine.
I mean don't people realize that the mob has been staging suicides for fucking years? Cobain caught wind and got killed. Samething with Michael Jackson, started saying shit about how the industry really is and he got killed in some ass weird circumstances. Kanye, believe it or not might be getting necked if he keeps pushing the media being a single entity rhetoric.
>Left Marxist = Go after the stock market & Burn down western civilization
fixed that for you. Marxists never criticize the Fed, a Marxist invention afterall.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a "national bank" and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
At its core, people really think socialism creates more innovation. But in reality it's competition, natural selection and constantly having to trim the fat which really is the core of capitalism. It's either a monarchy or free enterprise, take your pick kids.
literally Brave New World shit
Why is it that the Centennials are more realist and less Altruistic than Millennials? Is it us living in the post 9/11 era where violence is everywhere beheading after beheadings and car bomb after car bombs?
Tbh I kinda despise the Millennials for being Naive Adult-Children, they don't see the severity of current Global politics
Are they doing it on purpose? Or are they that stupid?
>big Zionist cock
Millennial men are also dating gen Z girls, I'm 25 and dating an 18 year old.
Why you ask? Well, have you met a 25 year old woman?
They don't create they just recycle Culture from past years and pass it as if it were their own.
>At its core, people really think socialism creates more innovation.
I really wonder why that is. Central planning of economy and social life never leads to improved results.
>But in reality it's competition, natural selection and constantly having to trim the fat which really is the core of capitalism. It's either a monarchy or free enterprise, take your pick kids.
They reject the laws of nature as they believe their social sciences are scientific in the sense of natural science. Just look how they use terms like integration, Stalin borrowed that from mathematics, to streamline conquered non-Russian people and create the Homo Sovieticus
>What's wrong with the world, mama
>People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
>I think the whole world addicted to the drama
>Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
>Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
>But we still got terrorists here livin'
>In the USA, the big CIA
>The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
Somehow turned into
>What you gon' do with all that junk?
>All that junk inside that trunk?
>I'ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
>Get you love drunk off my hump.
>What you gon' do with all that ass?
>All that ass inside them jeans?
>I'm a make, make, make, make you scream
>Make you scream, make you scream.
>Cos of my hump (ha), my hump, my hump, my hump (what).
>My hump, my hump, my hump (ha), my lovely lady lumps (Check it out)
That's not a normal evolution. Someone was told to sit down and shut up.
Wait for your kind to hit the brainwashing machine. This meme has zero traction, there's no evidence for a conservative gen Z.
>muh studies tho
Nobody has ever posted one, not a single one.
Because millennial women are sluts, and millennial men are numales.
i don't know, but i wish i was that lucky when i was a boy
It's more that they are naive, as you said. They trust that the media would never lie to them, and would tell them when the politicians are lying.
They live in a carefully crafted bubble that exposes them only to their interests and only to news that caters to their disposition, and they exacerbate this already heinous programming with the miracle of the friend liest and ignore button.
They seem to pretend that while Bush was a warmonger that kicked off the war in Iraq under false pretenses, the MSM wasn't with him the whole time.
It's mind boggling.
No it's not a question of being factually correct. It's about which side WINS. That's seriously what the democrats are doing by being the "no party". Donald trump keeps saying it.
These people don't want to work and advance policy to daily needs. Just fund the democrats more with paid speeches and shit. They are a coorpate body, not a political party.
Liberals and most people just want to be higher on the self imposed social ladder than you. Really they are that fucking juvenile. Most people are extremely neurotic and stuck in their heads all day.
>hey where are the studies?
>well here's an oped piece
>with no citations
>the link to the study goes to another clickbait article
>the linked article actually says there are conflicting studies, saying genz IS More liberal than millennial
>The Leftist apparatus will still fucking talk about Baby Boomers when they're pushing 70+, but never Generation X. How come? Because they know the political culture and attitudes jump Generations by in large. This is why Generation X went for the anti-banker paleocon Ron Paul movement in 2008.. but we got robbed by a bunch of fucking black skin worshiping millennial Marxist cultist with their baby boomer allies
tfw Gen X
its so dfficult to have a look at that
The generation x black experience is completely different. They have their own gripes about hip hop this and that. Whatever... all masculine GenX white identity in the 90s was completely erased at it's height of popularity. Replaced by "Alternative Music". A bunch of melon-colony white faggots singing about depression and misery. They replaced masculine white music with gangster rap in the 90s and run with it all the way up to this day. But you still hear blacks bitching and crying about muh real hip-hop. Get the fuck outta here.
Nope leaffag, early Gen X. Now fuck off.
First off, neither of us are qualified to really say which is right. I think socialism has it's place forsure but REAL capitalism also has a really great standard of living and even for the bottom 20% and allows people to work as hard they want to get the life they want.
Every article links to the gild study, but the gild study doesn't show up when you search it, really makes me think :)
Fucking '90s music, man. I can count on my fingers the number of songs I liked from then. Fucking grunge and rap. The '80s were awesome.
I mostly listen to stuff from Japan these days; they aren't corp-cucked like Western music.
that is pure fucking evil
The millennial chads they've been fucking are getting tired of them and either settling down or fucking younger women.
Women still think they should be able to fuck whenever and whoever, so they go for the younger guys to justify their lifestyle as they dry up.
it is self-ignorance so their perfectly crafted reality is not tainted by actual world occurrences. Its despicable and childish to ignore the world, like a child hiding in his tree house. Fucking pathetic.
The only thing abnormal about the nuclear family is that it's only the parents and kids.
tribal family -> nuclear family -> full out slut degeneracy
Proverbs 5
5 My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:
2 That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.
3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:
4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
6 Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them.
7 Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.
8 Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:
9 Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:
10 Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;
11 And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed,
Its enjoyable engaging with you older dudes, sharing your wisdom with me and other Centennials.
>MyVoucherCodes (UK) survey
Anything starting with "My" is already trash, but... "voucher codes"?
What Sup Forums thinks:
Cute shota molested by lewd seductress
7 foot 400 pound nigger linebackers going "wun sum dik bitch" and her vagina exploding
Look up any recent case, the (((children))) were all black
She can fuck me all she wants
I thank God I was born in 1982. Young enough to live through and remember a little of the 80s and old enough to already be done with college and have a job when the Great Recession hit which actually only helped me because I got my house cheap with like no interest.
Yeah, well the music industry plays a large part in social-engineering you fucking twinky muh-corporations, man... marxist little bitch.
Grunge was it's own thing in the 90s and not at all what I was referring to regarding 90s masculine white music. The heavy metal bands were starting to become street angry, and street orienting in their music... within two years, the whole genre is wiped off Hollywood's list.
The point is they don't want motivated confident angry white dudes in society. Whatever 'culture' produces it is targeted for destruction. That is fine... this is old news, and we have their playbook being fully targeted back at them now.
90% of the people who listen to grundge and metal are inconfident ugly virgins, so your argument kinda falls apart