>A NOTORIOUS “migrant hunter” who described rounding up refugees as a “sport” has sparked panic after buying himself a helicopter gunship.
A NOTORIOUS “migrant hunter” who described rounding up refugees as a “sport” has sparked panic after buying...
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My patriotism is at full stand
Slav hero.
can you even purchase a helicopter gun ship in the US? Bulgaria true land of the free.
Are we going to have this thread everyday for a week ? Because bumping our chests to gain Sup Forums approval seems a bit weak m8.
St. Dinko of Bulgaria
Patron Saint of attack helicopters
>A helicopter gunship
>A gunship
Have a bump Dinko, you are a big guy
how do you even afford an helicopter when you're bulgarian
Remember to sage with pictures.
I actually just saw this. If it has been overused on pol I'm sorry.
That takes sexually identifying as an Attack Helicopter to a whole new level.
by not giving your money for Algerian welfare frog-sama.
>the sun
Can I come to Bulgaria and kill migrants with an attack helicopter?
The madman upgraded? Holy shit. I'm literally slav squatting right now. It's good for your back.
Russian Sugar Daddy
Come on senpai, give a real answer
i guess some shitty helicopter is not that expensive, but that guy doesn't look loaded
The same way Africans trade chickens for AK-47s: shit has different prices relevant to the economy they exist it.
Based Bulgaria
Real answer. Helicopter looks like deprecated USSR machine that does not work and most possibly has had the engine removed. My university had one just like this in the back of the aerospace engineering building.
sure but we have a bring your own helicopter policy. AK-47's are complementary.
ofc senpai, but that's still expensive, also there is the maintenance
You can, just as long as it's not automatic.
Also literally tons of ex-USSR military tech lying around in Bulgaria.
I don't get it?
You don't have photoshop in Bulgaria?
no we cannot afford such expensive and wasteful western programs.
This helicopter looks familiar.
Destined to be rare!
>When migrants violate the NAP so you kill them with your recreational McHind
In the near future, the army will be so cucked that governments will ressort to armed militias to hunt migrants. As the practice spread, militias will evolve in mercenary agencies and grow more power. In the decadent yuropoor, only these organizations will be able to guarantee the safety of citizen, thus being the new nobility of Europe.
Spend it wisely, user.
the people who spam those threads (and the election ones) are like kids who're desperately trying to prove themselves to their father
This man bought an attack helicopter to run down muslim migrants?
My god its glorious.
Dubbles gets to be his gunner
Trips is the pilot and he's the gunner
Well well well
Too bad, the time to spread out our Bulgar cocks is now :^)
Rollerino for piloting
>tfw I will never be a Soros style Billionaire who funds a reality TV show with this Absolute Madman that is a cross between Myth Busters and Robot Wars where each week he and his intoxicated slav brethren get drunk and put together the latest migrant catching machine, or test drive various kinda-non-lethal vehicles in their hunt to Catch 'Em All.
Very related
Perhaps he has other vehicles that are good at transporting things from the middle east that aren't people, but end up inside of people.
Come on Philip, we all know what that entails.
Comments are hilarious. Bunch of I'm sure "moderate" members of the "religion of peace" calling for him to be killed or imprisoned
Can't wait to move to France and get myself a big pet kitty.
He robs the rapefugees before turning them in. Those cunts have all kinds of cash on them, since they sell everything they own before taking the welfare hike.
>after being given immunity by the Bulgarian government.
good. If the government won't do it, let the markets sort it out.
does that rustbucket even fly?
not even once
Serious question, I live to volunteer for order patrol against the roach border but I'm not rich.
Could I get free accommodation from someone & at least two meals a day for daily border patrol?
Good luck dinko
AnCap as fuck. Bassd Bulgearyan
*I'd love to volunteer for border patrol
Is what I meant
The hero that Bulgaria needs
I stalk Bulgarians on jewbook and it is fun seeing younger generations openly express rightwing views.
Well done, Bulgaria.
But when are you gonna remove the elderly commies?
Still cucked I see. Good thing I left.
Dinko's life is like GTA
post more bg qt 3.14's
Hey, for what it's worth, I hadn't seen this article yet, and it's fantastic.
>He once described his "hunts", telling Bulgarian national TV: "I would describe it as simply a sporting activity. You can't describe sportsmen as violent."
who is this semen demon?
Oh, that pence
He should start selling package holidays. I'd pay to go chase down some 'refugees' in a tank.
Keen as well, could we organise a global Sup Forums trip? We could book a hostel/hotel & make a proper lads weekend out of it.
actually could be done Bulgaria is rather cheap. Dont know how we can get in contact with Dinko.
I thought Photoshop was already available in the communist bloc back in Stalin's day?
The process kinda existed though, but obviously with the chems it had very shitty ends. Some are hilarious though...
Why is nobody asked the obvious question?
He has a heli but how will he pilot it?
Bulgarians are Orkz.
He's not the hero we want, but he's the hero we deserve.
Could that function?
>jumping on him like a trampoline
Looks like a display, it's on some sort of stands that are in the concrete. Pretty sure this is BS slide thread.
Would you let people camp on your yard or crash on your couch for money?
Happening all over the world, right now.
does he accept apprentices? not even joking, i could use "savior of europe" on my C.V
no idea
look into it. set up a proactive division of irl shitposters and kekistan has its own regular army
What kind of environment is a beige and green camo meant for?
>Dinko, who claims every refugee is a potential jihadist, is said to have a £38,000 bounty put on his head by Islamic State.
Seems like he hit a nerve
I haven't heard about our hero Dinko since his first round up, I'm proud at how far he's come
Pro Asyl is making hundreds of millions with refugees
probably the area of europe where we have lots of green-ish grasslands with hints of forests
yes goyim dont care about the election
vote gerb
you will get EU money
Who is behind Pro Asyl?
Trying to get this conversation going:
It's just a shame someone hasn't started doing that over here with all the fucking bulgarian immirants.
The election doesn't matter,literally everybody running is either a shill or criminal. Civil war is the only way to fix the country but everybody is too much of a pussy to do anything about it.
yes you can . a man in my county here in kentucky owns a fully operational Patton battle tank . he brings it every year to the bi-annual machine gun shoot at our local gun range and blasts cars and other shit to smithereens
I don't disagree, but this guy is the worst.
On tiers of doing nothing, he's the lowest.