>Post yfw Bernie couldve been president
>post yfw we couldve had universal healthcare and free schooling
just fuck my shit up
Post yfw Bernie couldve been president
who pays for the free healthcare and schooling?
>post yfw capitalism wins again
>post yfw gommunism fails again
the government
you have HER to thank 100% for it not happeneing
Nigga you ready to pay 50% of your income ?
oh, was Bernie going to bring back slavery?
The state duh
the 1%. why do you give a fuck about (((them)))?
That socialist who drives sport cars, owns multiple homes and pays less taxes than Trump? Yeah, too bad he isn't president...
>we couldve had universal healthcare and free schooling
No you couldn't have. Even Bernie knew that. He was selling you a bridge.
burgers will never get universal affordable healthcare, its merely a sales pitch to get a candidate elected
you will get unlimited universal migration and assrapings
feels good to be strong and the winner all the time
Trump had to pay 50% income tax due to the wealth he made, he didnt. Bernie paid the % of tax he was supposed to, trump didnt.
due to vested deep state corporate interests any attempt at universal, affordable healthcare in burgerland is sabotaged and destroyed
many states have passed laws for single-payer and all failed to implement the laws due to the deep state
>Massachusetts passed a universal healthcare program in 1986, but deep state sabotage resulted in its repeal before the legislation could be enacted
>New York State has been attempting passage of the New York Health Act, which would establish a statewide single-payer health plan, since 1992. The New York Health Act passed the Assembly three times: once in 1992 and again in 2015 and 2016, but did not advance through the Senate after referrals to the Health Committee.
>California attempted passage of a single-payer bill as early as 1994,[62] and the first successful passages of legislation through the California State Legislature, SB 840 or "The California Universal Healthcare Act" (authored by Sheila Kuehl), occurred in 2006 and again in 2008.[63] Both times, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill
In 2009, the Hawaii state legislature passed a single-payer healthcare bill that was vetoed by Republican Governor Linda Lingle. While the veto was overridden by the legislature, the bill was not implemented
>Vermont canceled its plan for single-payer health care
>The Minnesota Health Act passed to establish a statewide single-payer health plan but was
>free schooling
Read: Free indoctrination attendance.
Get back to me when they provide grants for trade schools.
You never should have believed those bedtime stories user.
Hang yourself, parasite.