Sudan just said Egypt should be part of its domain because Pharaohs were black.
Sudan just said Egypt should be part of its domain because Pharaohs were black.
This meme is seriously getting out of hand.
Can't wait to see what happens!
If Sudan wants a war of annihilation, then that's what they'll get.
Come home Egyptian you're not white.
I for one welcome our new black African overlords.
>tfw you told the Negros that if you were KANGZ, then fucking take it back you bitches
Egyptians are black
Every African country south of Egypt gas leverage to block the Nile from Egypt. They are just now excersizing that power and typically like in call of duty, Egypt will fall to black overlords. WE WAZ KANGZ is no joke.
Nowadays, with every African with functioning legs running from their homelands
They only running because you opened your borders, they would be stupid not to.
they ran long before. Just look at Lampedusa
White people could've been KANGZ if they didn't leave Egypt. Make it part of the EU and stop blacks from being KANGZ.
Niggers really are a fucking cancer
How can they really not see that?
They ruin every culture their people infest.
They bleed their hosts, and then blame them for their own lack of ability to keep up.
Fuck, I really am starting to hate niggers so much.
They all jsut need to be contained in Africa.
Even the mongrels.
Make them fix their shithole homeland, or wallow in it.
And it'll be great for the American niggers, too, since they're always going on and on about their glorious heritage that we whites stole from them.
I really can't wait until this all blows up.
This next world war is going to be great.
generally i don't give a fuck about you camel fuckers but i hope they don't start shit and if they do i hope you guys obliterate them
Egypt has always been a mix of semetic(black), Mediterranean, and Arab. Southern Egypt has always been black.
Have we meme'd an afro-arabian war into existence?
>tfw Sup Forums memes elect Donald Trump
>tfw Sup Forums memes start wars in Africa
>tfw Sup Forums memes start WW3
That's some animu tier move
Women being tortured to death is my fetish.
You still have whiteish Egyptians, although not white by Sup Forums standards.
That was WWE level desu
Europe needs millions of migrants to sustain capitalism and yet they are being selected from the middle east and Africans are being turned away by even the most "progressive" countries.
Really makes me think.
Who is this qt
Niggers completely lack the ability for abstract thinking.
This is why they always say we're holding them down.
They've been brainwashed to think that they're capable of the same shit that we are, mentally, when they aren't.
So, they blame us for their inability to keep up with us.
We're abusing these people and ourselves, by treating them as our equals
Yes the two countries are now threatening each other. This year Ethiopia will start it's dam which will reduce the flow of Nile to Egypt. War might break out.
nz got some srs vids
I'm Indian and Hindus and Muslims have been living in mostly peace for hundreds of years, in fact, the mughal era is described as the "romantic" period in India. Just because they may follow a different religion than you doesn't mean you won't get along.
One of our states (Kerala) has a very high muslim population, and yet their literacy is the highest, they're the cleanest and most prosperous too, but that's because of the policies that state enacted and because the promoted harmony between religions.
If you follow discord then obviously only discord can be the result.
Jk this is a repost pls keep going on the kang shit its like that mcdonalds commercial, I'm lovin it.
We tried sending the American niggers to Africa by giving them their own country to start out on, Liberia, and gave them a huge economic boost from trade with America.
Went ok for a little while but despite the help, they still devolved into a shithole.
Containing them in Africa is for the best but to expect them to fix it is doubtful at best.
Africa was left alone for a long ass time and had shitloads of natural resources but they still managed to still be savages living in mudhuts by the time the Europeans finally showed up.
White enough for Polish women, who seemed to be obsessed with Egyptians.
you don't try on a daily basis into trolling south africain nigs to kill somalians and nigerians?
>The Sudanese info minister rests his claim on Quran verse of Pharaoh saying that he rules over "rivers" while Egypt has only one.
Quran is the word of god, deal with it
Even the watermark is nigger tier
>Sand niggers vs niggers
This would be a legitimate reason to start a war for Egypt. You need to feed 90 million people.
It's been predicted that there will be water wars in the 21st century.
the flying weave really makes this webm
kek, the guy was watching him all the time
around blacks, never relax
I wonder (((who))) is building the dam?
I'd like to know what this guy was trying to do, steal the copper windings or something?
this was in congolombia
but damn, game me chillz when I watched it for the first time.
But there were black pharaohs, this is a fact and they came from what is now known as Sudan, read Herodotus Histories.
>Running around in your underwear with a machete, attacking disobedient females
>You will never be this alpha
wouldn't be the first time someone tried to steal a live high voltage wire and got cooked
This is the real question
the torn weave spells out 911 on the floor too
So just out of interest what's this sort of thing punishment for?
Can't help but feel sad we couldn't wipe out on time for decolonisation like with sati.
Oh shit, I didn't even think of that
You know it's true, too
Yes but two problems. All African countries are Ethiopia's allies. Secondly, Egypt never win a war. Remember six day war? Even Cyprus beat our ass, and they fucking tiny ass island.
Herodotus states that a Greek oracle was known to be from Egypt because she was "black", that the natives of the Nile region are "black with heat", and that Egyptians were "black skinned with woolly hair". Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips. Diodorus Siculus mentioned that the Aethiopians considered the Egyptians a colony. Appollodorus, a Greek, calls Egypt the country of the black footed ones. Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had "black limbs."
Hot dog roaster now gib me name?
Don't worry about it.
The Jews will figure out a way to keep those war shekels moving.
came here to post this
>tfw shitposting from town's IDS HABBENING bunker deep in the mountains with other Sup Forumsacks
And none of them have a functioning army while egypt is pretty stronk
And blocking a river is causus belli for war
>"inflicting a wound so the surgeon had to cut off a limb"
too bad they didn't get cut on the neck
turns out Italians are building it,with domestic concrete only,what can possibly go wrong?
legs just gave out, someone aint walking again.
What movie? If the baboon can hit that this gives me hope for me.
>make it part of the EU
nice try Abdel
no shit lel
i really wonder if he even realized that a cop car sitting there meant there were very likely cops inside and that it wouldn't end well for him or if he planned to attack the cops and thought he could win
Let me guess.
Plot to sue the owner because "yo dat dryer was unsafe, yall need ta gibsmedats fo hurtin muh baybay"