Bait Threads

90% of Catalog is bait, 1 liner, off topic threads.
Why does it take 200 Reply's before anything is done against these threads

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel you OP. It's really bad now. I guess it's because fucking normies and newfags fall for the bait.

Guess we will have to redpill them on slide and bait threads in those threads while saging and explaining saging.

alright I have to ask but dont be an asshole about it.

what is saging?

Why do we have three threads about Amy Schumer and her rotten snatch?
Why are there three threads up about north Korea?
Why do we need five threads about Russia and Trump?
Why aren't the constant blacked threads removed?
Why do we even have a sticky if the mods ignore every word of it?

for example there are 3 destiny threads with same pic up right now with 1 post by this ID. along with the 50 drumpf is done threads. its really starting to get annoying that the mods do it for free but are slow

in the options field if u right "sage" with out the quote marks it does not bump the thread and make it more relevant

Type sage in the options field, so you don't bump the thread up the board.
Try reading the rules/faq

I've noticed a lot more porn and nude pics being allowed recently. I report them since porn is not allowed but it takes a while to get removed sometimes.

Awesome. Thanks a lot.

its alright bro

Sup Forums is becoming Sup Forums tier. The shills have won. On the bright side, globalism and the world order are doomed.

Captcha system doesn't stop bots anymore, plus the mods have always hated Sup Forums.

The Fact People are replying to the,"Hi Sup Forums, how do i kill a cat"

If you post a picture or quote a post, sage doesn't work, just letting you know.

Does it matter? All it needed was a push and the house of cards is falling apart. Brexit and Trump were just the beginning. Humanity will be free from the chains. No matter what happens next, it will be cascading against the elites.

yes it is amazing
people even reply to a black cock pic with "KANGZ" as the only text from OP
i don't get it

Bump for knowledge.

im not gonna sage my own thread

My question is, what does your thread have to offer this board? nothing? looks like nothing.

Produce content and then maybe you're allowed to bitch about it. until then you contribute to the problem you're bitching about. seems a little weird I have to explain this to you.

How do you have such informative access to this user's posting history?

how do you know i dont? you back tracing my ip bro. but my thread hopefully will get noticed enough that the mods will notice but hey why not just let this place go to shit because talking about the problem don't help

I read the OP. It was shit. I applied the transitive property and assume other threads made by him are equally shit.

If you haven't realized it by now half the threads are literally share blue, ctrl, Strom front and host of other Fucking bs bots spamming the fuck out of each other.

I swear more than 60% of post on this board are just bots battling one another. Why all these stupid thread hit like 2pp replies with 1 post ID.

ik, ik. but there are people on here who aren't shareblue or ctr but dont think they exist, so i didnt add them to the title

i don't think that word means what you think it means

01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000
01100010 01101111 01110100 01110011
00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101
00100000 01110111 01101001 01101110
01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111



I have a (final) solution right here:
That should do a good purge.

Gore would be spam itself getting you banned.
Also I don't think it scares anyone anymore.

I'm still for creating good OC and reminding people of saging shit tier threads.

There's a /leftypol/ mod on this time of night who doesn't do his job on purpose, he'll even delete good threads to leave bad shit up

The fact that it's obvious the mods on right now leave those threads up on purpose

>Twitter screenshot + *sips tea*
>Horsey cartoon + "do you gun nuts even hear yourselves"
>shareblue-image filename + "Drumpf is done"
So long as these continue to get 200+ replies, people will keep posting them

This is the game. The mods dont "want" work, the shill problem since thr election was permitted by this shit owner and the new (mods).
They are trying to slowly cold kill /pol with the bad content strategy.

Mods deleting sweetie posting now :(

>Why don't we have more repression?
Back to where you come from, thanks

That's nonsens.

It's mad annoying most of the threads are spam and bots. I've had 'Drumpf' and 'BTFO' on filter for months now but the sharebleu diarhhea still seeps through.

not nonsense. he's asking for moderation. he's in the wrong place.


1 year ban for those who post bait garbage porn threads.
problem solved in a few hours/days.
mods are r/eddit butthurt faggots though.
go to other chans in the meantime.

Part of the problem is that the board has devolved into Sup Forums culture and most of the user base is ok with that. That genie is damn near impossible to put back into the bottle. Maybe another Sup Forums harbor would work, but that might be too extreme.

Sup Forums is just filled with porn now
It sucks.

>every board has a timer setting
>some boards timeout threads faster than others depending on average posting rate
>in the event of a slow posting day with more aggressive time out, threads are re-posted or bot posted
>that's why you keep on seeing the same old threads but it is not human made
>add a billion of new fags who just cannot not replying to a bait thread
>99% of /pol is too permavirgin to not reply to a thread with a tranny or a chick
That's why


The influx of Trumpfags ruined this board. And, it's not them baiting, and neither is it shills either. It's just shitposters wanting (You)s and easily getting them from Trumpfags.

Legit threads keep getting instadeleted (proving mods are online and active) while bait threads and threads that generally break rules never are. This is a site-wide issue and only started happening when hiroshima took over. Coincidence?
Fact is, Sup Forums may have died 10 years ago, but hiroshima turned it from a reddit haven into something far worse. We have needed a new chan for the past 10 years but nothing happened since everyone who was there when Sup Forums was still Sup Forums stopped coming.

>captcha doesn't fool bots
Do any other humans feel proud when they beat it?

Fact is, modern captcha is unironically easier for bots to solve than for humans.

The place was destroyed by reddit le donald posters, there are no quality threads or redpills anymore.

Why the fuck is there still a Trump General?

Also people need to look at the backstabbing this man does instead of worshipping him and claiming everything to be ''le90D chess XD''

Because, no one actually replies to decent threads anymore. We've fostered a culture of only replying to bait threads, so people only ever make bait threads.

I could post a news article about Trump and Russia, a story that was outrageous etc. Could ask Sup Forums some good questions and inputs and start a worthy political discussion. But because it didn't say "DRUMPF BTFO" or "HOW WILL THE ALT RIGHT RECOVER" you don't get any replies, in fact often your thread will archive with 0 replies.

Try it yourself, post a honest intellectual thread for the discourse of politics. Then post a thread with someones twitter (can literally be anyone, from a random starbucks employee to the homeless guy at the end of the road) tweeting stupid shit about Trump. title the thread DRUMPF BTFO and there you guy you have a 350 reply thread.

It is strange because we all know it's bait.. and we all know it's made by pollacks, we are eternally feeding on self afflicted trolling. Maybe its 20th dimensional chess in order to redpill normies that are here, they would see some pro-hillary anti drumpf thread with 300 replys who think the exact opposite, could be working well. Amazing phenomenon either way.

>1 post by this ID

Link all threads that hurt your feelings OP

Some bait threads have purpose. They can be used as a tool to dispense "redpills". Like when someone posts a pro-nigger (with anti-white slant) threads. People would usually dump nigger infographics (crime, IQ, etc.) to counter it, which turns the thread into a very educational one.
>educating newfags on niggers
But there are some threads that are shit, that's true. Those can be deleted.

What's needed is a mod that can discern bait threads that are useful and bait threads that can be deleted.

I forgot to add, I don't think the CIA despite their memetic warfare division could ever truly understand or harness the power of Mongolian weave image boards. For we don't understand ourselves, we are chaotic for we worship Kek the god of chaos

does anyone else regret voting for drumpf?
>10 ft wall
>mostly chain link fence
>mexicans still spit in my burrito at chipotle when I tell them not to

Bump for OPs list




Don't reply/sage these type of threads:
>pol/trump/etc/ BTFO
>really makes you think
>prove me wrong, protip: you can't
>trump is finished
>anything using Drumpf in the title
Also anything that maybe looks like bait, ignore if:

you're exactly right.

Even if news ever does get brought up, nearly ten of the same story pop up and all with hundreds of replies to them.


because now we have more normies and they fall for the bait

Ikr? They forget the rules
>Do not reply thread
>Do not reply posters

What so fucking hard about that newfags?

>self afflicted
oh wait ... let me try again
You are right. Still, often the 200 replies to a bait thread will have some value in their own right, it's not a total loss.

The mods are compromised

Shareblue is steeping up their game and people dont know how to sage

So why do we have the sticky, in your opinion?

It's not saging, it's sageing.

no one wants to have a discussion here, its all about farming dem (you)s

(you)s need to be removed from this site.



Because mods are shills.

Fuck off cunt nigger

we need more 'Sup Forums explained' generals (explaining slide and shill threads)
also we need more 'weaponized autism' threads (where anons expose some shit like the HQ of shareblue, or take down the HWNDU flag)
then stuff will sort itself out naturally

I lurk most of the time because im as new as a newfag gets but i pay attention to this shit and try not to shit up the board. I usually sage as many of these posts as i can because i like this place and like to see actual discussions, not "oh shit drumpf is done" or "he lied about X wut nao drumpfkins".
Maybe its Time to make a bunch of shariablue info threads to teach the other newfags about this shit.


that would explain it to shills