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Is climate change real?
Is this cute bear going to die?
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Let me rephrase - Is man-made climate change negatively impacting our (future) standard of living?
"Climate change " is real. The Sun is a much bigger player than "man made climate change" aka, man made global warming. In the 70's, when I was a kid, it was global cooling. It's just bs so the energy companies can make money.
The fear about AGW will melt faster than any ice caps
Give it 20 years, and everyone will look back and laugh about it like we do about 70s nutrition momscience
According to the majority of research by climatologists, AGW is not a major source of climate change. While it DOES exist, the amount of damage it achieves has never been shown to be any more than negligible and carrying no real effects against what was already occurring in nature.
lol no
The question you should be asking is "Is there anything we, as humans, can do to change the climate?"
I believe the answer is no, which means that it should really be a non-issue to us. If there's nothing we can do to change climate change, then we should just learn to adapt without the loss of freedoms and finances.
Its that niggers fault for living in Norway
It is real but we can't stop carbon dioxide emissions because Russia and China won't stop theirs.
Man made climate change is real, you have to be a retard and suadi oil Prince cock sucking cuck to believe it isn't.
However to believe it is as harsh as ((they)) want you to believe is just as stupid.
It's somewhere between but definitely real. Polar bears are going extinct.
Not an argument.
no. It's being pushed by the same group of Baby Boomer fucks who pushed Ozone layer and global cooling in the 80s.
It's these disgusting fucks who can't do anything productive with their life so they get a 'diversity consultant' gig or start teaching about 'ethnic jewish communication studies'
>Come on baby light my fire
>Here's a picture of a polar bear on melting ice
And MIlleanis are fucking stupid enough to subsidize their lifestyle while not having enough money to move out of their parent's basements.
you're all just bunch of scum that need to be genocided.
Sure lets all just revert to solar and wind power. Meanwhile, our ancient nemesis Russia and China build up their coal and oil power empire. Then they swoop in and conquer us all, is that what you want?
Yes. We don't live in a static universe.
not just the energy jew.
govt jew wants to tax you for global warming
>cute bear
That motherfucker would eat you and your entire family if given the chance.
True or not we have to change our system. Even is human activity hasn't an impact on global warming we are polluting this fucking planet to death.
We have an impact on many specie death. This badly affects the ecological balance. Human activity has cause terrible environmental disasters.
We are literally gassing ourselves with gazoline an coal, etc. So ask yourself. Do you want to give a polluted country and planet to your children.
Btw I remind you that (((ultraliberalism))) and overconsumption is way to enslave the people.
The problem with this question is that it assumes some kind of guilt for "man-made climate change". It has the same flavor as original sin in Orthodox Christianity. Same mechanism to get money and power as priests did now is adopted by "green industry" and other "environmental" activist: Gib us money, do what we tell you — to redeem your soul in front of the future suffering.
The truth is so, that there is no way of separating anthropogenic impact on global climate system, since it is chaotic in Hamiltonian sense.
They are just going to move south and race mix with grizzly bears creating grolar bears.
That being said, there is estimated to be about 30 000+ polar bears in the world right now, which is higher than they first anticipated. I'd love for them to keep existing though.
It's not just carbon dioxide it's also the methane that cows and other livestock produce.
Methane is more potent than carbon dioxide when it comes to changing the environment. It's the consumerist industry run by (((greedy corporations))) that are at fault.
I'm not telling you to quit eating meat. I am telling you to preferably raise your own livestock and don't fall for the mass produced meat Jew who produces more industrial meat than is necessary to feed the population.
>Let me rephrase - Is man-made climate change negatively impacting our (future) standard of living?
Most of Europe is literally covered with forests. I dont expect i'll suffocate to death any time soon.
Not to mention, CO2 increases plant growth--- so more pollution, more food for plants= more plants.
I also cant see how giving half my monthly salary will stop something that's been happening every 20,000 years.
That is simply not true. Define "pollution".
>Is man-made climate change negatively impacting our (future) standard of living?
Ironically warmer global temperatures would most likely boost our standard of living. It's too bad that climate change isn't happening though
Carbon emissions are actually good for the environment, better crops that yield more for less water, drought prevention, etc.
Data backed speech by Profesor Matt Ridley to the Royal Society in October, interesting stuff:
Molymeme also has a few good podcasts on the subject.
>climate change
>global warming
Ahahaha. Russia and China signed the Kyoto protocol. USA didn't. You are a retard.
Bears can swim.
Its all really funny senpai.
You're supposed to believe that USA will suffocate because there are a couple of factories in Russia.
I swear to fucking God, just hearing "climate" lately makes me rage.
How about fucking chemical dumping, oil spills, habitat destruction, emissions etc. We're dumping so much mercury into the water that the fucking fish are becoming poisonous. The ocean is filling with jellyfish, the reefs are all dying, just about every species is roaming further and further out of their natural territory because there isn't enough of it left to sustain them.
Are you fucking kidding me?
>man-made climate change
lost me there
I am getting PhD in geophysics. The amount of rage I have to conceal is over any reasonable level.
The worst thing is this crossbreed of postcolonialism and relativism that people try to sell as "science" nowdays:
>hur-dur natives in Arctic know better than whity with his observations and models, let's go survey illiterate eskimo and say that it proves something cuz reasons.
Bears can swim fucktard.
Please take a step back and observe this moron who is completely unaware of the fact, that, yeah POLAR BEARS, can swim.
He is a total retard, wouldn't you agree?
Jesus Christ, that is a different story and works only on small scales both in time and space. There should be reasonable level of environmental policy, however when it is abused (90% of all cases) — no good.
Oil spills are good. It is good for bacteria. Riffs are ok. Jellyfish is ok. Species are ok.
>what is autooscilatory systems
The whole question of environmental policy should be in finding minimum of the difference between the cost function and profits.
Yeah, they can swim, but you know those things they mainly eat? What are they called again...
Oh yeah, SEALS that can SWIM WAY FUCKING BETTER. Yeah those SEALS that they rely on that OUTSWIM them.
Polar bears main tactic is ambushing seals on the ice and getting them before they make it to water. Doesn't work that great when there's nothing BUT water.
That isn't the problem, though.
Their hunting possibilities will diminish IF ice caps melt.
>unironically thinking that polar bears can't survive on land.
Oh China signed it, whew we're safe to go to wind and solar now.
Where the fuck did I say polar bears can't survive on land you dumbass burger? I said they can't survive if all the land is MELTED. They can't just swim forever.
Christ the reading comprehension around here...
What ice caps? Are a retard? They don't live on Greenland or Svalbard ice caps Wich will not melt for many years in future btw.
>what is sea ice
>what is Arctic coastline where polar bears live happily
go to bestgore.com and youll find much more disturbing stuff than just muh ice bears
Because clearly we were all thinking it.
>Land melting
Quartz sand melts at around 1e3 °C.
>thinking that polar bears live on seaice all the time.
Fun fact, polar bears are amazing swimmers and get on the ice to look for food.
>picture of a bear playing on ice near a larger ice floe
>forever used as evidence of climate change despite being a recorded phenomena since long before climate change was even thought of as a thing
This will never not get my goat
Man-made or not, we would like to keep our environment habitable, therefore we should do everything in our power to combat climate change. Doesn't matter if it's man made or eventually our efforts prove to be futile, if we don't act we severely decrease our chances. And of course greener energy also corresponds to a cleaner environment. I for one like to live in a clean environment and breathing clean air. That's worth investing time and money in, and certainly worth restraining giant corporations in destroying the world for simply more profit.
>And of course greener energy also corresponds to a cleaner environment.
Current "green energy" goes against that though, it's worse than oil. Maybe in the future it'll be better.
But yes combating pollution is important.
yes but asking this question doesnt matter because no one on this board is significant or intelligent enough to ever have an impact one way or another
Polar bears routinely swim up to 65 miles from iceflow to iceflow looking for seals to eat.
Global warming is bullshit.
>cute bear
Holy shit, Jamal. White bears is one of the most violent predators on the Earth. this cutie will kill you for no reason in a blink of an eye (they don't eat human meat at all).
>The Sun is a much bigger player than
How so? No observations of the sun can explain the rise in temperature we've seen the past 100 years.
even it wouldn't be real. it makes sense to care about the planet.
Stay mad, ruskie.
This cute bear is cute.
Implying we need white bears for any reasons. Just let them extinct.
>Milancovich cycles
>Solar cycles
Not to mention the fact that 95-99% of heat on Earth comes from the Sun.
It's a chain reaction you idiot. When 1 thing goes extinct, everything else in that system changes. Seals start to reproduce like crazy without the bears to control their population etc.
You take 1 thing out of a system and everything in that system reacts.
Why though do you think that:
'Let me rephrase - Is man-made climate change negatively impacting our (future) standard of living?'
Is true?
I agree on fighting pollution but a warmer earth wouldn't necessarily be bad I guess....
Not to mention the national heritage aspect. As humans we enjoy watching and studying animals. Would you want to deprive future generations of the wonder of watching huge animals like polar bears in the wild? When you observe these animals going about their day it gives you perspective.
The future without animals like Rhinos, Elephants, Whales, all the symbolic animals would be shit and depressing. Who wants to live in the year 3000 where there's only Jellyfish in the ocean and insects on land?
>hurr-durr beastiality
Chill out James Bond
Why do you capitalize the species' names?
Yes OP and the only way we can save polar bears is by giving politicians scam money in the form of carbon taxes while they fly on jumbo jets and 747s.
All the conspiracy tards need to stop being critical of climate science. Science isn't about being critical or trying to disprove things, we must all accept this and fall in line without question.
Yeah thanks for your red king crab URSS everything went fine.
Just like the four pests campaign commies can't into logic.
I have no idea it's cause I'm drinking wine and it makes You Do Things.
Oh, these cuties!
What'd ya shoot it for, ya sadist?!
Polar Bears can swim long-distance, around 30 miles. He's fine.