Reminder that this man is literally at the forefront of sanity in order to fight collective madness

Reminder that this man is literally at the forefront of sanity in order to fight collective madness

If you can have a look at the shills and sjws in this vid and then explain to me how they're not profoundly disturbed individuals whose collective achievement is anything else than a social disease, I'm all ears.

Also, Peterson memes thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

shameless self bümp
for him

He's already been exposed for the intellectual hack he is
Not surprised that this is where he's worshipped

>asshurt paki upset over his anti-anti-islamophobia stance
If we can have 6 destiny thread sucking his cock can't we have 1 JBP thread without you fucking retards shitting it up

Gonna need sauce on that bucko

Something doesn't just come to existence because you want it to


an interesting perspective on your activity




>rants about how evil and horrible humans can be
>this kid walks in "is this positive psych"
>Peterson laughs

>"is this feminist dance therapy?"
>people laugh at her obviously
>gets mad at heteronormative cis-gendered fash

>"Jung is anything but positive"
>"Welcome to the belly of the beast kid"

>Jung is anything but positive
Do you know where he said this or where I can find materials on that specific point?

I don't get this. I really try to understand how you nu-Sup Forums posters work but I just can't comprehend it. You have been here now for.. months? years even? Trying to piss into an ocean of piss, trying to somehow change minds. It's mind-boggling how arrogant and detached you are. This place is never going to change. Even after all the shilling we still adore the same shit we always did.

holy shit is this what burgerclap universities are like?

It would seem so, but leftism is a social disease that has invaded the entire West unfortunately

Peterson is the ultimate red pill - abandon all modern ideologies and create change by reconstructing your internal moral values.

yes sir

This specifically is Canada, they are far worse than us. That doesn't change the fact that Americas is fucked as well. They are unironically indoctrinating us.

Threadly reminder to only post Peterson General threads after 6:00 AM GMT to avoid the retarded SJWleaf.

One thing I don't understand though is that they can't make others change by behaving like spoilt children, and they probably know it if they're even remotely smart. I really wonder why they keep doing it though, other than it's just some form of psychosis.

I like how hundreds of thousands of students around the world have chosen to ignore their actual professors (except to play along for grades) and pay real attention to this professor instead

> shill shillposts insults on Peterson
> self-references himself as confirmed proof


POZZED psychology

He often mentions that "Jung is really really dark", with which I think he means he can be really dark. I'm reading "Der Mensch und seine Symbole" right now and his general take on dreams and symbols and humans in general is rather upbeat and optimistic. I think when he goes into the shadow or stuff in "Aion" it can be really unsettling.
I think you can find it in his Jung lectures like
The lecture on Jung and the Lion King is imho one of his best:
He mentions Jung in here.

it's their cheap way of finding meaning in life

> I fight fashism. It's super-important.

How does the left think doing this shit helps them? All it does is rile up people on the right and gives him more support.

upbeat is maybe too much. Jung is optimistic about humans resolving their issues and be better, but the stuff he deals with (people) is messed up.

I'll have a look at this one, sounds like a good read. Thank you for the links.


I guess you're right. It's probably not by chance that it's strictly teenagers or young adults fighting for this crap.

Totally agree. It's simply retarded, hence wondering why they do it since it literally and obviously undermines their cause.

> I fight for Social Justice on Tumblr. It makes me feel better about myself. It makes me feel better than you.

better mouth

also bucko

That's a good one. You should try it with all these sjws crying because of Trump's election

you could even say he's a surrogate father

University is a hoax, and Peterson knows it. He even told his audience at Ryerson to skip Uni. Go to trade school. He knows the humanities are the heart of the University System, and to lose that to a bunch of ideologues means to lose the University system. So learn outside the University.

It's cheaper. It's more rewarding. People are rushing towards things like Patreon because they cut out the Academic middleman. Hell, you can donate to Peterson's and get his book and the self-authoring program at like 1/7th the cost (of course, only donate to Peterson's Patreon if you really think he deserves it. This isn't an endorsement, it's just an example.)

And if you're thinking about going to University, and taking out slavish student loans to pay the salaries of people who hate you; Don't. They will grind you to the bone and charge you for it.


If thy words speak honesty, post source


I'm curious
he often mentions how women are more neurotic than men
so why do so many more men committing suicides and actually succeeding in their attempts?

More men attempt suicide because the pressures on men are much higher and more numerous than those on women. Women's lives are easy, the only hard thing they do is child birth.

More men succeed in their attempt at suicide cause men are just better at shit than women. Women chicken out or fuck it up, men just eat the fucking gun or leap off a building.

most of the women who try suicide, commit it with bunch of drugs.

There was two cases in my ward where kid tried to kill herself with paracetamol leading to fatal kidney malfunction. She stayed alive, but she have to use kidney cathrether as long as she lives. Another kid wasnt so lucky - she died in 2-3 weeks.

Mostly guys who come to er after suicide attempt they have fucked up with the noose or survived the fall

I don't think women think shit through properly. I don't know if they even have the ability to think it through. I guess their emotions take over and they just swallow a bunch of medication like morons.

Guys either like you said will try to use a noose (why would you want to go out like that) or jump and only break their legs. If I was gonna do it I'd just shoot myself in the heart with a large caliber gun. Don't leave any chance of mistakes.