#RockvilleRape Protest seems to be a go. How many Kekistani's and #BasedStickMen are going to be there?
#RockvilleRape Protest seems to be a go. How many Kekistani's and #BasedStickMen are going to be there?
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Tomorrows looking better already
Why are there no pictures of the 'rape victim' yet.
She's 14 man. You can't. And even more shouldn't
Addition FOX Baltimore talked about the Chicago Facebook Rape, A game show host dying....but not a word on the #RockvilleRape
Wtf Fox!?!?!?
Is there even any proof he's illegal ?I would bet anything he isn't, it's only going to make you look like retards if you make this about immigration.
What is this about?
I live in area. Teacher called in to report that the hispanic students (majority) all thought it was funny and made jokes about the incident
They're "both" illegals you retarded nigger!
They're going to have plenty of people to talk that shit to later on from the looks of it
Oh I see its trumps fault now I understand bravo media
Can we get a quick gestalt on the issue?
Mexico sent their best rapists over the border or some shit
Two illegal immigrants, one 18 and the other 17, raped and sodomized a 14 year old girl in the school bathroom. Despite their age, the two rapists were both in school as freshmen, in the 9th grade, due to their lack of English and poor education. The 18 year old had been stopped in Texas last year, in 2016, when Obama was President, but he was released and allowed to walk away.
Fucking beaners
Hell, this case is even having the normies all riled up, at least I'm the DC metro area. This might be the case needed to get immigration laws going and kick these fuckers out.
They are lucky this happens in the people's republic of Maryland, no guns means the beaners sit in jail instead of the parent shooting them.
18 and 17 years old in the 9th grade.
Latin America is sending it's brightest and most hard working, ayy lmao. what would we do without these immigrants.
Live here. Very angry about this.
But immigration is a net plus, so none of this matters.
He's smiling but his eyes are dead...weird looking fucker.
Where at, my dude? I'm in the Germantown/Frederick area
What's happening tomorrow?
Glenmont waddup
It's weird seeing Sup Forums discussing my Alma mater
Trump was being inflammatory when he said that Latinos are rapists
Lads they're at it again
DCfag here.
There's been a lot of problems in that district between this and people beating up Pro-Trump students
An illegal immigrant raped a toddler
Montgomery County (where the rape tooK place) might be one of the most cucked hellholes outside of NYC and LA
Hagerstown here :(
I know that, I meant to link the second poster to the explanation post but I am a bellend and tagged the wrong one.
Wait I Fucked up.
That did happen but this is about 2 illegals that raped a girl in a school bathroom.
That is how Liberals are, doublethink causes great stress.
Reminder that hispanics are white, this isnt a race issue, this is just another case of whitey chimping out
I live like 5 minutes away I'm gonna go over there later today
I live in PG County. Every MoCo person I meet are fucking pussies
>I live in PG County.
So you're a nigger?
Immigration and illegal immigration are just proxies for race issues. If he's not White, then it is right to frame it as an illegal immigration issue.
Na. But I am surrounded by them. Doesn't bother me cause I've lived here my whole life. The ghetto shit is annoying though.
And because Texas has SHIT EDUCATION rules they allow grown men to be in school with prepubescent girls
No child Left behind is welfare for diplomas and saturates education
>pg County
We are a minority in our county and have been for years.
I'm studying to become a teacher and I did an internship at Rockville, since I live in the area
It's pretty bizzare, but I wouldn't say I'm surprised. I think Rockville is 60% Hispanic. I'm also wondering if one of them had a learning disability because I'm pretty sure I recognize the name of one of the rapists as a kid in my special education class. I might have the name wrong tho
This. Please nuke moco
t. Mocofag
Sean Spicer revealed at white house presser, that the female victim was a immigrant herself.
No word if she was a Latina or some kind of shitskin ISIS bomber, but this narrows it down.
I live in Rockville
i love close but i cant be bothered by such trifles. you see, i am working on my philosophies.
Carroll County reporting in. What this user said. It's amazing the amount of shit that is condensed into these liberal utopias.
she's 14 you stupid cunt
There talking about it right now on Fox News right now
A 14 year old has already gone through puberty, dumbfuck. Also, this was in maryland.
I need the basic gestalt on this.
Was it two spicerones diddlin a black girl? Or a white girl? Are they illegals?
two illegals raped a legal immigrant
I am in the school as we speak (18 year old senior)
>Was it two spicerones diddlin a black girl?
Two border jumpers gave the ol raperoo to a 14 year old freshman of unknown racial origin. Given the area, she was likely of non-white origin
>Are they illegals?
At least one of the rapists is illegal
If she was black there will be race riots.
Blacks don't like latinos
>Even the Washington Post commenters are pissed off about illegals
wew how will the democucks play this one down?
Why don't libtards realize they are in the extreme minority when it comes to immigration?
meetup in front of the school at 2:30pm
Blacks commit majority of rapes. Last year a nigger in Hoston raped several Hispanic women.
Probably a troll but...
When they receive a slap on the wrist and get tossed into their country just to cross back over the border like it's nothing, there is a god damn issue.
It was all over Fox and Friends this morning
How are students responding? One user said a teacher reported kids were joking.
Was she a stupid cunt that misinterpreted making light to cope with a horrifying event. Or are most of the kids there really pieces of shit that don't care?
In Maryland, precious migrants are allowed to rape, drive drunk, etc. They will receive slap on wrist punishments, sorry, "punishments" and may or may not even be deported a year or two from now.
Not to mention the fact they are probably both in their mid twenties, and the only "proof" they are 18 years old, is their declared age, what they said.
>How old are you Pedro? You get much more benefits if you're under 19 years old??
>17 years old amigo.
Maryland state senate was about to pass a comprehensive state-wide open-amnesty for all illegals law. Guess that won't fly now.
oh and here you have a Religion of peace devotee raping women
Notice how they lightened his skin in the photo
Kek, that's my old synagogue.
Anyways, I'm from Montgomery county, where this occured. This county is mindblowingly rich, my zip code is one of the richest in the country. Of course, it's filled with Jewish bleeding heart liberals who advertised the area as a safe zone for illegal immigrants. The upper half of the county used to be honest working rednecks and the lower half was honest working Jewish doctors and lawyers, but now it's all dominated by these retarded Mexicans, and this change has happened directly within the last few years. It's like Gone With the Wind, but we fucking did it to ourselves
They are Mexicans of course they're pieces of shit
Sweeden anf Germany media would be defending the rapists
Because they scream the loudest to create a false sense that everyone else is in the minority. They do this to bully people into staying quiet.
And even if they are in the minority, that has nothing to do with whether something is moral or not. Being in the minority actually fuels their sense of Justice. Think of all the underdog stories that teach "do what is right even when others say it so wrong" in books and movies.
In a study it was found Democrats tend to make decisions with their emotions and republicans tend to use logic.
To understand a liberal you must strip all logic from your thinking and only follow your emotions.
>Mexicans feel sad when we ban them from crossing over without going through security!
Bump...them off.
I will be satisfied when men of color on other continents shit themselves at the thought of getting on the radar.
it's funny, I remember seeing polls (legit ones that people are not scared to answer truthfully) regarding shit like illegal immigration
and 80% of Americans flat out want them deported, 10% don't care and the remaining 10% are those staunch defenders that shit up our nation with these awful laws
what the FUCK is wrong with liberals?
They can't win elections so their plan is to import voters
What people should do is attack and brutalize the school superintendent for letting these people in. You could go after the perpetrators too but they'll be taken care of prison anyways; unless you go to the source of the problem, it will never stop.
Once you start attacking the leaders a la Breivik style, things will change. Make them pay in blood for their treason.
Dude anal lmao
The school already has - it's apparently indefensible to deny someone an education just because they're a criminal from another country.
Rockville reporting in. Please nuke this cancerous nigger loving liberal state.
>Rockville Maryland
The majority of the students, and the parents are non-whites. The whites who are there, are children of wealthy feds who work in DC and tend towards statism/leftism open borders.
I just pity any redpilled white students who find themselves at a shit(skin) school like that for any reason.
Also this. NEED DOTR here. Too many niggers and spics moving in and ruining our nice clean neighborhoods.
>Trump called mexicans rapists
>everyone bashed on him
>fast forward to today
>everyone agrees that mexicans are rapists
You uneducated swine.... the MSM already released the facts The 18 yr old came in under Obama's years. Still Obama's fault, just like everything the last 8 yrs.
>((((18 year old senior))))
nice try underage b&
There's a lot of minorities here that hate the illegals and ghetto nigger trash in moco. The chinks that live here all are doctors or lawyers or business people who don't want Maryland to be a sanctuary state. People are pissed. Especially with the super intendant saying that this has nothing to do with illegals. Fucking lynch them all.
PG is worse. Keep your niggers and spics there, and stop exporting them here to Charles County.
WOW! It's almost like liberals were just virtue signalling about loving Hispanics and niggers so they won't be seen as a racist...
>what the FUCK is wrong with liberals?
they hate you and want you replaced
I think if people decided to start beating up illegals, they will get the picture and go away.
Frederick/Germantown fag again
Holy fuq bois, I didn't know so many of us were in the belly of the beast. Do you guys want to plan a meetup at the Frederick range?
Lol im literally in rockville rn this place is a shot hole, pretty cool architecture though
Its definitly not 60 percent hispanic i work in the center bro its mix of whites balcks and spanish almost perfectly
Do you know Ghost (Earl)?
Nope, but I do know some Sup Forumsacks in the area
Baltifag reporting in. RACE WAR NOW
Kinda. If you ever get out to hagerstown, Hafer's gunsmith has a nice range as well
It shouldnt be broadcast in the media, it just encourages racism.
>How many Kekistani's and #BasedStickMen are going to be there?
I want an entire squadron of the fuckers in formaton, acting like riot police but only against leftists.
I could go, but inneed assurances that I won't be alone. Where are the details to the event?
DC here, every time I go to Maryland I have the urge to kill someone. 90% of drivers there are spics who are either drunk or still think they're in El Salvador.
Glad this at least happened in MoCo where people would pay attention, if it happened in PG no one would really give a shit
>The chinks that live here all are doctors or lawyers or business people who don't want Maryland to be a sanctuary state.
KEK just remind you, that Asians might say this or that to their white friends, but they vote like 90% democrat. Their actions speaks louder than words senpai.